ascension, channeling



Master Thoth teaches on the Law of Correspondence on Saturday, April 30th, 2016 as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall to receive an attunement to assist the Mirror of the Self to be clearer: Getting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.

I Desire to Be the Mirror of Myself in All that I Am, Do, Relate, and Act Upon ~ Master Thoth

Listening to the Divine Wisdom of your Higher Mind through the Higher Self into your present consciousness is the only communication that should be acknowledged within your world. It is the space of continued energies from the Source of Light that you were born from as a Spirit of Divine Essence. It is a way of living that relates to all references of the God Essence within Love and Faith by allowing Humility to be your guide as your Inner Power will be acknowledged in the presence of the Light that you truly exist within.

This universal law brings up these elements to be acknowledged within your physical consciousness through each thought, feeling, and action that you create within your life. It is the essence of allowing your higher creative process to be part of your physical existence. It is then that your life enfolds in a new and different manner.

This is what we call “Synchronous Living”.

As you learn to “walk your talk” in that what you belief inside of yourself, through your inner power and truth, it ignites into your outside world with a sense of ease and grace with every element that you experience. The important realization is that the journey of the Self will allow you to fully embody your soul and your spirit through the physical reality you have created.

It has taken you many hundreds of lifetimes to realize these truths. You have been side-tracked from the core of your True Self into believing that the truth you believe in lies outside of yourself. It has been part of the programming that has evolved within this planet for eons of time.

Luckily, the earth is at a very pivotal point in which individuals can start to realize that the potential of their living is right within themselves. And, when you can take time to change the inner thoughts and feelings into positive affirmations that is when you are truly aligning with your Inner Truth. It is a moment in time in which you allow the true Spirit of You to become the Physical You. This allows the enfoldment of synchronicity to flow within and out of you in each element that you achieve in your life.

This is what is occurring presently within the Earth as the changes happen through each moment of alignment as there is more to experience than the previous moment. But how do you stay stable in the midst of the storm is the most important question.

Finding your True Self is important to allow the stabilization of your Higher Essence to be acknowledged within you. Events can happen; relationships will change; and there can be loss on the physical level. The important element to remember is WHO YOU ARE. This determines the cause of events for you in each moment whether it is within your own consciousness or outside of yourself with others.

I am not talking about one fleeting moment when something occurs that gives you joy. I am talking about upon waking up each day and each of those moments fit into each other with a flow that is so beautiful it resembles sitting on a raft floating down a stream and you see everything in beauty as it reflects all around you. The raft continues its journey and you enjoy each moment as they flow into the next moment. There is no hesitation or thoughts that tell you it does not feel right within your heart.

You are One with all that is around you.

So many individuals want to choose to have this existence and sometimes they think that they do. Some souls live in a very illusionary state where the world around them seems exactly as they choose it to be but yet when they look inside of themselves there are feelings of regret, insecurity, or deep pain. They may not appear as such in the world around them as it seems better to hide than to truly exhibit the feelings that are not in harmony.

This represents the statement that Your Mirror Image Is Not Of The True Self, it is of the damaged self. The part of you that has lived many timelines and experienced these elements represents the changes that need to be made. They may come in a fleeting moment out of nowhere but yet it feels very real to the psyche. This is because this experience reflects the past and is locked away within the person’s subconscious. The beauty of the subconscious mind is that it is teaching you to look at the issue so that it can be healed. Many individuals do not have the ability to look deeply within as the façade they carry with them reflects the pain they are dealing with.

As we move through 2016, the Universal Laws are going to become essentially important to every person’s existence. Each soul will experience the growth that is necessary to embody the universal laws, and they will become an important element to consider. In fact, each universal law needs to become a mantra for each soul upon this earth so that every step they take in their physical life reflects the spiritual self that is trying to be realized.

Each individual must live with the Universal Laws as if they already know what they are. But when you read the words of the law, what do you feel inside of your self.

Do you have a reflection of what it may mean for you in your present circumstances or your life?  

Do you see why you have gone through a series of challenges and maybe if you paid closer attention to each moment you are experiencing, then you could see where the problem may lie within your mental and emotional experiences?

These are all important elements to consider, as the Universal Laws must become personal for each person in order to achieve mastery and accept the challenges they are going through as part of their own Divine Plan through their Higher Self, and not the result of others creating the problems.

The Law of Correspondence creates these thoughts to become a reality within a person. The statement of As Above, So Below is something that has been written in many spiritual texts for centuries. But what does that mean for you? How can you change your reality by realizing that you are more of a Spiritual Being than a physical one?

