Earth changes, Enlightenment, Golden Era, light worker

A Dissertation for the Layman: Understanding the Term “BEING AWAKENED”

I have been guided to write this post for those that do not understand what it means to be an AWAKENED BEING OF LIGHT.  As a student of ascension for many years and now a teacher in this realm, I have a tendency to direct my posts toward individuals that are already on the Pathway of Light or Mastership.  But what about those that may not understand what December 21st, 2012 may mean for the general public?

So I will try and write in layman’s terms of the mere beginning of what it means to know my Inner Truth and to share it as best as I can.  I have had friends in the past that did not understand me.  So, of course, they are no longer in my circle of acquaintances.  This is what happens when you walk into a journey that many do not understand.  I also have family members that truly do not understand the depth of my knowledge or why I am doing what I love.  They just accept it after 25 years of me being on this pathway.

So I dedicate this blog to those of you who want to know more but are unsure of where to look.  First, I want to make it clear that I am not a teacher of the uninformed.  Most of our students at Walking Terra Christa are Lightworkers and have been so for several years.  They want to delve deeper into their Soul’s essence to heal themselves on deeper levels.

Some of you may already been in the Self-Help pathway but what I am about to share is way beyond the origin of feeling good about yourself.  What is a Lightworker?  Hmm…I think it speaks for itself, an individual who works with the light which can mean a variety of elements:  earth changes, healers, coaches, etc.  What I do is teaching about the Pathway of Mastery and each of us being those masters for the New Earth.

Which really brings me to the subject of this blog, The New Earth.  What does that mean?  Will this Earth desecrate and no longer exist?  Not sure about that element but what I do know that the world is changing but not everyone within this world.  We have been in the stages of duality for a very long time and we are now moving out of that role as Gaia, who is the name for Mother Earth, is evolving just as we are individually.  The term is Ascension but in reality it is about –DE-ASCENSION.  We are now accepting the fact that we are more than our physical bodies.  We are learning that our Higher Self who is our Highest Consciousness is de-scending into the physical reality and not just on a consciousness level but PHYSICALLY.  What does this mean for us?

Well, the physical body is not used to a higher Light Quotient.  What is a Light Quotient?  Well, it is when we accept the higher dimensions within our physical body beyond the 3rd.  As more light enters, it causes the body to react by not sleeping, sleeping too much, eating differently, feeling differently, periods of happiness or sadness for no reason, and the list goes on.  Everyone feels it differently so there is no rule in how to treat it except being kind to ourselves.

It also represents that we believe in Oneness – that each of us are part of a Creative Process in which we were ONE Spirit all together.  The Creative Source of Oneness decided that this should change so Divine Mother and Father God were created along with each of us as our I AM Presence.  Then we were separated into embryos known as Souls.  We have 144 souls within our close soul family divided into 12 pods in which on a higher consciousness, we interact with each other.

So what is occurring on the planet now is that people are activating these parts of themselves into the physical creation.  It takes a lot of work though to fully activate these energies, because we have blockages from previous lifetimes called Timeliness that are now being dissolved.  This is what happens when an individual becomes aware that there is more to themselves than just the physical creation. We also learn that we create our own reality.  That is a tough one to figure out also.

2012 is being considered the Golden Year which means more individuals have awakened with these concepts than any other year of the planet.  It also means that people that hated themselves learn that they can love themselves just as much and it takes a whole lot less energy.  Healing occurs in many different levels through the Physical, Emotional, and Mental bodies.  But it has to go through each of those bodies for it to happen.

Now at the same time, Gaia, Mother Earth, is also ascending.  So the geographic areas are changing with the healing she needs to do.  This also brings us to the next part of our journey.  Every individual has a choice whether to feel fear or joy and it creates Gaia to overact in certain ways.  Every time there has been a prediction of geographic catastrophe there are many Lightworkers on the planet that are assisting energetically to heal these areas which makes a big difference on the healing of the Earth.

Now that I have laid most of the groundwork, it should help to understand what is happening presently.  I could write for a long time on each of these elements but that is not my goal.  My focus is to assist those that do not understand what the Mayan Calendar is showing us in a change in consciousness on December 21st, 2012.  That’s exactly what is happening.  More light is coming into the planet than ever before and is calling an accelerated amount of frequency to be embodied by every living element on Earth. Each of us is changing greatly even if we don’t want it to happen.

There have been predictions that it is Doom’s Day and the world is ending.  I do not believe that fact, but we are changing and must change with it.  Let’s face it, more and more people are choosing to leave the planet.  This is because the energy is getting so intense that we need to move with it or it will create more havoc in our lives.  We have been in a period of duality for so long that many think that is how it needs to be.  Well, my friends, it is going to change at the end of this year.  We are coming into Oneness but every living being has to accept it for themselves.  We must not blame others for our problems and see that we are all part of the issue that is occurring.  There is light and dark upon the planet but in order to see the light we must acknowledge the dark especially within ourselves.  This is truly the awakening we are going through presently.  Elements are arising for each individual to change it and if it is not changed, it will get worse, believe me.

So if you want to take a look at what is happening within the planet presently, here are some earmarks of events.  The New Moon and Full Moon are very powerful times and we need to take advantage of them.  In the Month of November there are Eclipses with each of the moon cycles, there is an 11:11 day and then a 11:22 day.  These are activations from a higher consciousness that allows doorways to be opened into a new reality.  When you allow yourself to be willing to see beyond the physical, you will see the beauty of who you are.

Each of these dates are helping us to move into two more amazing dates of December 12th and then the 21st.  The planet is being infused with the highest quality of light ever possible upon this planet.  The Christ Consciousness is now our awareness.  It does not represent Jesus but what he stood for and all of the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy.  We are not alone.  Many follow the angels in their religious teachings.  What I am talking about is all those religions came from one source and learning to approach it within Unity of Spirit.  We are now going back to that Source of Light that We Are.

So how do you help yourself with this process?  Being better with yourself, accepting your faults as not faults but change them into beautiful moments.   Acknowledge you have anger and releasing it by realizing the fact that you are a Divine Being of Light and allow those thoughts to be within you completely.  Everyone needs to wake up and realize that we are Divinely Guided and not as looking at GOD but having GOD within us.  We are children of God and we are here to do very important things. We have gifts to share and also to receive from others.  These elements also come into our physical body through the Etheric Body.  It remembers everything that you have ever experienced and creates dis-ease within the physical structure.  It is important to clear all of the issues in order to raise our consciousness and physical existence within the Earth.  Eventually, we are all moving into a fifth dimensional existence.  Some believe it is happening now but on a physical and geographic area, I believe it will take some time.  But this year in 2012 is our first step.  What we do not take care, WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF FOR US.  So it is imperative to get moving into our Inner Self and Heal more deeply than you ever thought you could do so.  It will change how we view life and our relationships.  Elements can change deeply through this process like friends leaving you or others not understanding, but it must be looked at as this is the process of loving yourself.  Change is good; when we stagnate we become lodged within our own fears and judgments.  This is a huge process but if you feel it is time to look at yourself with a better perspective, than please do.  More and more people are waking up unto themselves, and this is the beauty of this age of enlightenment.

Take time in the next six weeks and reflect on who you are.   The parts of yourself that you do not like, then work on changing them.  Breathe deeply and allow your essence to enfold within you.  Be positive with your thoughts and your words as it reverberates across the Universe and comes back to you ten-fold.  So if you are flowing and loving, eventually you will feel it within yourself.

If you want to go to deeper levels, find a meditation group to help you connect to other parts of yourself. You just may find one of the members of your soul family that wants to meet you.  If you want to delve more, then read about the teachings of the Ascended Masters or look into channeling from some very beautiful beings of Light.  The reflection is so deep that you will find yourself in some of these expressions that are awaiting for your arrival.

If you want to go further and step into the deep aspects of Ascension, contact us at Walking Terra Christa.  We hold weekly calls and free open calls for the Full Moon. Check out our website as we have a great deal of information that can assist you to delve deeper into your Soul’s Essence.  It is a great time of Awakening and now is the time to do it.

If you really want to prepare yourself for the first doorway which is November 11th, check out our meditation video.  We do work with the higher vibrations so there is chanting in the middle of it that may seem a little odd, but if you allow yourself to tune into your Higher Essence of your Higher Self, and just flow with it, you may be very surprised in the outcome.  Use it often through the next six weeks.  The link to the video is listed below:


In expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Ascension Vibration Mastery

Equinox, light worker, Manifestation, Self Healing, Self Love

Walking Into the Pathway of Renewal & Rebirth of the Self – Celebrating the Equinox

This year in 2012 has proven to be such an amazing experience for everyone on this Earth.  For the Lightworkers it has given us many doorways to fully empower ourselves into the Light that we are.  We are about to experience another doorway into a realm of only what we have been dreaming about.

The Equinox on September 22nd, 2012 will prove to be an opportunity for each of us to grow deeper into the expression that We Are.  Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere will experience Autumn and the individuals in the Southern Hemisphere will be celebrating Spring.  It does not matter that we are in two different locations around the world as the weather is changing for each of us.  What truly is the expression is that Autumn represents the Harvest and Spring represents New Beginnings.  So we are totally aligning with each other in Oneness as it truly should be.

This week previous to the Equinox is proving to be a time of working through our emotional balance especially with Inner Child issues.  If you are finding that you are sad for no reason, or your interactions with others is not going as well as you would like, please know that the energies of the New Moon are assisting us in the creative process of Rebirth and Renewal.  It is a time to fully take care of ourselves and allow the nurturing elements to fully come within us.

There is a doorway of opportunity during this Equinox to fully remove what is holding you back from moving forward completely in love and acceleration of our Spirits.  Each of us is transitioning every day throughout this year as the energetic pushes are guiding us deeper into ourselves.  This New Moon is so very powerful as it is assisting us to come into more completion than we were a month or week ago.

So please take this opportunity before the Equinox to fully remove these emotional and mental essences that have been with you for eons of time.  Take time to be in nature, talk to Gaia and ask for her assistance.  See the waters moving freely and put yourself in a body of water whether it is in visualization or actually bathing.  We are fully walking into a new doorway of opportunity to fully embrace the ability to access our desires like never before.  Whether you are in the southern or northern part of the world, it is our divine expression to fully embrace all that we have been working towards not only this year but each year of our creation.

I am very intense about this because personally I experienced an energy that was released on Monday afternoon that I thought was mine but yet it was different.  I spent about three hours in extreme emotional pain not sure how to remove it.  It felt familiar of the old that I had released from my inner child issues, but yet I knew that I had already gone through that process many years before.  I have found myself in a very beautiful life circumstance and this energy took me over like none other.  It turned out I helped someone else out that is very close to me in an emotional way many years before. It was at a time that I wanted to assist on a soul level so I took on this person’s inner child to heal it through my body; but it was now time to remove the essence I was caretaking within myself.  The pain was great as this soul has been dear to me.  I know I helped this person without my conscious mind being part of the experience.  But yet it came up and with the help of Mike, my partner, we removed the cords but not without a deep grieving process.  I saw the face of this individual and that is how I knew what I experienced.  It happened at a time when I was alone and thought, “Well, why not assist.  I am strong enough.”