The reason this planet and all of humanity is struggling represents these questions that I pose to you. Each person needs to take responsibility for his or her own reality through the emotional and mental bodies so that the world can be Heaven on Earth. Until each soul takes that step into their own personal evolution the earth is going to still be in conflict.

So that is why we take the time as Masters to work with each of you so that you can remember all that you know and how to apply it to your present life circumstance. It is not your fault that you have forgotten but it is time for every soul to try to remember. So the burden falls upon each Lightworker, as the Awakened Ones, to hold their own higher essence within their physical body. In order for each of you to walk as masters you must walk in the shoes of all that you have been before. This is an important fact that needs to be addressed.

Your Etheric body holds the frequency of the good and bad that you have been. In order for your physical self to hold the Light frequency, the healing must occur within the Etheric level. All timelines and thought processes that you have is being held in this level. So it is imperative to clear as much as you can as it will make a difference in creating the New Earth.

So how do you create it?

Each of you mirror everything that you have ever been within your own sub-conscious thoughts which trigger the emotions. It is imperative to take the time and understand that when the thought comes to you, how you feel about it in your personal reaction.

What happens to you in this process? Are you relating to your Higher Self or is it your physical self?

This is an important consideration because when you access your Divine Mind, the higher part of your existence, then you allow that Mirror of your I Am Presence to be revealed within your physical body. When you are accessing the lower self through the physical mind, then you are putting that energy back into the Universe. So it will come back to you time and time again until your rectify the energy through accessing your Higher Heart and Higher Mind.

This is the Law of Correspondence – as the line of communication from the lower mind will travel through the dimensions unto your I Am presence of the 144th dimension. The I Am or the Monad or the Higher Self receives it. There becomes a realization that this transference of energy does not reflect the Higher Essence. So then this energy sends another communication to you of similar energies – the lower energies do not stay within the Higher Essence but are returned to you to revisit the same frequency. This is why you can be overwhelmed with an emotion or situation you are dealing with. Instead of calling upon your Higher Essence to assist in a resolution, your lower energies are being sent out and returned back to you.

This is a constant motion that occurs in each situation of your life.

So when you realize that change has to occur from your Higher Essence into the physical essence that is when you start to feel calm, peaceful, and loved. You finally allow your vehicle on this Earth to receive what it deserves. Then there is the movement of healing that is created.

It becomes an endless cycle until the initiate can take responsibility for themselves and realize that the reality they are experiencing is due to their ability to move through the challenge.

This is why this earth is so programmed as it was deemed appropriate eons ago that there would not be any remembrance for each soul until he or she could step into the power of their own will to be acknowledged within themselves.

So at this time of great change, it is your responsibility, as the Awakened Ones, the Initiate, the Student to step forward and allow the healing of our Inner Self to become the Outer Self. Each soul upon this planet must take this responsibility. If you think you are completely clear and do not need to address this law to your personal life, then look at your outward circumstances.

The Inner Reflects the Outer Self ~ Synchronization Occurs through this act.

This statement reflects each moment of your day, your night, and all realities coming into Oneness. The more souls that utilize this law the easier it will become upon this earth as the dark energies will no longer be able to exist in this higher frequency.

Take time to realize your thoughts and actions, your conversations, and realizations as they mold who you are in any given moment. Every soul has to go through this process; it is part of learning to be a master. The journey can be challenging to constantly know who you are and allow the Mirror of Your Higher Essence to guide you in each moment. The rewards will come to those that are able to uphold this creative process within all parts of their reality through the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental bodies.

This will then change the frequency of this Earth to move into the higher dimensional light. The challenge is being honest with yourself and realize the potential you have to create change inside and around you.

I walk with you every step of the way through this process.

I Am Master Thoth

Join us for our monthly talk with Master Thoth on the Law of Correspondence, Saturday, April 30th, 2016 at 12:30 PM Pacific as we travel to the Sacred Heart Temple of Oneness within 144th dimension in the Commemorative Hall which is a meeting place for many masters of the Unified Whole Command. Included is an attunement to reflect the Mirror Image of our Divine Self into our Physical Being. Details are available viaGetting Physical: Holding to the Universal Law of Correspondence.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK: WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

Ascended Masters, ascension, Full Moon, Wesak

THE EYES OPEN FULL MOON ~ April 2016 Festival of Lights



We are now in preparation for a very powerful full moon of Taurus with Scorpio on April 21st, 2016 at 10:24 PM Pacific, April 22nd at 1:24 AM Eastern, and 05:24 GMT.

This moon is termed a “Pink Moon” by the Farmer’s Almanac representing the Spring essence of sprouting beautiful flowers. It is a time of re-creation and allowing the seeds to be planted of what we desire to experience in the months ahead.

This also represents the spiritual work that we have been undergoing to prepare for the new essence of our Self to be initiated within our lives. The previous moon cycle took us through a journey of “resurrecting the old self in order to prepare for the new.”

The moon being in Scorpio gives us the energy of being the “Spiritual Warrior” and can cause conflicting energies to result within our consciousness. As we are preparing for the New Earth, the archetype of the Warrior needs to be addressed in a different way than in previous timelines. Yes, we have been preparing ourselves to experience life in a new and different way, and part of that represents the warriorship attitude. It must come from the inner essence and not the outer or else this moon can have us fighting in ways that we have done before.

As Lightworkers upon this earth, it is our responsibility to fully command who we are and that changes through each moment. It is not easy to throw down the swords and not fight for what you believe in; but it is about using that energy in a completely different way than it has been done in our existence.

This is why this moon is so very important. The fact that it is also theWesak Moon is very appropriate but it also represents the energy that is occurring on the planet presently. People are within the warrior attitude of wanting to fight for what they believe in. Change is happening everywhere we look but yet there is the old element of still being persecuted for not adhering to the ways that society has put upon us for centuries. These type of people are finally waking up.

Can you recall a time when you first realized there was more that could be part of this life experience?

You probably wanted to fight society in a certain way to show your view and let others know what it meant. It is all part of the duality of life – individuals waking up into a society that has been oppressed.

This moon cycle brings these energies into focus so that it is in our face. It can disrupt our lives as the world around us is very angry. I believe that this moon is teaching us a lesson. Which path do you want to take? The high road or the low road, as stepping into the anger of the consciousness will only bring more of the same thus repeating the old cycles.

Being on the Mastery Pathway brings all the elements into focus, but then there has to come a time when deep self-revelation occurs and the true reality is shown within our focus. This all represents the initiations and the Ascended Mastery Pathway. This moon represents these energies as it brings elements to the forefront that need to be addressed, and we have to make a decision in how we are going to achieve the most positive results for humanity.

This is why the Ascended Beings of Light are expressing in all of our teachings that this Wesak Moon is very important for this planet. We are coming into a time of change and how we change is going to be very important.

The only way that we can address the issues is to look within ourselves and see where we need to change. Do we want these energies to take us into more of a warrior-ship attitude as we have done in past incarnations, or are you ready to stand as an Initiate of Ascension Mastery and take responsibility for your actions?

These are all very important considerations during this full moon cycle because elements are going to arise in each of us that need to be healed so that we don’t follow the crowd but stand tall among each other to command our Light to be the way of the creation for the New Earth.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of Master Djwhal Khul, Chohan for the Ray of Love and Wisdom, says this about the Wesak Festival of Light:

buddha_800_500“We are at a crossroads within this planet. Elements must change. The initiates of student mastery understand the process much easier than the unawakened souls. So there is a deep responsibility within the souls of the planet that want to uphold the light within them. Allow the Violet-Purple Flame (which is being infused into the Earth during this Wesak Moon) to bring forth the transformation within your foundation so you can realize the potential that is inside of you.

The Light must win this battle, and it is with your initiative and concentration of your desires that you shall be challenged to uphold your end of responsibility. It must come from within yourself first and foremost. All that you have been in all the timelines must be healed to hold the Light within you. It is the same for humanity.

Changes will come but it is how you incorporate those changes that will be the cornerstone of your reality.”


This means that when you deeply go within and look at all that You Are, then you are able to see your Truth which is the good and not so good that you have been. Your eyes are open to all that you have ever been, and you become the Light.

These truths will bring forth the Transformation of this Earth but only with the help of humanity to do so. I hope you will join us in bringing forth your own truth of the self so that others can do the same.

So how do we prepare for this moon experience?

The most important element is to use your Spiritual Tools to go deeper within yourself to remove the elements that may be impeding your progress of ascension. We must remember that the dark side wants people to fight with each other as it will keep this planet in duality. So as students of Ascension Mastery it is our responsibility to uphold the light deeper and stronger than we ever have before. We are the pioneers of light to extend the Divine Essence of the ChristConsciousness to be instrumental in healing this planet and all of humanity.

Take time for the Wesak moon to commune with the energies, join with others if you can as Wesak represents the Spirit of Cooperation.

The most important purpose of Wesak is to stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood and Goodwill within each soul to bring forth a responsive and integrative whole along with walking as One with all the Spiritual Masters of Full Consciousness within the Unified Whole energies of the 144th dimension representing that Oneness.