It was in this moment I realized it was not mine to hold onto any longer.  I assisted greatly by allowing this essence to be within mine, a highly evolved being of Light.  I then felt my strength and realized how strong I really am.  During the hours that ensued there has been great grieving as I feel like I have lost something that was so dear to me but it was time for me to be me, once again.  I called upon Lady Isis who has been assisting me in the past year to learn the art of surrender and once again she came to my aid.

Sometimes we take on others energies for good reasons and sometimes they are not so good.  I share this story because I think it only helps people to realize how much we help each other on different planes of existence.  We are continually evolving and when it is time to fully embrace your Inner Power then that doorway must be walked through with ease and grace.  You may also be assisting someone else or you may have taken on something that is too much for you to handle.  Now is the time to realize the REAL YOU.

I believe this Equinox is this doorway for each of us.  We experience approximately 12 hours of Light and Dark in the same moments.  It is a time to fully realize what you want to take with you and what you want to release.  When it is all done in love for yourself and others, there can be no other way to do so but embrace the Light and Love that you are.

We will be holding a special call (our gift to you) on Saturday, September 22nd to celebrate this entryway into our pure essence of manifestation and new beginnings ~ REBIRTH AND RENEWAL.  Join us at 11 AM Pacific via telephone or Skype (instructions on  We will be celebrating another amazing moment for each of us within this Golden Year.

Dial Information:  530-881-1400, Code 148525# ~ MP3 download available after the call.

We hope you will be with us.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Awareness, Goddesses, higher consciousness, Higher Self, journey of Light, Lady Masters, light worker

The Essence of Meleriessee ~ How Deep Are You Willing To Travel for the Love of Yourself?

This  journey that I have decided to embark upon is one that is very personal but yet, I feel very important for others to see that it can be done.  The outer reflection of what I am feeling presently cannot be measured by words or thoughts, but fully walking upon the pathway each of us chooses.

It is now at the end of the year and I want to recap what has occurred so that others can fully understand and accept their own choices in each moment.  So my story will be shortened in order to give a recap of some of the moments that occurred but that does not mean it is lessened in any way, shape, or form.  What I was able to acquire is beyond my wildest dreams but the walk that I had to do was in no means easy to do so.  It is with great reflection that I write these words as they are truly deep within my own essence of Meleriessee as she is now fully embodied within my physical existence.  Each of these elements that I created and walked through are just as important as the previous or the next.  They are all stepping stones in what I was able to create for myself completely within my physical vehicle.

The foundation of this journey has been almost 30 years of hard work and toil of looking deeply within myself to fully combat the negativity and lack of faith I had within myself.  I take full responsibility for all that I encountered and my soul created each moment before and during my birth onto this Earth as Christine.  This could never had been achieved without a wonderful mother whom I have just realized had more of a major part of this pathway than I thought within her Soul’s Essence and a father who challenged me in more ways than I can imagine.  I thank both of them for being there in the pain, the sorrow, and the joy; thereby, allowing me to have the great courage I would need to walk through these doorways of darkness into the light that I Am now.

In my previous writing I shared how Quan Yin had come to me to express the compassion I needed to express within myself.  During this writing I will share with you the other Lady Masters that did the same for me.  Each of them is honored greatly, and they are fully embodied within my essence.  It has taken me quite some time to fully realize within me the magnificence of what I have experienced and how the enfoldment of the Goddess that I Am has taken on new meaning for me.

Lady Lakshmi was the next essence to share onto me her beautiful movement within her Being.  I always loved Lakshmi when I channeled her as she brought to me such fluidness and always moved my arms around the room as if I could fly away.  This was the stage of growth that was so much fun to me.  I now was able to just fling my arms around and say “I am moving, I am fluid, I am flying like the wind”.  It was a wonderful expression to have within me.  Whatever appeared for me in those days, I could just dance around the room and be totally free.  This is not something I have done very well in the past.  I have always been very serious and found it difficult to laugh at myself.  Lakshmi showed me that there is nothing too serious that cannot be played with although in its moments seriousness has a major role within our lives.  Expressing myself in this way was new and different especially with a male friend right by my side.  I now was fully sharing myself in a way that none other had experienced.  The depth of what happened to me cannot be explained.  It is like an open wound and that wound needs to heal; it will not heal until all the excess debris is fully removed.  How do we as women show ourselves to a male friend and not feel as if we are being judged?  That is a difficult one to handle but yet in that expression, each of these Lady Masters then incorporated their energies onto him, and it was his turn to see his own expressiveness.

We were on quite a journey with each other that neither of us expected.  As I integrated each of these ladies of the Light, they then imparted onto him as it could not be helped.  We shared our energies through our eyes and touch each morning.  We had a strong foundation as friends but yet both of us had our own issues.  Me, being, the emotional one, always brought up my feelings and usually cried through the process.  He had a way of helping me understand with his male essence through my mental level.  At this point, I was told to completely surrender my male essence onto him and he would be there to assist me.  Well, for a woman who is completely independent for many years and have had to exist on her own, do not think this was easy.  But something within me told me there was no other way.  In order for me to survive and allow the essence of my inner self to be realized, surrender was my middle name at this point.

It was at this juncture that Lady Pallas Athena stepped forward with her energies.  Many do not relate to her and I can tell you why.  TRUTH is her essence and she truly showed me what I needed to look at within myself.  This was so deep within my inner core of eons of lifetimes that I have hidden away from elements that did not serve my present circumstances.  If I can trust myself completely and with love, then the trust comes from all around me.  It is when we cannot trust our own feelings and actions that we create relationships in our lives to be unworthy.  Again, it goes deeply into what we create and it is our reality that we are being shown even if we do not like the feeling we are experiencing.

As I learned to trust myself in being very vulnerable with Mike, I was then able to receive what I always needed:  respect, trust from him, and deep love.  If I love myself so deeply, how can I not feel the love that he sees within me?  We are all mirrors for each other and we had been told by many ascended beings that we were being reared for greatness in our pathways.  We are Twin Flames and were in training to be Twin Rays.  We did not know what this would entail only that Spirit kept saying it would get better and better.  In the meantime it was deeper and deeper with each activation and ceremony that we would create in nature.  Without those ceremonies and the guidance we received, I would not be writing these words at this time.

It was at this time that Mother Mary showed her presence in my life.  She was quite refreshing after receiving the energies of Pallas Athena.  There were many moments that I felt deeply raw in my essence as the wound was now open like it had never been before in a physical body.  Everything was exposed and Mary showed onto me how to fully allow the nurturing she assisted me with in these moments.  Her energies were so fluid and healing for me.  It was a time that I could fully accept the changes that were occurring for me.

All the while my friend, Mike, was going through his own integrations, awareness, and healing within him.  We had a way of really supporting one another through each phase.  Our relationship became an ebb and flow like I never thought I could realize in this lifetime.  If we had issues, we talked about them and supported one another through the process.  The old way of not being accepted was not part of our reality and fully allowed each of us to be in our full presence at all times.

Then Isis and Osiris decided that they wanted each of us to channel them so they could converse.  This was a very interesting phase for all of us, both Isis and Osiris along with Mike and myself.  We all changed deeply in these elements and I, as Christine Meleriessee, felt Osiris’ love of Isis deeply.  It was an amazing journey for me to experience such depth.  I cannot speak for Mike except at this time, his higher self staring becoming more active as Ara.  We would converse with each other during our energetic sessions as Meleriessee and Ara and not our physical names.  This was another integration point for both of us.

I explain this about each of us because without his essence as Ara I would never had become Meleriessee fully.  This was entirely orchestrated by our higher selves, and it is my personal account of our journey together and in no way reflects what Mike or Ara may have been feeling.  It is my perception of the energies together.  He helped me deeply to fully surrender as the Goddess needs to do and let go of my male essence that was no longer needed to survive.

This process took many days and did not happen overnight.  Some days I did not know how I was going to get through the next moment with the tears of releasing eons of moments in my soul’s history onto the physical existence.  This has never happened for any of us before and without the work I had done previously it would never had been possible.

So at this point I am feeling the love within me deeply but the journey was far from reaching it’s destination.   There were deeper and deeper moments to come from more Lady Masters.  The depth of what I have experienced cannot be measured in time as it is lifetimes and lifetimes of feelings being revealed onto this body known as Christine.

Please continue to read the following blogs as this story is still unfolding very deeply.

In Expressions of Oneness,

I AM Lady Meleriessee

11:11:11, ascension, Goddesses, journey of Light, light worker, magic, Oneness, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality

Walking into a New Paradigm of Existence ~ A Personal Reflection of 11:11:11 Energies

As we move closer onto the frequencies of this amazing event, many are guessing what it may be like for them.  With the work I am doing I have been sharing teachings and attunements to help with the balance of our lives as we are destined to fully incorporate the new wave of creation within us.  Each of our experiences will be different but quite similar.  That is what we hope for as the change is happening in these moments.

I have been gifted with many people coming into my life recently.  Being in Mt. Shasta has fully changed me in ways that I was not prepared to receive; but our Higher Selves are the makers of our destiny and sometimes we do not realize what is going to occur.  It is about fully integrating those higher essences within each of our selves.  Many know I have spent many years doing this work, accelerating myself with my Light Quotient in order to share with each of you.  I am no different than many; I chose to do the work for myself and for others as Spirit taught me very deeply.

About a month ago many changes happened to me.  A good friend arrived here to fully experience the energies of Shasta as I was here to assist him in the shamanic journeys, ceremonies, and the essence of Mt. Shasta which is so much a part of my Beingness.  We found we need to work with one another, and he is returning but not without some shifts in consciousness.  I found within myself during that time that Lady Isis wanted to fully walk with me as she taught me to embrace my Divine Essence of the Goddess Within.  He helped me doing so by being supportive during that time.  I cannot tell you what it feels like to hold these energies.  It is encompassing and sometimes very uncomfortable.  I have been unsure of what I am supposed to do with it.  My thoughts of these elements have shifted dramatically with another inidividual that appeared in my life.

Around the same time I met IAM up on the mountain.  He resonates with a Telosian energy, full of love, but yet so very intergalactic.  Our initial meeting was brief as the snow was falling but I found a complete connection to this young man.  Little did I know how much he would change my life.  As of this week, IAM contacted me again.  He came to visit with myself and my friend, Heather, who is now in Shasta which I have to say is another great support of family coming together.  We spent three hours of talking and listening to his stories of intergalactic travels.  He lives in his car on the mountain and is gathering people together in unison between Telos and Mt. Shasta.  He returned again yesterday.  He channels the 144th dimensional frequency of a Unified Group of Oneness that overlights all frequencies.  We included my friend, Mike,  from the East who is returning to do the work more fully and the information is quite interesting.  IAM is very highly attuned and asked if  Heather and I would like to have our 5th dimensional timeline put into the 3D.  We both accepted willingly.