Wesak has several functions:

◊  To Substantiate the Christ Consciousness to become grounded within this Earth.
◊  To Physically Prove Solidarity of All Races to come together in Unison.
◊  To Form a Rallying Point or meeting place for all souls to come together annually in the cooperation to represent Universal Consciousness to become focused within all souls of the Earth.
◊  To Demonstrate the Nature of the Christ Consciousnesswithin each soul upon this earth, so that we work cohesively in Oneness accepting all viewpoints and thoughts of creation which will originate from the Creative Source of Light, the 144thDimension, or the Unified Whole Command.

At this Wesak Moon, the planet will be infused with the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Structure that comes from the cosmic level within the colors of the Violet infused with Deep Purple. This is going to assist humanity in going through a complete transformation and help to ground the higher energies within the planet. But its success is only possible with all of our assistance that understand these frequencies of Light.

This is why this Wesak is so very important for Gaia and forHumanity. It is considered to be a gateway into the higher realms to be realized within the planet, as the order of what has been will go through a huge transmutation. It is a moment in time in which theViolet Fire is going to wipe away the elements that do not belong within that transformative energy surge so that the Feminine Divine of the Deeper Purple can be fully realized. It is the best of the best to have full realizations of this light formation to assist in the foundation of this planet.

This is a huge new beginning to allow our foundations to be transformed from our Etheric Self that has held the energies from so many lifetimes, good and bad just as Gaia is going through her healing process.

To learn more about what this Full Moon represents, please see our website, Wesak Events page. We are transmitting our annul Global Teleconference Gathering of Light on April 23rd at 9:00 AM PDT to celebrate the Wesak Moon event experience with the Ascended Beings of Light. In addition we are providing a full day worldwide distance learning Wesak Workshop on Friday, April 22nd to experience the highest level of acceptance of Light for Wesak.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

ascension, Wesak





Note: The annual WESAK GATHERING registration is now open. Walking Terra Christa celebrates the WESAK FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS on Saturday April 23, 2016. There will also be a full day Ascended Master Workshop distance learning training with more personal teachings being held on Friday April 22. Please see the READ MORE link below for details about the important earth energies within this WESAK and for registration details.

Wesak is considered the most important of all of the Festival of Lights that occur each full moon, as it is when humanity receives the highest frequency of light from the Company of the Heavens. 

In the words of Master Djwhal Khul, Festival of Lights Master of Ceremonies:As I have stated previously, this Wesak represents the foundation that we have been building upon through the Spiritual Hierarchy, but now it starts to become grounded within the planet. It is no longer just within the consciousness of the Earth, but it will bring a feeling of completeness to a process that has been ongoing for many years. Now this grounding effect needs to be enhanced by all Initiates upon the Planet along with our assistance.

If we take the energies of the Ray of Ceremonial Structure into a personal existence, it represents the core values of a soul inhabited within the body. Then, allowing the Soul Essence, the Spirit, the Higher Self takes a higher commanding role within that body.

The same is occurring for the Earth. There is a foundation within this earth, which I think many individuals would agree with, and that is, Peace, Liberation, Freedom. Within those characteristics of living there needs to be responsibility. And that is where the Universal Laws overlight the energies of this year. Without them, we cannot have the accessibility or hope of grounding the laws. Right now they are a consciousness, and we as the masters much teach others how to incorporate the laws within their life.

The 7th Ray brings forth the element of Lady Portia being the Ray Chohan as more of theFeminine Divine is being activated through the ray. This will assist Gaia to receive what she needs by bringing forth the elements of gentleness, love, and tolerance of the changes that need to occur for right order to be brought forth into the Earth.

As we take the energies of the Violet Purple Flame; it includes the Violet essence of invocation, but with the Purple, it creates a grounding energy while accessing the Feminine Divine. It is a deeper color. The Violet can come and go very easily but how does one stay grounded within that essence. It is impossible to stay centered with only the Violet Flame as it was meant to be a clearing energy – to whip through the darkness and clear up the elements that were stopping free flowing forms of light to be ignited within oneself. The Deep Purple flame brings forth the ability to ground the energies by allowing gentleness to bring forth compassion while centering the energies within the self; thereby, changing the foundation of the physical self into a spiritual foundation incorporated by the Higher Self or Divine Mind.

This ray represents both the Masculine and Feminine Divine qualities to be initiated, activated, and fully actualized.

We believe that this Wesak Moon will be more life changing on a physical level than it has ever been felt previously. The more Initiates that participate in the ceremony and truly allow their Inner Truth to be shown in their consciousness of thoughts and emotions, the easier the transition will be. Each soul has a responsibility to upholding their best intentions for themselves and for others.

Gaia needs you to be fully present within yourself and uphold the highest energy of expansion within you. It is a time when great mastery is being realized for the potential of life on this planet. We are at a crossroads ~ it is time to fully intuit all of the qualities that are essential for the transformation of this Earth.

Will you be ready to accept that you are a Divine Being of Light?

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISITIAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!

ascension, moon cycles

Aries New Moon ~ Time to Take Action


The New Moon of Aries has now arrived April 7th, 2016 which occurred at 4:24 AM Pacific, 7:24 AM Eastern, and 11:24 GMT. New beginnings are possible as with each new moon, but how is this moon different for the earth and each of us individually?

The past three months of this year has taken into a deeper part of our existence within the earth as March proved to be the Lion roaring inside of us just waiting to get out of the trenches of despairs. As students of mastery, we have had to go into a space where we have not wanted to travel before. With each passing moon, eclipse, and acceleration of the light coming into the planet, it pushes us to know ourselves on a deeper level.

The Full Moon in March gave us the gift of resurrecting our elements that do not serve the higher energies. It helped us to move into a higher level of acceptance while moving our vibrations to match the emotional and mental elements that we are desiring to have in our consciousness. These energies have been intense and challenging for each soul upon this earth.

As we stand within this New Moon of Aries, it allows us to take action of who we have become. Sometimes this can be scary or challenging, but it is the pathway we have chosen that many would not dare to tread upon. It represents always stepping into the newness of ourselves as we heal the old wounds that need to be addressed within our Etheric Body. This part of us will always be with us in body or in spirit so it is important to continually work with those energies that will support the healthy function of the physical, emotional and mental bodies to work in unison of the Higher Self.

We all know we are multi-dimensional from many lifetimes or experiences on the Inner Plane Level of existence. Presently we are feeling these timelines in our consciousness and physical existence. They can assist us or create turmoil in our thoughts and feelings. It is up to us how we handle ourselves through the process of the changes we are experiencing.

The first trimester of this year from January through March took us into spaces that have helped to heal the old wounds. It is a continual journey of going within, learning the lesson, doing the spiritual tool to assist the healing, and then stabilizing ourselves.

This moon is our Stabilization Period.

This is the gift from the Universe that says,

“Stop and smell the beautiful flowers, watch the birds fly and sing around you, feel the gentleness of the wind, and enjoy the warmth of the sun. You have worked so hard to arrive in this space.  You are all that you see around you; allow it to be One within you and share it with us”

As we step into these energies of Aries, we can now act accordingly within the Laws of the Universe.   We have learned from our previous moments, we have cried, we have been angry, we have healed in so many ways.   This is what Resurrection represents.   The Festival of the Christ has allowed us to see things in a different way even if it is just a very small moment of reflection. Ascension Mastery gives us the opportunity to see how we have done so now we can act accordingly to our Divine Plan within our Higher Consciousness to become manifested within our physical reality.

Take some moments and reflect the changes you have gone through, how did you get through it, and what were the lessons you learned from the previous month.

Then, it is time to fully embrace this moment of Action upon how you feel. Allow this month to bring forth the New Beginning that you desire to achieve in your life. Allow your foundation of who you want to be to go deeper within you. Confirm what you have achieved and then act accordingly.

Ironically, Walking Terra Christa has just finished their monthly program on the Law of Action with Master Thoth and Master Paul the Venetian. We have learned that in order to have the Right Action we must allow the higher vibration to be our guide and continually strive to hold that frequency within us as what we think, feel, and create is based on those elements that we are experiencing within our consciousness.

This moon is a blessing to each of us. It is a time to fully embrace who we are becoming and feel the Divine Love that we are.   It is time to step out of the box, rejoice in the change that we are, and show that to the world. This new moon cycle is very powerful for manifestation as we work with the energies of our Higher Self to become our reality within the Physical Self.

Take time to embrace the New You, because as you do so, you are then accepting the element that change is something you embrace and then it becomes You in all ways.  The Universe will act accordingly to return what you share around you.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

Note: If you are interested in learning to understand more about raising your vibration to better incorporate the frequencies of the Law of Action,  For more details, please see our page THE LAW OF ACTION: APPLYING VIBRATIONAL MOVEMENT.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and THIS  IMPORTANT BUTTON LINK:  WE NEED YOU! PLEASE VISIT IAMTHE144.ORG IF YOU LOVE THE EARTH AND WANT TO HELP RAISE THE PLANET’S VIBRATION!