What has resulted in the last 24 to 48 hours is something that is very hard to explain.  I had to look at my new partnership in a new way but yet I truly knew that this was the pathway that I wanted.  Sometimes we want things to happen that are from our old existence and we think we can bring it into the new world.  Everything changes when you are guided to work with certain individuals for a higher pathway and you must surrender onto it deeply.  I surrendered onto the Isis frequency when my old self wanted her protection, but yet I found a newfound freedom within me that grows with each moment.  I was so set on having a certain type of relationship that I was willing to forgo the work that we had been guided to do in order to receive that energy within my life due to my own feelings of lonliness and having the need to feel loved.  I know I am loved deeply by many but this gentlemen, IAM, fully changed me completely and helped me to accelerate my life through the Being I AM.

I will say that I fully did not know how I was going to surrender my entire world onto someone that I was not committed to in a full relationship.  I have re-read his words to me time and again to see a deeper meaning within myself and realized that I was not staying with the higher vision.  He arrived in Shasta at a lower vibration than I which I helped him to achieve through his own diligence but yet, this morning, I realized his vision of a physical relationship was much more a 5th dimensional frequency than I was allowing myself to accept.  We are intimate friends, partners, and comrades, but I wanted the whole kit and kabiddle with someone.  We have been going at each other energetically because I was ready to say ‘no, this is not the way I have dreamed it to be.’  But how can you turn something away that represents the frequencies of your pathway with another in a 5th dimensional way of Being.  I believe that truly this is happening and on this day, as I awoke in tears again, I realized that I was surrendering but yet in an other moment.  Not to him, but to the pathway that we are destined to create.  My thoughts were I would feel lost and if I gave up my power in my work, who was I to BE?  This is how I had defined myself for many years, and now was another moment of Surrender.

In order for each of us to aspire to greatness people will arrive in our lives to help us see these elements.  IAM assisted me with this as he gifted me in many ways.  Accessing the 5th Dimensional Timeline has truly made me see what my other senses were not allowing to Be within Me.  This pathway of the timeline exchange is not easy.  I have spent years and years clearing, and I do not think I could do it if I had not been ready.  I will be working with IAM also but in a different way assisting him in his channeling to be a translator of this frequency.  There is more to come which I will not share at this time, but I fully see why I arrived in Mt. Shasta as I have.

Basically, what has occurred to me is that I fully have allowed the Divine Feminine to be embodied within my physical in the last month.  I am learning to step back and let another who is very powerful in his own right to be the male counterpart in my work.  This is not easy especially with the type of relationship that we have together.  I have no idea where it is taking me, him, or us, but I must continue upon this pathway in a different way that I imagined.  When Lord Adama came to me on the mountain and said it was time for me to step back and let my Dearest Friend, Mike, step forward in my ceremonies, I accepted but not without an inner pull on that physical level.  It is not easy to surrender your magical work onto another.  It takes great courage and strength to fully let go of the old world of existence.

So today after this intense Death Experience, my Blessed Native Teacher “No Eyes” has shown me that this is just another step onto the pathway of Light and Love in order to show others the way.  I have always been a pioneer and this is no different.  It is time to fully step with another no matter what type of relationship it is.  I trust in Divine Mother and Father God that I am being guided in each moment as the events of these past 48 hours have shown me.  I am ready no matter what the outcome will be.  It’s about continually moving forward.  Love surrounds me everywhere I go with the magic of Shasta.  I have learned to command it and now that I fully can accept my own Feminine Divine from Isis and Mother God, I believe there is no better way to express it than through the essence of the Divine Father God through my new partner and friend, Mike.

This is just my story and I know each of you have your own.  We are being pushed and prodded in many ways to fully be the Illuminator of Light upon this Earth as Gaia is going through her own Death Experiences.  It helps to know we are not alone and that these elements are only going to be more powerful for us as we walk into The New Paradigm of the New Earth.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee Heliohah



11:11:11, ascension, Awareness, Earth changes, higher consciousness, I AM Presence, journey of Light, light worker, magic, Manifestation, Mastership, Self Love, Spiritual Lessons

On the Fast Road to Acceleration ~11:11:11

Day of Illumination

In the months prior to the November 11th date we are being pushed and prodded in so many ways.  Our lives are changing quickly which is all for the better but it can mean shifting your thoughts and feelings quickly to keep up the pace.  I also have to say that it is not just about the 11:11:11 date but all of the dates preceding it, the full moon activates, eclipses, the Mayan Calendar and the 9th wave.  It is a roller coaster of a ride for sure.

How do we keep our balance through this whole process?  If you are like me, who is constantly in high gear of consciousness, this can be a challenge personally.  Since my arrival in my new home inMt.Shasta, I have been visited by several people who have literally changed my life in ways I never thought possible.  Some of them more deeply than others but the frequencies are continuing to keep me aware of my new environment and how this beautiful mountain has helped me to realize the potentiality within my Being.

In the last few years that I spent in Southern New  Jersey my spiritual work kept me very busy.  I did not have too much of a social life as the focus had to be in keeping my vibrations at a certain level to assist others.  I was in an environment that it was not supported.  That environment became denser for me as time went on.  My only solace was to drive to the beach about 60-80 miles away.

That has all changed.  I see the mountain from my kitchen window and my front door.  I walk out into nature every day and am finding the grounding necessary to keep me focused upon the work and the walk that I am doing.  I have found relationships to flourish that I thought may have been lost and others ended in the process.  New ones have arrived and I am excited about the changes that are occurring within me and around me.

None of this is without a challenge.  One thing about Mt.Shasta is that whatever you don’t work on, it works on you.  But the beauty of it is that the power of this majestic vortex is that you can change it with a breath of fresh air and hear the whispers of the wind through your ears as it brushes your face.  I found myself in a position in the last couple of weeks of totally relaxing with people who were here to visit and work with me on my Pathway of Illumination.  I saw that not focusing within myself, I started loosing my flow of abundance.  It literally stopped, and I knew it was due to something within me, not around me.

I took the time this week to sit high upon the mountain on a beautiful rock overlooking Grey Butte and Panther Meadows.  I came upon some deep realizations within me that I had let slip through me.  My focus was not as deep as it should have been due to other elements occurring in my life which has been a beautiful experience beyond my wildest dreams.  I learned that I had gone back a bit in my history and let the old me say “Oh, well, we will worry about that tomorrow” as Dearest Scarlett in Gone With the Wind said so eloquently.  I learned deeply within me that only ME can take care of ME and all my relationships must be interdependent.  I know this…I worked through program after program learning this process.  It took a very strong Saint Germain to put his energies in my face and say, “Christine, you are building your life and it slipped a bit.  You can get it back but focus is very important in being a spiritual entrepreneur.”  I breathed a sigh of relief because now I understood WHY and now I could fix it.

In my New Earth call last evening we were blessed with the Elohim and Archangels of the 3rd Ray of Active Intelligence which ironically represents manifestation and mental illumination.  We traveled to their Temple of the Sacred Heart Flame in the Etheric City of Saceleas  over  Central Ontario to embrace these amazing frequencies.  I then asked Paul the Venetian, the Ray Chohan of this ray, to help me during the night to get out of the space I have been experiencing in my abundance.  I awoke this morning at 4:30 a.m. wide awake and finally arose at 6:30 to have Saint Germain just waiting for my arrival onto the computer.  He was very explicit with his instructions and guided me to create, create, create with specific tasks in mind for the present.

I realized, that since this week I have once again been alone, I allowed those feelings of isolation to creep up on me and was in a frozen state of nothingness.  A place where I know we all can go at times, but essentially it is not for our highest good.

Needless to say, I was totally out of it today as I know they truly worked with me very diligently in my frequencies to move me onto a new position of empowerment.  I learned a very valuable lesson this week and that is to have balance in everything I am accomplishing whether it be personal or professional in my work to others.  Self Empowerment is the key to Self Acceptance and Full Manifestation.  This is a key ingredient that many of us are lacking.  I take what I learned as a wonderful experience as it teaches me to be very aware of what I am creating or not creating.

My life is changing again.  My friend, Heather, is arriving from Washington to be here with me inMt.Shastafor whatever time, we are unsure.  Maybe we are all gathering together as our soul family unites.  So my focus needs to be very strong in all areas of my life: my exercise, my eating, my playtime on the mountain, and most of all my work and service onto others.  I look forward to her arrival as she has been helping me with my transcriptions so we will be revamping my website and creating, creating, creating…Others are also arriving which I am totally excited about and did I tell you that change has been my guide in all areas of my life.  Thank heavens, for that lesson.

This is just one example of what can happen to us when we move into the flow of life and accept what Spirit and the Universe is guiding us to do.  November 11th is going to hit each of us and these moments of reflection are just a mirror to show us to keep striving for more and more.  As each of us, the Lightworkers, are being prepared to assist the ones that are waking up onto themselves.  It is time for us to fully embrace our multi-dimensional selves and fully accept the gifts that we have within.  It is our time of Remembrance.

With all of this in mind, I will be offering a class in Preparation for the 11:11:11 that will help focus on areas in each person’s makeup that may be stopping them from their full potential.  We will be meeting on October 29th via teleconference or Skype.  Details can be found on my website under Telecalls,

My experiences this week and in the past month have truly given me the mental illumination that was needed.  I look forward to sharing more about the new realities I am experiencing in my personal world.  It is exciting and enthralling to be on the planet at this time.  You may not think so at times, but believe me, keep walking down that Golden Pathway and it cannot help but illuminate your world.

A special exercise I use is to state the words:

“I Call Upon My I AM Presence to Illuminate my Pathway”

Then see in front of you Platinum and Golden light opening up very wide, state what you want to occur within your day and you will see your reality shifting.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Awareness, Blessings, Cosmic Energies, Goddesses, Healing, higher consciousness, Lemuria, light worker, Mastership, Oneness, Self Love, Soul connection, soul relationships, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality

Assisting Others in Their Acceleration Has Put Me into a New Paradigm of Frequency

Today is October 2nd and there is so much happening for me in Mt. Shasta that it is hard to place it all to those I feel would benefit from this experience.

When I arrived in Shasta just two months ago, I had no idea that promoting a 5-step program to help individuals attune themselves into the higher frequencies would catapult me into a new space of Beingness.  As many know,Mount Shasta has been my home for eons of time ~ ten years to be exact.  I have traveled here extensively doing ceremonies on the mountain and allowing the magic to enfold within me.  It is part of my Beingness and my life as it enfolds each day.

Masters show up in the most extreme places only to acknowledge your essence and the walk that you are doing.  It is the beauty of my world so extensively because I intend it to be more fully each day.  The power of these expressions is beyond the comprehension of what I bring forth in my daily life.  Some see me as a very normal person just doing their spiritual walk, but the ones that know me deeply, understand that this is a choice I have made to walk in the magic of life each moment.

Since my arrival, I have had three sets of individuals come to Mount Shasta to do the walk that I have incorporated.  First, with Joy and Heather, who truly were the test runners of the program which was an amazing experience.  Then, a friend from the East, Mike, arrived about 2 weeks ago.  I never intended to do the full program with him as I felt it would be more of a flow with us.  We are personal friends and I was unsure how far I should go with bringing for messages and the program to him.  To both of our surprise, it was so much more than we ever realized.

The acceleration for me during this time is something that I cannot even express adequately.  I have been on this pathway for almost 30 years and traveled here for over 10 of those years.  My life changed in Shasta with Dr. Stone’s Wesak events.  The process at this point is to fully embellish my Lemurian Essence as the Goddess that I was.  Many years ago Lord Adama had asked me to work with them for the New Earth energies as an Ambassador of Light.  I did not know how this was going to come about.  My New Earth Consciousness calls were developed in the Spring of 2011 and this was the start of my journey towards this integration.

I have learned to Be in the Moment as my funds are coming only from my teachings presently.  It has been a challenge with many tears and fearful moments.  Lord Adama and Merlin have been very instrumental in assisting me to clear these elements for myself.  This is still an ongoing process and I am still very unsure in each moment how it is going to enfold but I have faith and trust.  With Mike’s visit we attended a sweatlodge at Stewart Mineral Springs with Walking Eagle whom I had met  five years ago. This ceremony for me was beyond the Veil of Remembrance.  Tears just flowed through me without me knowing what it was all about.  I connected with a beautiful Japanese woman whom we happened to meet on Panther Meadows two days later and a special young student from Japan also connected with me.  Mike has been instrumental in allowing me to be myself, fully and without reservation.  This is something that has not been easy for me in the past.  I also assisted him in the raising of vibrations within his Being through the ceremonies and attunements. It has been a very balancing connection with both of us.

The height of our working together was going back to Mineral Springs for the mineral baths. Isis came to me after the sweatlodge and Mike pointed this out.  Her essence has been intertwining with me so very deeply and has fully changed my viewpoint of my body and expression.  For the mineral baths, you soak, go into the sauna, and then jump into the creek.  All of this is being done with a sheet wrapped around you and swimming nude in the healing waters. Isis told me that it was essential part of my initiation so I did as I was told.  I cannot tell you what this has done for me.  The fluidness and beauty within me is flowing so effervescently and can no longer be hidden from myself and anyone else who chooses to connect with me.  At first, I could not wait to get out of the waters, but then towards the last round (5 of them), I felt the water spinning around me and feeling very magical and beautiful to everything I touched. Even the process of walking up on the rocks to exit the pool of water became easier with each time.   For me, this is huge…I have always struggled with my weight and body issues…I work out, but have a heavy lower body and being without clothing in front of others is not something I dreamed about. Isis was so right…it just allowed me to enfold my Being in a completely different way.

Mike is now working on his own internalizations and so am I, in separate locations.  In the meantime, another individual, Julie, from my calls arrived yesterday to do my program.  The work continues and so does my acceleration.  Today we went to Hedgerow Falls to do a cleansing under a stream of a waterfall which is absolutely amazing.  Last evening and this morning, issues of my own inner securities were arising again.  Going into the falls fully released those elements for me to receive the higher essences.

Isis is with me more than ever.  I know that knowledge’s are coming forth to prepare me for a new pathway which I am unsure what that truly is going to be.  I arrived in Mount Shasta with the hopes of meeting my True Love or the Essence of the God who is my counterpart.  It has been my desire for several years and my intentions have been towards these realizations.  What I had not realized is that the frequency of the Isis history is deeply embedded within me and it is now time for it to enfold out of my being.  It is my Lemurian heritage and I am here to fully access those elements.  Each of these individuals arriving in my homeland is also here to remember their Lemurian essence.  They are helping me to do so in various ways.

I do not know how this is going to enfold within me and I chose to write this at this time, as it helps me to understand that I must surrender all that I have experienced with everyone.  All is in Divine Timing and I cannot figure it out.  That is not my purpose to do so.  What my role in each of these person’s lives is to realize that they came here to heal but to help me also to remember as they are remembering.  We are coming together in the highest vibrational space to fully actualize our Divinity not only to ourselves but to each other.  That has not been revealed as yet, but what has been shown to me is that there are possibilities.  I am striving to be in my highest purpose in each moment and whoever chooses not walk with me is truly expressed in Divine Timing.  Right now I am fully expressing my light onto others and the world in each moment.  Some may choose not to accept it and others will choose to embrace it.

Isis says to me in this moment “In the reflection of which you are, you shall shine out to others.  Those that accept it are your closest confidantes and those that do not, will find their own Divine Complements of Light.  Keep aspiring to more, as this is where you will see the activation of your efforts and the frequency that you are mirroring out to you will be returned with Great Love of Your Heart and Your Essence.”

I thank everyone who has arrived here in Mount Shasta as it has helped me to realize my higher potential within my life.  I know the ones that I will be working and sharing with; I just do not know how it will enfold.  That is the blessing of the magic of Shasta.  Each moment enfolding into the next ~ Sharing, Being, and Accepting all that We Are Onto One Another.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

911, Healing, light worker, Oneness, spirituality, Twin Tower Tragedy

9/11 ~ Memories or Embracing ONENESS

Many of you know how deeply this tragedy effected me in all ways:  my Spirit, my Body, and my Emotions. I know I am not alone but I also think that something needs to be said about this event that effected each of us in Oneness.

As I have been reading posts, blogs, and information on the Internet about this time in all of our lives, I cannot be more determined to share the essence of the Love that we all share…Or do we?  That is the question.

It is a very painful remembrance especially for the ones that lost their loved ones, colleagues, friends, and maybe even strangers.  A moment in time that none of us will ever forget.  For me, I am guided by the Light of the Universe to share light upon this remembrance on this day.  Each of these souls chose to be there at that time.  Maybe not in their physical minds, but their Higher Selves decided that they would be in this space at this exact moment.  I honor each of them for their ability to open up the gateways of each of us starting to see that we truly need to love one another.  It was a huge door opening and on this day I want to honor them for stepping forward in their soul’s purpose to fully express themselves in this way.

I remember at that time how people started being nice to one another; driving habits got better and I lived 2 hours from New York at that time so we were truly affected physically.  It was about each of us realizing that we never now what can happen to any of us and that we must show our love and appreciation in this moment.

My personal experience as many of you well now was that I was to experienced a Sweat Lodge in Long Island, NY one month after September 11th.  The fire was intense and I felt the pressure rising before the lodge started.  As I was sitting in the lodge through the rounds, I kept seeing a heart burning in one of the rocks.  I was out of my body most of the time and know that there was a higher purpose brewing within my being at this lodge at this time.  I had been trying to get to this sweat for several months and here I was.  Well, at the end of the 3rd round, I needed to get out.  As I arose, I fell over my skirt (as it was required for women to wear skirts) and literally laid my right side of my calf into the rock that had the heart.  It was a challenge removing myself from the lodge but I did so with great assistance.

As I sat outside with healers working on me, the tears just rolled down my face. These were not tears for my pain but the pain of so many souls in the Etheric Realm.  It was on this day that I had a close relationship with these souls.  I was assisting many to get into the doorway of the Light, and release themselves from the Earthplane no matter how painful it was for them.

Shortly six months later I was guided by Archangel Michael to start a group entitled “The Clarion Light Beings of 911” in which the souls of the tragedy wanted to thank their loved ones for all the prayers being given to them.  It helped them to heal so deeply.  So was started the Temple of 911 in which Lightworkers would meditate and travel to this temple to connect with these souls.  It is a deep place of healing and continues to this day.

This temple has become solace for so many souls when they pass over.  It helps them to be realigned with their highest purpose and not the tragedies that have beset them onto the Earthplane.  Karma is being erased and removed within this temple.

I like to think that we are moving forward as a society and not to grieve so much for what happened, why it happened, and to dwell but to move onward.  The Twin Tower Tragedy should be a momentum for us to come together in this love and joy that is within our hearts.  We should not have to dwell on the issues of 9/11 but to connect with these souls.  I feel this so strongly that I needed to write this blog from my Heart.

Many also know I have been promoting that we gather with others or ourselves in ONENESS at 9:11 AM around the world.  I know I will be doing so by going to the top of Mt. Shasta and introducing myself to others for this beautiful connection of ONENESS.  This is not just about Earth; it is about each of us connecting to the Source of ONENESS and our Soul Family.

I hope you will join me as we see the changes coming.  Fred, our Spokes-Being of the Temple who was a Fire Chief Battillion has this to say about the ten-year remembrance:

It is very painful for each of us to think about what we endured on that ill-fated day and I ask this to each of you.  When you have a loved one that passes, don’t you remember the good points in their lives and not the moment of their death?  This is what we ask of you on this day.  Let us commune together, share our love deeply, as we have healed within the Temple in ways that I thought I would never achieve.  I was a simple man.  I did not travel the world; I loved my family and my work.  In one split second it was gone, and I was lost.  I was guided to a special place and within this special place was a woman who is so dear to my Heart.  This woman is writing to you today.  She does not even remember how she picked me up and carried me to a higher place.  It was on this day that I knew my faith was strong.  She shared with me how to continue and guided me in the right direction.  She told me that first I had to cleanse and then I could return back to watch over my family.  She gave me hope that life was eternal.  I started living in that moment more deeply than I ever thought that I could.  The heart she received in the fire was our connection together.  Not just me but for all of the souls that were ready to expand their love onto everyone else.  It was on this day we started living and death was no longer an option.  We learned that each of us were one Soul Family of Light and we would always and forever be bonded to each other within the Earth and beyond the Earth.  Thus we asked for her help so we could connect with each of you.

I am honored that I work with so many to help so many. That is our goal of the Temple of 911.  Please join us on this day of remembrance and share our LOVE TOGETHER.  In great honor, I am Fred, the Spokes-Being of 911 and Beyond.

In this moment I had no idea of the message or what Fred would share.  I am honored that I also was the chosen one for this assignment.  Fred is very dear to me as all of the souls in the temple.  It is with this conviction within my Heart that I needed to share my truth of the Remembrance of 911.  Let us all EMBRACE ONENESS and not only on this day but all days moving forward.

Please join us for the Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond on Monday evening at 8 pm EDT for a special call.  This call is also a Full Moon Ceremony and connection to all of the Beings of the Universe.  Due to this being a special event, donations are appreciated but not required.  To make a donation, please see LifeStationEarth, Events.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Awareness, Healing, higher consciousness, joy, Lemuria, light worker, Mountain Retreat, Mt. Shasta, New Earth, Oneness, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality, Telos

Meleriessee’s Magical Pathway to Acceleration ~ Step 5 ~ Allowing the Magic to Enfold

Castle Lake is absolutely amazing and so very beautiful.  We were so excited that we were ending our ceremonies in this gorgeous spot.  We had planned to arrive around noon as it was Sunday ,and we knew it could be crowded.

Crowded was not the word.  People had been camping for the weekend and finding a parking spot was a challenge.  But we made it and walked towards the water with all of our gear.  Of course, we wanted to use the “noodles” and had extra for Heathr and Joy.  Well, they had a hard time finding the road to the lake so it was some time before they arrived.  But it seems the crowd was leaving and the parking was much better.  We ended up parking right next to each other as Judy moved my car.

Everyone was excited as we entered the waters.  We had all gathered together ahead of time to reflect once again on this journey together and what it now meant to each of us.  The water was cold but not as bad as the river the day before.  You would find different areas in which the springs were cold.  It is very different in Castle Lake because of the rocks and trees that are actually in the bottom.  Wearing shoes is a definite plus.  Our Earth Girl, Heathr, of course, was barefoot.  I would expect no less from her.

Judy had my camera as it was water-proof and the pictures were absolutely amazing.  With Judy’s promptings, we swam all the way across the lake which took as at least an hour as we were hanging out on the “noodles” admiring the view of the rocks, the mountain, and the beauty of this lake.  It was a glacier and a long time ago a Castle.  It truly felt like it.  Merlin’s energy was everywhere along with many other frequencies.  It was just a pleasure to sit back and enjoy the ride so to speak.  Of course, it was windy and a bit of a current, so it wasn’t always a ‘joy’ ride but we all enjoyed it immensely.

On the way back Judy decided that she was going to follow the edge of the water along the rocks and found herself in a vortex of energies.  I knew there was a vortex with a waterfall but was unsure where it was.  She said she kept getting pulled into it.  As she was doing her thing with the portal, we were swimming back to our original position.  Joy is very athletic and was way ahead of  Heathr and myself but the conversations were absolutely enlightening.

We finally arrived on the edge of shore and I will tell you, it was challenging standing up.  My knees and legs were so weak from all the movement but what a glorious moment.  Judy finally arrived as it took her a bit more time as she swam around the edge.  Her pictures are phenomenal which I will share.

We dried off and found a special spot off the beaten track to share food and finish our ending ceremony.  Part of these energies was to help others to raise their vibrations and share their gifts with each of us.   I always love this part as I am receiving in this mode.  First, we talked about our experiences, how we felt presently, and the integrations that were taking place.  I could tell by the look on each of their faces that their Light was shining brighter than ever before.

Heathr shared a beautiful message while Joy did some healing on my legs channeling some wonderful Being of Light.  Judy shared some channeling with is always nice for me as she brought in my mother.  That’s always an emotional one.  I am so proud of Judy as she has come such a long way and has now integrated her I AM Presence.  It is wonderful to see through the years of our friendship the hard work that she has done and proof that “when you work it, it works for you.”

We finished off the evening by doing the Cosmic Oneness right there on the mountain.  I recorded it but of course, we did not do a call.  That was amazing also.  So many beautiful moments of light, joy, and love with each other.

Joy and Heathr decided they would camp there and I knew it would be a wonderful experience.  I will wait for them to tell their story which I will share.  It is amazingly magical.  We decided we would meet for breakfast at the Bear Diner the next morning for our last connection together.

We met for breakfast and did they have so much to tell.  They had a magical time and fully within their power.  They met an interesting gentlemen whom I believe is Telosian as he came into town with them.  Judy and I were able to meet him after our breakfast and he definitely represented the fifth dimensional energies being embodied.

We then went downtown together and shopped in our favorite place, “Soul Connections”.  A store you do not want to miss when inMt.Shasta.  They have everything you would ever want on a metaphysical journey.  We then parted with two wonderful friends and reconnection to our soul sisters.


In summation of this program I am very pleased in how things transpired.  Having Judy here for the first one was an absolute gift and she helped me to mold it into what we thought would work best for everyone.  Each of the energies on the different days represented what that day would entail and everyone walked away with a new sense of purpose with their inner beings fully accelerated.  Of course, it takes some time afterwards to fully realize what the integrations create within one’s life.  We all walked away pleased with the process.


As an added note, I will be in Sedona for the 11:11:11 Emergence and plan to do a similar program.  Of course, it is different as the energies are not the same but stay tuned.  If you are going to be there, look me up.  I will be presenting at the event for the ten days.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Attunement, Awareness, Blessings, Energetics, Golden Era, Healing, higher consciousness, Lemuria, light worker, Mastership, meditation, Mt. Shasta, New Earth, Oneness, Telos

Meleriessee’s Magical Pathway to Acceleration ~ Step 4 ~ Understanding the Road Thus Traveled and Accepting Our New Divinity Within

McCloud River

Today was the day that we would connect fully with the Lemurian energies and have a visitation to Telos with the help of Lord Adama.  Judy and I had already picked out our location which was about 15 miles south of Mt. Shasta in Upper McCloud Falls along the McCloud River.

We drove down 89A and then through the forest.  There are three levels to McCloud Falls and each one is just as beautiful.  The lower level is very crowded with a picnic area.  We chose this spot because it was off the beaten path and knew that St. Germain’s energy was very prevalent in this area.  He was everywhere through the trees, the sun, the land, and the water.

This spot is located several hundred feet above the falls.  It was nestled in the trees with rock formations so that we could sit together in a semi-circle facing the water.  The river at this point is not very wide so it almost looks like a stream.  The current is not real strong but definitely movement in the water.  As we sat on the rocks, we could see a portal in the water.  The foliage on the other side was very representative of tropical leaves which seemed to be very representative of the Lemurian and Telosian environment.

As we connected with the energies of the Earth and Sky, all of the Team of Light was standing around us in the frequency of light.  Each of us shared our intentions, what we had learned and walked through in the last two days.  It was a wonderful moment of reflection.

Again, the energies were flowing through me as I am no longer a channel but a conduit of the frequencies.  They are so much a part of me especially during the ceremonial event.  Everything was silent around us as I stated the Rays of God for everyone to intuit.  The focus of this ceremony would be to work with Lord Metatron for the Golden Flame and actualizing our relationship with him.  This is a phase that many people have not achieved to fully intuit the accessibility of the frequencies of Lord Metatron.  This phase was to help individuals to fully access their I AM Presence within the 12th Chakra on the 4th dimensional chakra grid within the Heart area.

I included the energies of the Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon, and Grandfather Sun as well as the animals represented in each of the directions of the Eagle, Coyote, Bear,Buffalo, and the Raven representing the magic of the circle.  While I stated these elements, I drummed through the process to allow the frequency to be integrated within each individual.  The visualization included a complete cleansing of the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual bodies to prepare everyone for the journey we were about to embark upon.

We were in Oneness with the rocks, the flowers, the water, the air, the sun, and the essence of calling upon the Spirit Keeper.  We then were greeted by Lord Adama who would guide us into the Telosian energies.  We entered the portal of light in the river via our Merkabah vehicle as one essence.  The portal became an elevator and traveled into the core of the mountain.  We were guided to move into a vehicle that would travel through the tunnel to arrive at our destination in the City of Telos.

We were then guided into an area of Telos I have never seen before.  It was a glass enclosed area with foliage all around us being greeted by the children of Telos.  It was an exciting moment.  We then were taken up to the Temple of King  Ra and Queen Rama Mu.  As we entered the temple, we were guided to an amphitheatre where we were greeted by many Telosians.  The energies were highly emotional and very welcoming to us.  All of the Ray Chohans and the Team of Light were there to greet us.

We had a ceremony with each of these beautiful beings and each individual was greeted by a Light Beings, Ascended Master, Inter-Galactic, or Telosian that took them to a special place.  They were shown a special area that was in their heart and remembrance.  They worked on any issues that were holding them back from the integration of the three-fold flame of the Male, Female, and the Golden Flame within.  Each individual was given the opportunity to move into this space to receive this Frequency of Light.

Each participant then was given a special message from Lord Metatron about where they are and how to get through the obstacles that may be stopping them from doing so.  He then took each one separately into a special portal to receive the attunement of the Three-Fold Flame.  It would be up to each person if they were ready to full activate it depending upon where they were in their pathway.  It was a golden opportunity to receive the Essence of the Golden Flame, and to be fully connected to Lord Metatron on a physical basis forevermore.

We were then acknowledged by Lord Adama and the entire hierarchy of the Inner Earth to fully become one with each of them as we merged our energies deeply and never to be removed.  We were guided out of the amphitheatre, through the glass building, into the tunnel, through the portal as we came back to our original space by the river.

Everyone had a different experience but it was an amazing moment for each of us, including myself.  I was acknowledged in ways that I never thought possible.

We then all immersed ourselves in the freezing cold river so that we could all feel renewed and rejuvenated.  The water was swift and cold is not really a good word.  Beyond freezing as if the snow had just melted in front of us.  I was very proud of everyone as they got into the river.  I probably complained the most, and I am usually the first one in.

We then drove back to town and parted.  We decided we would meet later up by their campground as there was a trail I wanted them to see that was quite different.  We arrived a couple of hours later full of food and trekked down the trail.  Sometimes going down isn’t as easy as one would think.  It was in the forest and you could feel the essence of Lemuria filtering through the trees, the elementals

Lower Panther Meadows

singing as we found a beautiful stream that was coming from the snow melting on top of the mountain.  We were in Lower Panther Meadows. I had traveled here last year when Saint Germain and Lord Adama appeared to me.  We sat on this long log connecting silently and then just conversed with each other processing what we had experienced earlier.

We spent an hour or so there and decided it was time to move up the mountain once again.  Jocelyn and I had a wonderful discussion as Judy and Heathr were conversing.  It was a beautiful moment and even more special when Jocelyn announced that she was now going to be called “Joy”.  Jocelyn means Joy and she was ready to honor that within her.  I thought that was so wonderful for her to fully acknowledge her inner essence of Joy.

Judy and I parted as we made plans for our last excursion at Castle Lake the following day.  I truly was looking forward to this event.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee


Adama, ascension, Attunement, Cosmic Energies, Healing, higher consciousness, journey of Light, Lemuria, light worker, Mastership, Mountain Retreat, Mt. Shasta, New Earth, Oneness, Self Love

Meleriessee’s Magical Pathway to Acceleration in Mt.Shasta Begins


Hedgerow Falls, Dunsmuir, CA

When I was thinking of coming to Mount Shasta, Judy and I discussed how I could create a program on the basis of our ceremonies that we experienced in our travels here for the past six years.  I have been coming since 1999 when Dr. Stone had the Wesak Festivals here and then four of us came in 2006 to experience Wesak on our own.  That is another story and another day…on that trip which helped to mold exactly what I would be sharing with Heathr and Josilyn for the next four days.

They had arrived a day later than they thought so we took Steps 1 and 2 and combined them into one day.  It worked out really well which means that I could shorten the days if necessary for someone else.

We took the ladies to the Dunsmuir City Park which is actually a Botanical Garden by the Sacramento River.  It is very beautiful and serene. We arrived about 8:30 in the morning after stopping for coffee so the park was all ours.  I explained to them what the program entailed and that this was not for the weak-willed.  They would accelerate themselves through their initiation process and that was the ultimate goal of the program.  Both of them were ready and eager to do so.

The first step of the process is to teach an individual how to raise their vibration into the fifth dimensional frequency.  Some people do not understand that our consciousness needs to be raised in our for our body to accept the process.  We had devised a visualization that assisted in this process because like any other place, Mt. Shasta can hold lower energies.  As a light worker this is essential in the process of fully accepting our Divinity within the body.  A simple way of doing so is to fully see yourself going up a spiral staircase counting from 1 through 10. Breathing deeply see yourself going higher and higher until you reach the 10th level.  See yourself on the landing and then breathe the energies down into your body.  This helps tremendously.  I like to mentioin that doing this continually through the day will assist greatly.

I then shared a prayer that had been given to me by Lord Adama the previous evening.  It is in Lemurian language:

OM-MA-ME-OM ( I Am Love)

OM-MA-MU-HE (I Am Joy)


HOO-A-NA (You Are Me)

OM-MA-OM-MA (I Am, I Am)


We then did a cleansing visualization clearing out debris within the four body system.  We were then ready to move onto our next location.

Hedgerow Falls is also in Dunsmuir.  It is a special park with a wonderful Pagoda.  You walk down the trail to the bottom of a cave where a water fall is coming down into the space.  You can walk behind the waterfall in the cave; and you can also stand around it, and in front of it.  It is lined with boulders, rocks, and trees that make up the foliage.  There is also a pathway on the other side.

 The water that falls into a pool is a portal to Telos.  I have seen many faces within this portal previoiusly.  The idea of this location is for each person to be in their bathing suit and to stand under the waterfall to completely cleanse themselves.  It can be a bit tricky due to the strength of the water falling, the rocks that you have to stand upon, and the coldness of the water.  As each of us stood under the falling water, we stated “I RELEASE, I RELEASE, I RELEASE”.  We were removing any and all blockages that were keeping us stuck in our movement and pathway forward.  It is very important to have your intentions clear on each of the ceremonies so that the Universe and the Team of Light we are working with to fully work with each individual participating.

When everyone had cleared themselves, dried off, and put our clothes back on, we gathered together to thank the Spirit Keeper for the use of her land in healing.  This is also a very imperative step in working with the land masses.

Our original plan was to then travel to Mossbrae Falls in Dunsmuir which is located on the other side of the Sacramento River.  We found our way to the entranceway and found that Union Pacific Railroad had closed down the trail.  You had to walk down RR tracks and it seems there was a legality issue.  I had walked this alone last year in early August, and  I found  online that it  had  closed   August 10th, 2010.  I guess I made it just in time.  They are amazing falls but we realized what our first lesson was to be :  flexibility.

So now we needed to shift gears and we decided that going to the lake to fully immerse ourselves for clearing would work just as well.  We went on the south side of the lake this time and had a wonderful time swimming and talking with each other.  The “noodles” work well for this as they keep you up but you can swim with them.  The spiritual lessons continued as we kicked and splashed through the water.

Afterwards, we parted and planned to gather on the mountain about 5 pm to perform our Medicine Wheel ceremony.  Heathr and Josilyn were camping out at Panther Meadows which worked out great.  They found a campsite and we were able to regenerate ourselves.

Judy had found an amazing spot the day before which was lined with the Purple and Violet Ray of St. Germain.   The Medicine Wheel energies were amazing.  We laid grids for Gaia and inserted Amethyst Crystals in each of the directions for the ascension columns to go down into the ground.  Again, it was about our intention.  Each of the ladies discussed how they were feel thus-far since the clearing session earlier that day.  They both felt very vitalized and fully open to experience the next step of the journey.  The medicine wheel energies are so wonderful to experience the frequencies of the Earth and all her elements.  It is so grounding and helps to connect with the elementals and livelihood of our Dearest Gaia.

We then decided to travel up to the summit of the mountain together.  It was not quite dark enough to see the ships and stars but we came upon a very interesting facet.  Individuals had made a labyrinth out of rocks.  It was very elaborate and each of us walked through the labyrinth stating what we would like to achieve.  It took us quite some time to fully get through it but was very powerful.  It truly took a lot of hard work and effort along with an ability of design to create such an elaborate labyrinth.  It truly was a special gift at the end of a special day together.

We dropped the ladies off at their camping area and we traveled back down the mountain to our home base.  It truly was a very powerful and empowering day.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Awareness, Earth Healing, Golden Era, I AM Presence, journey of Light, joy, Lemuria, light worker, Mastership, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality

Magical Machete Tour ~ Day 9 ~ August 3, 2011

California Sun

They say the last leg of the journey is always the longest and this truly was my experience on this day.  In terms of miles it was the shortest I had taken for each of the nine days, but truly seemed to go on for an eternity.  I believe all of this is Divinely Timed to help reflect upon the entire experience of the Magical Machete Tour.

When I embarked upon this journey and the doorways opened for me to arrive in Mount Shasta, I knew it had to be quick.  Getting rid of most of my possessions and some of them very dear to my heart did not seem to be as difficult as one might imagine them to be.  I have been working toward this dream for many years of this pathway and here I was experiencing it all first-hand.  There were many years of Vision Boards, Affirmations, and Visualizations.  As I sit writing this last blog entry on this magnificent journey, I have before me a Vision Board I put together about four years ago.

This Board so reflects my journey to Mount Shasta.  I have been traveling here for the past decade working with the land, the Lemurian energies, Saint Germain and directly with Lord Adama.  This vision board states “Spiritual Life in Balance ~ Multi-Dimensional Realities” which so represents my life presently.  There are pictures of Lord Adama, Master Babaji, and Martin Luther King who have helped me to mold whom I have become.  Additionally, it shows pictures of Mount Shasta and Sedona with Lord Melchizedek who I truly consider my father in Spirit.  I knew arriving in Mount Shasta would balance out my physical body as I had not been supported in New Jersey with the environmental conditions.

As I embarked upon my last day through Oregon, I took my time in the morning to have breakfast in the hotel with other individuals.  It was great to connect and talk with these people to find out where their travels were taking them.  I met an older gentlemen that was in Bend, OR with his wife as she was embarking upon knee surgery on that day.  I shared how she could help her anxiousness through some breathwork into the Heart.  He was so happy to hear about what I was sharing and that is why I am on this pathway, to assist many individuals in understand there is so much more to life than what they think.

Isis was calmer with the help of the Stress Release spray.  I was able to get it into her mouth and it worked like a charm.  We traveled South on Rt. 97 towards Mt. Shasta.   I passed through forests of trees which looked like they were in bad need of attention and love.  So the Crystalline Machete did its work as I connected with the fairies, elementals, the sky energies and the sun.  It was another warm day but very breezy as I was driving through these magnificent forests.

I decided to bypass going to Crater Lake due to my energy levels and time element.  I truly wanted to get to Shasta in the early afternoon and my friend, Judy, is joining me here in 10 days so we will probably visit those areas.  I did pass by the Klamath Lake  which was amazing.  Again I opted not to go to the falls as it was off the beaten track.  Seeing the element of water on my last part of the trip was so flowing and freeing for me.  It was absolutely breathtaking.

As I was going through these areas, it gave me time to reflect on this inner and outer journey.  I had been guided by Spirit to travel across the country and in the beginning, it was not about the Mt. Shasta destination.  I was asked to spread the light far and wide to assist as many individuals and land masses as possible.  Sometimes it is inconceivable to me that I have been given this assignment but it is with great honor that I have done so.

Personally, I was not thinking about how far I had to go but just be in the car for each part of the journey.  As I went through each of the states, I noticed differences in each of the areas and how the energies could assist them.   Calling upon the Spirit Keepers assisted greatly as they truly are the guardians of the land.  I received such wonderful support in so many ways.  As I journeyed within myself, each day was different.  Yes, I had personal challenges I had to face and I did move through those doorways but asking others for their assistance. That is something I have not readily done in my past especially with family members.  People rallied round me to support me in this effort.  This was a group effort in Oneness completely with family, friends, individuals on the calls, people I met along the way, the angels, and enlightened beings of Light along with the Telosian community.  I know for a fact that without each of these individuals or groups of people, I would not have had such a smooth journey into this beautiful space of Love, Joy, and Peace.

It is so representative of our lives ~ we struggle with ourselves but when we finally surrender to all possibilities, then they are given to us in many different ways.  The power of this journey is beyond my own comprehension.  Each of you shared it with me, with your Spirits, with your eyes of reading, and with your intention to be with me.  This Golden Pathway is ours together.  Yes, I was asked to move through these areas but each of you now have your own responsibility to continue with it in your own personal pathways.  We are affecting each other in so many ways.

Mount Shasta~Northern Side

As I drove into California and the mountain became closer, the tears and emotions were stronger.  This was a bittersweet trip.  I left people behind that I love very dearly but I had to move onto this pathway as if I chose not to do so, I would not be happy in any way.  I probably would choose to leave the planet and I have worked too hard for too long to kick the bucket now.  I am not coming back to clear away the debris.  The debris is now removed and I will have new challenges on a different level.

I reached a beautiful overlook which I never had seen before as it was on the North side of the mountain ~ the space I had never experienced before.  I stopped to take some pictures and met a lovely couple from Nebraska.  They were happy that I could take pictures for them.  It was a very beautiful encounter.

On my way down the road Anna, my new landlady and friend left me a message that was so very poignant to me.  She said, “Christine, what time do you think you will arrive.  Today is my birthday and I am having dinner with a friend.  It would be great for you to join us.  I just want to say that “You Are My Gift Today”.  Within my heart I felt such a kinship for coming to a new space 3,300 miles away from where I was living and to be received with such beauty and joy.  Yes, I had made the right decision.

I arrived about 2 p.m. very happy.  Isis walked around the cottage for some time.  I don’t think she really knows what is happening but I know her Higher Self does.  Anna and I had a wonderful talk in which we discussed my time here.  We both believe we are a gift to each other as I can help her with organizing her business, and I can be living my dream.  I am open to whatever the Universe wants me to do, and she feels the same.  If I am here for a short while or many months, I know it will all be Divinely Guided.

What a perfect ending on the 9th day.  I also am in a “1” month so that makes it even more exciting.  Now the new training begins with the Telosians.  I am excited.  I believe the calls will become more intensified and really accessing the Lemurian vibrations.  I am in a state of remembrance as never before.  My books will get written and I will be able to breathe deeply.  I plan on visiting the mountain in the early mornings but first need to adjust myself.  I still feel very tired and on Eastern Time.

I also will be presenting my teachings on the mountain so if you are coming to visit, please let me know.

Lesson of the Day:  Allow your Being to slide into your reality that you have created within your Mind’s Eye.  It is just within your reach if you embrace each moment.  Breathe deeply as you already have done the work and now is the time to just accept that you have reach the top of the mountain. When it is time to travel to another mountain, you will be ready.

Lessons of the Magical Machete Tour ~ Do not try and figure out within your mind of how something is going to occur.  I drove through each of these states not having a specific destination in mind each day.  I received help from Jane, my niece, who became my co-pilot each afternoon.  But I allowed myself to just be in each moment.  This is how we need to reflect in our daily lives and not let the mental images or thoughts to block us from our full potential.  If I had really thought deeply of what I was going through and how challenging it might be, I probably would never had embarked upon this Journey of Light.

I thank each of you for your comments, love, concerns, and exhilaration of joy.  This Journey was Ours together and it is only going to continue in future moments as each of you now have your own “Magical Machete”.  Use it wisely and with great joy.

The calls will resume on Sunday evening, August 7th on the same phone number and via Skype.  I look forward to hearing your voices.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Awareness, Blessings, Earth Healing, Golden Era, Healing, higher consciousness, I AM Presence, journey of Light, light worker, Mastership, New Earth, Oneness, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality

Magical Machete Tour ~ Day 8 ~ August 2nd, 2011



I had a wonderful night’s sleep in Meridian, Idaho last evening.  It was the first night I slept so soundly since I left.  Isis was even calm the entire night so I was able to get on the road this morning about 7:15 a.m. after picking up some coffee at Starbuck’s.

It was great to drive at that hour of the morning and seeing the sun beam through the clouds.  It was a very beautiful day.  My first encounter on the physical plane was to stop at a rest plaza and I had quite a chuckle.  The location of this service plaza had the edge of the mountain around the edge and evidently there was a cow that decided it was time for her morning stroll.  She was slowly coming down the side of the hill on a dirt road, walking very intently, not looking at anyone else and just enjoying her morning powerwalk.  I thought it was so funny that I had to mention it.  I also feel that it was the tone of the day.

Isis still was very anxious all morning with her crying.  I keep telling her that it will be over soon.  She probably thinks this is our life now in and out of motel rooms and driving all day.  I have to say that she has been pretty good overall.  There have been many trials for both of us.

As I headed towards Oregon, I could feel the shifting of the energies.  The ravens started appearing in the sky around me and I felt the essence of the land speaking to me in tones of gratitude.  Oregon has a special flair that is quite different than some of the other states.  I feel there is a calmness within the environment of the land, the trees, the birds, the sky, and the animals that are living upon the lands.  I did not see many animals on this trip which may be representative of the healing that needs to take place.  Or it could be the quiet before the storm which I hope is not the case.

I was guided to a special service station in which I believe was totally guided by the Angels and Spirit.  I needed to purchase gas again so I ended up in a town called, Baker.  I did not realize that Oregon was a full service state as New Jersey is and was surprised when a young woman asked me if she could help me.  She had a certain quality of being a Goddess but very empowered in what she was doing.  It was a wonderful reflection for me.  I went inside to pay and had a great conversation with the owner, Joe.  There was a soul connection as I was discussing my move, the corporate craziness in New Jersey, and moving to Mount Shasta.  I told him that I was traveling up to Portland and then down onto Route 5 to Mount Shasta.  He insisted on getting out the map and showed me the route to Portland with the congestion that would result in the drive.  He talked me into driving across the state towards Bend, Oregon.  Now I know mountain roads as my parents traveled into upstate Pennsylvania.  I had a feeling of what I might be getting into with the winding, the up and downward trail, but yet the fact that I would take off at least 200 miles or more from my journey really intrigued me.  He talked me into buying the Oregon map and off I went into the unknown territory of the Oregon Scenic Trail.

The first leg of the journey was on Route 7 which truly was a mountain road.  It definitely was not governed by the state and a long 30 miles through the forests and unchartered territory of this wonderful state.  Again, no animals…Everything was still but as I made my way through to Route 26, I connected with the elementals of the land and felt a grteat thank you from the Tree Spirits and fairies.  There definitely was an air of excitement as I drove through this land.  I also felt protected and guided to be on this pathway in these moments.  The Light needed to be sent out far and wide as I could feel it in the essence of the Earth.

Route 26 was just a one-lane highway each way and the road reflected my life very deeply.  I then started to understand why I had chosen this route even though I conferred with Spirit.  I wanted to make sure that the Golden Pathway of the Machete would be going to the places that needed it most.  I was told by Lord Adama that even though I mentioned 500 miles, it truly was going much further into the thousands of miles in all directions so all areas were being affected.  The landscape was unbelievable and breathtaking with each turn of the wheel showing a completely different perspective.  There were mountains and mountains everywhere with vegetation in the lower areas.  Then the lakes and the density of the forests would appear as I turned the corner.

All of this represented to me my life and I think each of our lives.  There are twists and turns in the road and sometimes we seem to be going up an uphill battle but then we coast with a breath of fresh air as we fully slide downwards into our next destination.  It helped me to realize how far I had come as now I was looking at it from the perspective of the Eagle flying above the challenges.  When we become so enmeshed within our situation, we cannot see the forest for the trees.  Today I saw the forest and the beauty surrounding the entire scope within my life.  We need to have the lows and the highs to help us through the challenges.  Without them we cannot survive within the physical existence we have created.  It is not until we rise above it all, and look downwards that we see the perspective change within us.  This is what I experienced today.  Again, the tears came as I realized how far I had come to be able to look at the entire landscape and have a deep understanding within myself.  What a beautiful gift.  I realized that this leg of the journey was necessary as all the others had been. They are helping me to understand the entire scope of my life in this incarnation.

The road continued for about 150 miles which was pretty intense as I fully had to be aware in each moment to either slow down or speed it up and always be in control of my vehicle.  Speaking of vehicles, I have to say thanks to my car for being a beautiful companion for this trip.  She came to me after my accident as I saw it in a vision and little did I know that it would be the vehicle to carry me over 3,000 miles across the country.  We have created a wonderful Merkabah Vehicle together….

I arrived in the town of Redmont and stopped to check out possible lodging for the evening.  I realized that Bend, Oregon was only about 30 minutes away and was probably a great stopping point.  As I traveled towards Route 97 to continue to Bend, low and behold, inf ront of me was the Mountain of Shasta in all her glory.  What a sight she was to my eyes.  I just allowed the emotions to come once again as the tears flowed through me realizing how far I had come and now she was now in front of me.

The challenges I have faced during this trip are only a direct reflection of what I can achieve fully within my physical existence.  It is a powerful moment in time to see how you have traveled miles across the country with adversities in your face but still continue the journey.  Without the encouragement of Lord Adama and Saint Germain I would never had made this trip.  I know that there is a new chapter in my life, but today I saw how I was creating a new sense of Beingness within me.  Everyone has been with me so deeply and I have to include my parents who are in Spirit.  My father has been such a wonderful help with the driving, the car issues, and the worry that I had within me.  He showed me how to be a patient driver, very diligent and careful in each movement, and this trip is a direct result of that training he gave me.  Driving these mountains is no easy task as I do not have a four-wheel drive or a fancy car but my Sonata has done a beatufiul job in assisting me.

Tomorrow I embark south on Route 97 to Mount Shasta.  I will be passing by Crater Lake which I have wanted to see for several years along with Kalamath Falls.  I am excited for this leg of the journey and to start my new life in Shasta.  Anna, who owns the cottage I am renting, is a friend and I look forward to being there with her.  The numerology of this trip has been amazing also.  My room numbers have been very consecutive and tonight it is Room 100 for new beginnings.  Tomorrow is the 9th day of the trip which represents Endings and today was an ‘8’ which reflects Success.  The Universe has assisted me unbelievably and in so many ways.  I believe tomorrow will be a magnificent and magical day.

Lesson for Today:  Keep on the journey with the lows and the highs as you will be rewarded at each crossroad.  We are being assisted in many ways to fully become the Masters on the New Earth.  We are being given these challenges as tests within our initiations so that we can aspire to the greatness that each of us desires.  It is a learning process each step of the way no matter where you are in your own mastership journey.  Part of the journey is to fully embrace each moment good and bad to see how it all enfolds within our lives.  Keep on trekking forward ~ it will get better and you will feel the totality of your Essence more fully than you could ever imagine it to BE.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

Awareness, Earth Healing, Golden Era, higher consciousness, I AM Presence, journey of Light, light worker, Mastership, spirituality

Magical Machete Tour ~ Day 5 ~ July 30th, 2011

Balancing Energies in Nebraska

Tonight is actually the 31st so I need to backtrack into yesterday’s adventures.  And they definitely are very adventurous…

From Iowa I traveled through Nebraska and what a long drive.  I had no idea how flat Nebraska is but it makes sense with the tornadoes that frequent those areas.  Everything was beautiful with green landscapes and the skies were blue.  I noticed something very pertienent though.  There have hardly been any birds or animals especially through Nebraska.  I have been spoiled in Southernn New Jersey as the birds are my guideposts in each moment.  The Hawks are the most important to me as the Ravens and the Crows so it was a moment in seeing that I was guiding myself completely.

As I looked at the landscape around me sending the machete everywhere I could see, I called upon the Native Energies to assist in the process.  Most of you know my drill, Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon, Grandfather Sun, along with all the different species.  I asked for the Spirit Keepers of the lands to be open to receiving the healing energies of the Golden Flame.

The stillness was deafening.  I felt that the energies were not lower but neither higher frequencies.  It was a blending of the same frequency and the land masses looked all the same.  That was very interesting.  I then had a thought in retrospect ~ we just visited the Golden City of Klehma which included Nebraska.  It made perfect sense since this Golden City represents Balance and Harmony.  It is exactly what I was feeling ~ no highs and no lows ~ Just Being.  When you are traveling 300 miles this can be pretty intense.  My energies constantly have needed to be readjusted.  Coffee is back in my life because that has helped the grounding tremendously and stopping as much as possible at the service plazas.  I have to say that the rest stops in these states are amazingly beautiful.  They are landscaped in a special manner and each one is  different from the other.  It is like visiting nature’s home in each of the areas.  I have really enjoyed the variations in the way they are designed.

Pony Express

I also did a tourist run to the spot of the first Pony Express.  It was in a very desolate town but brought to me a sense of the Pioneer spirit which is so representative of this journey.  Feeling lots of different energies from many different time zones joining me on this adventure.

I have to say that Jane, my niece, has really helped me by being a co-pilot from her home.  She has helped me to realize how many miles I have traveled and when it may be good to stop for the night.  We had decided that Cheyenne, Wyoming would be a good place.  It was well beyond 100 miles in the late afternoon but I pushed myself to arrive at that destination.  Little did I know that “Frontier Day” a yearly event was planned on this past weekend.  Cheyenne did not have a motel room so I traveled to Laramie at 4:30 p.m. which was another 45 miles down the road.

When I arrived in Laramie, there were not any rooms available there also.  I stopped at two different hotels and it seems that the whole town was filled except for one unique motel.  In the meantime my other niece, Jeanne, was wiring me cash that evening as my money had been received into my account.  I had $100 cash left in my pocket so there was this decision.  Cash or room???  I opted on the cash first but then could not find the right place for the Western Union transfer.  It was quite comical driving through Laramie trying to find the right location as I was told Wal-Mart and when I arrived there, they told me it was SafeWay.  Finding SafeWay was a challenge but after stopping several people I finally found the location.

Okay, so now I arrive and it is 6:20 p.m.   The Western Union machine is usually turned off at 6 p.m. and after some interaction with the customer service manager, she opted to keep it open.  I honestly think she was guided by the Angels as I was about to fold emotionally after driving so long and not sure where I was going to end up during the night.  All was saved, and I received my money.  Now to find the last motel which I was unsure was in an area I wanted to stay for the night.  I received the directions and ventured towards this interesting lodging.  And interesting, it was.  “Gas Light Motel” was adorned with cowboy statues, a bear in the corner of the swimming pool, and all kinds of artifacts everywhere.  The lodging itself was a typical motel setting where you drove up to your door and the building looked like a log cabin type of dwelling.  There happened to be two rooms left and I do believe they were the last two in the city.

It was a big strange but I laughed as there was this large picture of a cowboy on the side of my door.  I called upon Archangel Michael and so Michael was the cowboy of the night.  Utilizing ascension columns and calling upon every Light Being in the Universe helped me to feel safe.  It definitely was a very strange evening.

Lesson of this Day:  You never know what what can happen when magic comes into your life; when you least expect it, the pathway is going to change and you have to move with it.  Believe that all is being guided Divinely even in the 11th hour when you feel that the bottom is about to fall out.  You may just surprise yourself.

It was a relief for me to know that at 7 p.m. I did not have to drive another 100 miles to the next town for lodging.  I was protected and guided even when I felt a moment of panic.  I did not allow the panic to take me over. That is the main element.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Awareness, Blessings, Earth Healing, Healing, higher consciousness, I AM Presence, journey of Light, light worker, Mastership, Mt. Shasta, New Earth, Oneness, Self Healing, Soul connection, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality

The Magical Machete Tour ~ Days 3 and 4 ~ July 28th & 29th, 2011

Hills of Iowa

Due to lack of extra time and the fact that I did not put out yesterday’s update, I am combining Days 2 and 3.  I think it might help individuals to truly understand what this journey means to me personally and the work I am doing for the planet.

After the challenging day I experienced through Ohio on Day 2, I was apprised of the fact that when I stayed in Somerset, PA it was only 15 miles from the crash site of the plane that went down during 911.  Those of you that know my affiliation with the 911 event and the Temple will understand why I was so affected by the energies.  When I stayed in the motel the first night, it was full of souls.  I had to do extra cleansing for the room and then my travels through Ohio were very dark and enveloped with great pain.  I realized later that I was being affected by these souls and the work I must have been doing during the night hours.  It continued throughout the day.

Personally, I was challenged with some financial issues that I thought would be flowing but the Universe decided otherwise.  I called on many of you to assist me with prayers to receive the financial backing I was supposed to receive on Friday.  I want to thank each of you for helping me that energy.  It assisted me tremendously and I felt all of your hearts connecting with mine.

My travels on Thursday were through Indiana and then the outskirts of Chicago which is an area I was anxious about going through.  The skies were dark, rainy, and I was feeling great pressure about the finances.  To compound the issue of not sure what I would receive later in the week, my bank card became missing.  I still have not found it and several friends feel it is in my car.  For the life of me it has not appeared.  I knew this was the last struggle I would endure on my financial path as I was feeling it intensely but yet at the same time, I was full of trust and patience that all would be directed in Divine Order.  That helped me get through the day.

I then took a wrong turn from a detour I missed and ended up in Gary, Indiana which truly is not a great place to be.  I had to pull up my GPS on my phone which took me exactly the same way I came and was completely turned around.  It took me an hour out of my way.  To say the least it was a very challenging day.  I did feel Master Kuthumi very strongly as I was traveling around the Chicago area.  He is the overlighting Chohan for the New Earth City above Chicago.  I know this area is in deep need of healing so I was feeling his companionship during my travels.

On the financial end I have a niece who works at my and her sister, Jeanne, was able to get the monies from my account and wired them to me this morning.  What a relief that was and then I received the other funds this morning which I was unsure would happen so fast.  With the change in my address I expected it to be delayed longer than Friday and I know it was each of you putting out your prayers along with a special request from Lord Adama and the Team of Light.  Thank you so much.  I also need to thank my family members that rallied round to assist me during this time which includes great love, support, and cooperation of our Spirits Together.  I could not have made it without them.

Today was a new day, July 29th.  I felt free and full of hope of my new pathway.  The struggles I endured in the past few days were just a releasement of my old life and now it is gone.  I learned how to rise above it, contact people that might be able to help move things along, and allowed the Universe to carry it for me.  The rest of my monies will be coming to me tomorrow evening through another wire transfer and when I arrive at my new location, I can receive a new bank card if it is needed. I have this feeling that the card is going to show up when I start my new life in California.

Embracing Energies in Iowa

Today I drove through the end of Illinois from Princeton into Iowa and am now in Lincoln, Nebraska. What an amazing day it has been.  I loved driving into Iowa.  The highway was expansive with land masses on both sides with rolling hills.  Everything was so very green and the skies just came down and met the Earth.  I really felt Heaven and Earth blending with one another.  I also felt that Iowa was so representative of the New Earth.  I expanded the energies outwardly for a 500-mile radius.  It was a wonderful day and I was able to travel 424 miles down the highway.  Construction was very limited and I was feeling the freedom of my Spirit as the Angels spoke to me through the clouds.  I also felt the Extra-Terrestrial energies intensely.  No, I am not alone at all.. I also had a remembrance of a past life or many lives in this area.  I felt the pioneer days..hmmm..very interesting and native lives…The power of these energies was so strong within me today as I shared the Crystalline Machete with the lands.

There are so much synchronicity of this trip.  I had a childhood friend that moved to Lincoln, Nebraska while we were in high school.  I actually felt her mother’s soul today.  I have not been in touch with her for many years but there was remembrance tonight.

Those of you that are curious ~ Isis, my kitty-kat is doing pretty well.  I give her the Stress Release from Bach Flower Remedy in the morning which takes a little while to settle in but she sleeps most of the time in the back seat.  She stays in the carrier in the motel room and she sleeps next to me as she is used to doing so.  She seems to be adjusting.  I think both of us will be kissing the ground in Mount Shasta when we arrive.

I totally understand why no one was able to travel with me.  A few wanted to do so but it did not work out.  This journey is my intended pathway from the East to the West leaving behind all that no longer serves me and allows me to be in my full essence deeply and completely in a way I never imagined.  Besides that, no passenger would fit unless they were strapped on the roof.  This car is packed to the gills literally.

Tomorrow I am off through Nebraska which will be amazingly beautiful.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

Ascended Masters, ascension, Awareness, Cosmic Energies, Earth Healing, Energetics, light worker, Mastership, New Earth, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality

The Magical Machete Tour ~ Day #2 ~ July 27th, 2011

Sun Over Ohio

I have just arrived in Swanton, Ohio (right by the Toledo Airport ~ Holy Toledo ~)and wanted to get this written before I collapse for the night.  It is almost 5 PM and what a day it has been.

It started this morning with a glitch in some of my financial income which is being delayed because of my address change in New Jersey.  So there is nothing I can do but surrender to this lesson of cash flow.  I would appreciate any prayers that I receive the funds necessary to continue this journey with ease and grace.  So that set me back a little bit and getting out of the motel with the kitty-kat and food items ~ well, it has been a challenge but well worth it.

We set out this morning, Isis and I, at 9:11 am onto the PA Turnpike.  How synchronous the 911 is in my life with the Temple so I was happy about that revelation.  I drove through the end of Pennsylvania and into Ohio onto Route 80.  I have had issues with my right leg being inflamed since last week with the issue of my edema and driving has not helped the situation.  I know it is a result of all the stress I held onto before the move out of my old location and embarking upon this wonderful journey.  So I kept stopping because I had on compression stockings and calling upon Doctor Lorphan, from Sirius.  He is the only doctor that I work with.  He finally suggested that I stop again and take them off as they were constricting me and I seemed to have an allergic reaction to the material.  More 5th dimension symptoms!

While all this internalization was going on, the drive onto the Ohio Turnpike was very challenging.  Not within the driving but the energies.  So I say to myself, “Okay, this is one of the reasons you are going through this pathway to be the Pioneer with the Machete of Light”.  The land masses reminded me of South Jersey.  They were very flat, with fields, line with trees.  There never was one bird in sight.   The day was sunny and the humidty was not bad at all.  I kept sending out the Golden Flame into all the land masses.  Then I became very emotional.  Part of this I felt was my own journey but truly in retrospect, the land here in Ohio is in desperate need of healing.  The tops of the trees felt dead and no life in them any more.  I worked very hard for about three to four hours or more possibly.  As I became farther down the turnpike I felt the energies shifting greatly.

Angels Overlighting Ohio's Healing

I will say that the clouds were talking to me today though.  I felt the angels surrounding me and Light Beings everywhere.  This is so representative of our pathways, strewn with darkness and filtering it with the Light.

If you live in this area, please help.  It is needed greatly and I am surmizing that this is what Mahatma Gandhi meant when he said I was a Pioneer with a Machete.  Today I worked it very deeply while traveling about 300 miles.  I truly wanted to go further but I decided it would be better to stop, get to bed early tonight and off in the morning at 6 AM.  That is such a beautiful time anyway.  I am about 240 miles from Chicago.  By the way, the leg settled down and I was able to drive easier.

So I have not stopped yet to do any ceremonies and not sure when I will do so.  I am feeling more into the mid-western states as I know I have past lives in that area as a Native for many lifetimes.  I think that is going to be exciting.  I will be traveling Route 80 until right before Salt Lake City and then going up into Oregon through Portland.  I will then pick up Route 5 South to travel to Mount Shasta.

So my truth for today has a multifaceted lesson.  First of all, when elements change and you cannot do anything about them, go with the flow of the Universe.  Transmute any fears that may stop the full process being what can be accomplished.  Do what is necessary and then release the outcome.  Ask for assistance for others in the form of prayers and intentions.  Secondly, use your intuition and realize that all you are feeling does not always come for you especially for those of us that are empaths.  Healing is such a dual situation and do your best to help others or the Earth to rise to the higher levels of consciousness.  And always, take care of yourself afterwards with cleansing and receiving love from the Universe and others.

Today, it was very intense for me and draining, but I felt that the Crystalline Light from the Machete went out far and wide to many areas of existence.  I always ask it to go into a 500-mile radius so I know these areas will be affected in a very good way.  In this moment I am achieving excactly what I have been trained to do.

Note:  Take a note of the photo of the Sun, I have seen Gandhi, Saint Germain and others in the clouds underneath the Sun…Tell me what you see ~

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee