ascension, Earth Healing, Solstice

The Transition of Gaia ~ New Earth Frequency Update June 2016


Greetings and Love,

We are Master Thoth, the Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein representing the Unified Whole Command of the 144th Dimensional Frequency of Light.

We would like to share with you the dynamics of the energies that are presently occurring within the Earth and how you may be affected during this time as great accelerations are occurring for everyone, within and around the Earth.

2016 truly has been a powerful year but yet all the years leading up to this time have created the availability for each of you to experience more frequency of light than the previous years. The changes that are occurring presently are beyond the scope of understanding within the human mind but yet so many individuals are looking to information that will assist them to UNDERSTAND from their mental body. Sometimes as a human you just have to let go of the chatter to really find the true answer. It is an element that has to occur from your Divine Mind, your Higher Self, into the focus of your physical existence.

So how does One go from the Physical Mind into the Higher Mind?

Well, that is exactly what each of you is experiencing presently whether you are intentionally working upon it or it is happening through your higher states of awareness. The process of life changing upon the Earth is occurring right before your eyes, within your consciousness, and through your physical experiences. This is what is called the Ascension Process, and it is going to continue for quite some time.

But what stage of growth are you experiencing presently?

As the influctuation of the light energy is increased around the planet, it allows for seepage of these light elements to come into the existence of humanity. But since the Awakened individuals are still at a low percentage level, then the experience of this light is going to be increased within each person. This means that each of you that are aware of the elevated energies is going to be effected at a higher rate than the general population of the Earth. The more aware you become, the more that you accept to receive these energies within your system.

As the planet is changing through this process, it is imperative that each soul receives these increased energies so that it can be held within the core of Gaia. This means that each of you must be very diligent to realize that you will change in the re-patterning of the earth. In fact, you have asked to take on this role so that this earth can arise into her higher creations of light. You are the beacon of light to take on these responsibilities so that others can do the same.

But how do you go about allowing this to happen without feeling overload?

This is a very good question as within the context of your physical mind, there cannot be any answers. There is only the continued thoughts of how and why you can continue through this process.

Change is inevitable within each of you, but it depends upon how you relate to those changes that are occurring. We also know you want the global change to happen but it cannot occur immediately. But the important element to consider is how are you being affected within your consciousness and your life to what is happening upon the Earth.

Each of you is a Torch Bearer to bring forth this energy to be held within Gaia. But yet, a Torch Bearer also has the responsibility of knowing within themselves how the changes are affecting them and how to continue to be that Torch Bearer. We believe that some individuals think that the Earth is within the 5th dimensional frequency but we beg to differ with that statement. We think it is a matter of understanding the consciousness that is occurring and not what is happening within the Earth.

There are great changes at this time. The preparation that each of you are going through is tremendous as there are more light infractions appearing within the Earth to be grounded to assist the planet to align with the 5th dimensional level, but it is up to each of you to hold it within your own consciousness. All you have to do is look at the world around you to see the battles that are occurring within countries, within leaders, and within the people. This represents the fourth dimensional level of consciousness. This earth has shifted from the third dimension because there is an awareness that was not present previously. Living within the third level represents being asleep so it is important to look around you at individuals, “are they still asleep”. Unfortunately, many still are.

But yet, the planet is still transitioning to the level that you desire to have in existence at this time. Hope is not a bad thing; in fact it is very important to see that there is a chance for the Earth to move into the higher realms of light. But please know that there still needs to be so much work in order for that pathway to be grounded within Gaia and each of you.

That is exactly what you are going through presently. It is important through each change of light that is occurring to know what is happening within you as great movements of acceleration will happen to change your four-body system into a heightened level of awareness, but there is so much more that is involved within that process. If you are not already participating in the teachings of mastery in your own life, it is imperative that you do so as they will help you to realize what is changing within your system, and to realize it is all part of the process of ascension – De-Ascending your Highest Consciousness into your Full Body System. Each of you must heal deeply in order to hold the 5thdimensional light body. It will not come into you just because the planet is transitioning into a higher level. You have to allow the healing to create more healing into the depth of your soul’s history.

So the effects of the God Force are bringing forth the light infractions to assist each of you to go through this process. Your physical bodies are not used to these elements that are increasing through each month and change of the seasons. The planet is accelerating but you must realize that there is a long way to travel until Gaia can fully accept her role as a 5th dimensional planet and then beyond.

The Solstice in June is another event that is going to catapult these energies into a higher frequency of light for each of you. The understanding of what is occurring is not our role to share as Lord Metatron wants to bring forth that information (forthcoming in another post), but we can tell you that each of you are preparing to hold more light energy within your physical form. There is a great deal of internal work that needs to be done in order for it to be held within you. Changes have to result within your psychological self as it represents your multi-dimensional personality, your soul body of light (the Etheric Body), and how that integration occurs within your entire structure.

So yes, many of you are being challenged. It is affecting your sleep, your times of being awake, your chakras being realigned, your intuitive self is becoming stronger, and more light quotient being grounded within your physical self. All of these elements create havoc within the physical body especially when the individual going through that process does not understand that they have to remove the elements that have been lodged within their soul’s psychological self for eons of time. You must understand that you cannot rise to the higher frequencies without taking care of these elements. You may still feel the elevation of the light, and you will probably feel extreme pain during these times, but you won’t be able to hold it.

Some individuals may feel that this is wrong, to go into the past as it is finished. But unfortunately, your Etheric body holds it all and this part of you is your Feeling Body. It allows the other bodies of the Emotional and Mental to work through you. It cannot be ignored in any shape or form. If you don’t take care of these elements now, then you will have to do so at some time either in or out of body.

So when we look at the earth and what is happening presently, we can understand why you want to go into the “love and light” syndrome. This is not a bad thing, but realizations must come to the forefront as each of you hold this light but also hold your own darkness even if you don’t go into that space. It is ignited through your field of light and can be causing more debris to be centered upon the earth.

We know that this is not easy to hear for some of you, and others you may feel that you are starting to understand why the world is the way it is.

Yes, there are increased Light Quotients being realized in every single person at this time. And, there will be more. The important element for each of you is to be able to hold it as much as possible. Yes, these light infractions will create change for you, but it is up to each of you to realize what is happening, go into the energy, and look for yourself within the Emotional and Mental Bodies so that it can be transformed. Otherwise, we are going to be experiencing these energies upon the Earth for a very long time.

Now there may be others that are feeling the increase rate of acceleration in a different way. Their psychic abilities may be so strong that they feel as if they are moving into a different time and space. There are many opportunities at this time. The veil between the worlds is very thin and many things can happen through this process during the Solstice. This way of existing is not recommended, as it will take you into a different dimensional universe that is not aligned with the Light of God or the Source of Light. But many may decide this is the route they want to take because of the challenges they are feeling physically and emotionally. You have to remember that you have a contract with Gaia to uphold these energies even though the transition can be difficult, almost feeling as if you cannot go onward. The history within your soul is healing deeply through each transition to allow the four-body system to come into alignment as it should be. There are many timelines within your Etheric Body that ignite every time there is an increased amount of energy within the planet. It is essential that every person be able to transform their physical body into the light body, but these timelines need to be rectified, purified, and put into wholeness so that the full body system can be centered within the Earth.

The important element we want to convey is that Grounding is essential for each of you at this time. Bringing forth the accelerated energy into your full body system, allow the changes to occur for you, heal all parts of yourself through the process, and feel the new You become very grounded within your thoughts, your emotions, and everything that is important to existing upon this Earth. We need you to stay, not to leave and go into other worlds. We know it is not easy at all, but call upon your Higher Essence to help you realize the contract that you have taken on.

It is a critical time for Gaia and for each of you. Holding as much of these light frequencies within you to be grounded to her essence is imperative. Others need to feel this especially the Ones that are still asleep; we need each of you to become better within yourself to hold this essence you are becoming. Work through your physical elements, call upon each of the Brothers and Sisters of the White Brotherhood to assist you, become the Master you desire to be.

As you do so, you will heal your body, your emotions, and your thoughts. You will become the Divine Mind as is deemed appropriate through the Ascended Master State of Consciousness.

Step into the energy of the Solstice and this coming season with a renewed sense of who you are becoming. Allow yourself to change in the process, be happy with your transition even when it feels not so joyful. Each of you has this power within you to be One with your Higher Self or Divine Mind and this is the process you need to realize for yourself.

We want to extend our loving assistance to help you through the transition of the New Earth. Realize within yourself that you can be in the 5th dimensional consciousness, within your thoughts and your emotions, and the more you feel this, the more it will become concrete within Gaia’s core. But always be honest with yourself of what you are feeling, the emotions and thoughts that come into your consciousness as they need to be changed.

You will thank yourself for acknowledging all elements of who you are becoming. And most of all, Gaia thanks you for taking on an enormous role of responsibility to assist her so that other souls will be able to come to the 5th dimensional earth of Terra Christa. It is a beautiful time of great acceleration. We have deep compassion and love for each of you.

Blessings on our journey together,

We are the Unified Whole Command of

Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein

Walking Terra Christa will be holding a Solstice/Full Moon Ceremony on Monday, June 20th, 2016 at 4:30 PM Pacific.  For details on how to join this OPEN TELECALL, please click the link.

Walking Terra Christa held a 2-hour class with Master Thoth and The Great Divine Director: REVEALING LOST PUZZLE PIECES: THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.  You may utilize this class in your personal time as it represents Changing and Accepting Timelines from the soul’s perspective.

© 2016 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery. by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Use for commercial websites, blogs and any printed or written reproduction requires written permission. Rights are granted to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog as long as you include this copyright statement and the referral links below to stay informed and share our messages:

ascension, channeling, Lord Metatron, Teaching Series

Angelic Boost for the Four Initiations ~ Teaching Series

I, come forward as Lord Metatron at this time to assist any individual that would like assistance with their initiations of Mastery. I bring to you the availability of the Golden Solar Angels of Light and all angelic presences during this phase of teaching.

It has always been my desire to come forward at a time that would be beneficial to the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Order of Melchizedek, and Initiates on the earth-plane that would be able to accelerate and yet balance their energies through the first Four Levels of the Initiations.

As we have just experienced a beautiful teaching with one another within the Embody Your Solar Angel I want to continue this work of the Metatronic Seals but directing it in the manner of the angelic essence. We are all angels together. Each of you has come to Earth in that angelic form to assist Gaia and humanity in the transition towards Oneness. Within that process comes the journey of the Self that must be addressed within each soul. It can be long and arduous, but each of you that are ready at this time, can go through the process in a gentler way of acceptance.

This course series will entail working with your Solar Angel through the Initiations. We will, again, connect with your angelic self so that she/he can be your guide through those four levels that are the most important for a strong foundation. It will entail a step-by-step process to assist each of you to understand more about yourself while going through the acceleration phases.

It does not matter where you are presently sitting within the initiation as sometimes as an initiate, we have to go back to the lower levels to clear some elements that were not ready to appear until we get to the higher phases.

My role is not to teach you about each initiation but to attune you to the energetic exchange that represents each initiation while helping you to access your Solar Angel in the process. We will work through the Metatronic Seals in a different way than I have taught previously. I take on my essence as the Archangel and the Lord to guide each of you through Rev. Meleriessee through the process.

Each level of the initiations along with specific Metatronic Seals to assist in the process of full activation will be accessed in the succession of the classes:

Class No. 1 – Initiation 1 – Inspiration – Representing the Etheric Body
Class No. 2 – Initiation 2 – Illumination – Representing the Emotional Body
Class No. 3 – Initiation 3 – Intuition – Representing the Mental Body
Class No. 4 – Initiation 4 – Liberation from Wheel of Rebirth ~ Embodying the Higher Self

Each of the specific Metatronic Seals that will be initiated and activated. Activation depends upon where each individual can hold the energies within their body, where they stand within their Planetary Ascension.

· Initiation 1 ~ Remembrance of the Angelic Presence and Grounding Process which will entail accessing Etheric Body so that the Physical Body can hold the energies,
· Initiation 2 ~ Female Essence which will include accessing the feminine aspects within each individual so that there is more of a flow of those energies within;
· Initiation 3 ~ Male Essence – initiating the energies to help the Mental Body to understand the process of power and structure of the initiate;
· Initiation 4 ~ Integration of Masculine & Feminine Divine; Accessing the Higher Self – both of these seals work together as when the Higher Self is fully actualized at this stage, then the Masculine and Feminine work cohesively together.

This series of classes will help each initiate to go through the challenging periods with more ease and grace as it will connect them to their Solar Angel through the process. Many individuals do not realize that they are angelic so the process of the initiations can be very challenging and almost life threatening to them

I believe working with the Metatronic Seals and the Solar Angel will assist each initiate to walk through the necessary doorways and find the solutions they are searching for within their pathway.

This program will entail quite a bit of attunement elements so that they can be initiated within a person, then activated, and finally the actualization will occur when they have walked completely through the full Initiation Process. In previous timelines this work could take many lifetimes to achieve these results.

Each of the attunements can be utilized many times as elements will arise that that attunement will assist to allow the individual to find a stage of actualization within their four-body system.

In addition the energies that are being activated within the planet at this time are going to assist in fully accepting these energies within each individual. It is not a quick fix but it is accessing an assistant within your life to help you walk through the challenging moments of each initiation phase (which includes seven (7) sublevels of each initiation).

I hope you will join me with Walking Terra Christa in bringing this amazing class to each of you.

I am Lord Metatron
In service to all Initiates and Angels of this Earth

WTC is Hosting a Four-Part Series with Lord Metatron to assist individuals within the first FOUR INITIATIONS of Mastery. We have the unique opportunity with the use of the SOLAR ANGELS assistance to receive guidance and specific frequencies to make our progress through the early crucial stages of the Mastery Initiations be realized with more ease and grace.

This is a FOUR CLASS COURSE SERIES. Each class will be 90 to 120 minutes in duration. The planned schedule is as follows:
Session 1 – Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 4:30 PM PDT.
Session 2 – Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 4:30 PM PDT.
Session 3 – Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 4:30 PM PDT.
Session 4 – Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 4:30 PM PDT.

Classes are via live teleconferencing. Immediate playback is available via the teleconference system. Audio MP3 files will be available within 24 hours to all who enroll.

If you are interested in joining this teaching series, please click here to Walking Terra Christa’s blog. Scroll down to the bottom to see the payment fee schedule.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

ascension, Full Moon

Taming the Lion Within

On February 3rd, 2014, 3:10 PM Pacific, 6:10 PM Eastern (23:10 GMT) we experience the Full Moon in February which brings for the essence of Leo within the sun sign of Aquarius.

This full moon brings us the essence of an upsurge of an energetic push which represents the Lion within us.  The lion can represent our lower egos, wanting control of our lives, being aggressive, and seeing things from the way we have done them in our past.  2015 represents the year to access the Divine Love within us, and this moon helps us to go deeper into that reflection.  It is bringing in this push from the ruler of the Lion which is usually very fierce pushing through many doorways that others would not be able to achieve.  This energy is softer but still so very powerful.

As each of us strives to live a better life within the 5th dimension, this moon is going to assist tremendously in removing the aspects of the lower ego that have a tendency to get in the way.  As we connect more fully with the essence of this moon, our Higher Self has an open doorway to achieve the same results of the Lion but with compassion, love, and within a synchronistic wave of light.

This does not mean that it is going to be easy; in fact, this essence will still push us to go deeper, purge into our lower ego self, so that we can fully accept our Divinity of Love and Light within our physical existence.

As we work with the higher essences of this moon of Leo it allows us to become personally involved in our pathway so that we may extend those characteristics into our outside world.  It allows us to give service to the planet while assist our personal pathway of mastery just by doing the work within ourselves.

It is important to fully reflect within our core essence to look deeper within the way that we interact, the way we feel, and think about whom we are.  The Lion is coming to us to access the higher part of our consciousness to be fully grounded within our physical conditioning.  it is about becoming inclusive within ourselves for our own healing and then being able to share it with others.

It is imperative for each of us to reflect these particles of light and darkness within ourselves during this full moon.  Otherwise, the resultant energies can be very intense and cause great emotional and mental pain.  The more that we are ready to receive this new essence of this month, the more we will be able to accept our Higher Mind within the Lower Mind which will result in changing the status of the ego from the lower frequency into the higher element.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a  Sacred Full Moon Ceremony on February 2nd, 2014, at 4:30 PM, Pacific (MP3 file is available within 24 hours) which will infuse the ability to connect with all of these energies to help ground them into each of us and within Gaia’s essence.

We are now  fully working with Master Djwhal Khul to infuse each of the full moon ceremonies from a perspective of the Spiritual Hierarchy and his work.  This month brings for these characteristics we spoke about along with the Rays of Love and Wisdom, Harmony and Beauty, along with Ceremonial Structure and Magic to help ground these frequencies within each of us and within the earth.

Many blessings for a beautiful full moon experience.

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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ascension, Full Moon

Experiencing the Balance Within ~ Full Moon of January 2015

We are in a most powerful acceleration of the first full moon in January. On the 4th of January we experienced the activation of the Full Moon within Capricorn of the Sun and Cancer of the Moon to merge within each other.

Capricorn represents our livelihood in the material world and how we react within that element on a physical level; whereas, Cancer represents our connection to our inner self, our emotions, and creating a loving environment in our daily living. We could look at this as the Mental Body vs the Emotional Body trying to come into alignment. It is a time for us to look at what is necessary in both worlds and allowing them to be completely balanced.

As we experienced the Crystalline Ray of Harmony and Balance to come into physical creation on the 31st of December, we are now being asked to delve deeper into our core essence. This ray represents the ability to fully resurrect what does not work for us any longer in order to achieve the equilibrium we are searching for.

The aspects of this moon continue within that essence to allow us to look deeper in both aspects of our mental and emotional bodies to find the balance that we are all searching for within ourselves. The way that we have been living physically is a major part of this as in 2015 we need to be in deeper harmonization with our environment and others. The power of these energies presently just takes us into a journey of the self that will assist us to live more cohesively in our outside world. We cannot stay stuck in either aspect but allow them to come together more fully within our consciousness. This will then open up the doorway for the actualization of what we desire to achieve to come into our reality.

This full moon also activates the Uranus Square Pluto energies that we have been experiencing during December. This is another element that will initiate our timelines through our Etheric Body. So some of the elements you may be experiencing could possibly be those memories of the times long ago in which you need to access to allow the divinity of the being you are to be fully actualized on a physical level.

I believe that this is allowing the Feminine Divine to be even more activated within each individual. When we find the balance of the mind and emotions to be fully actualized, then we learn to see the depth of whom we are and what we are experiencing from our Highest Purpose and not the physical self. This is so very important to allow for the healing to continue within our four body system as it will mold our life in a completely different way than if we don’t accept our Higher Self to be the controlling factor in our existence.

We are at a stage in our evolution, both personally and globally, that we can no longer be the person that we were previously. The energies are changing us to accept our divinity of light to be fully manifested within our physical existence. It must start with each of us individually in order for the world to accept it.

This moon is the first step of the New Year to help us come fully into balance of our emotions and thoughts. It is a time to get rid of the cobwebs from the past in order to fulfill our destiny of love and acceptance.

Take time during this full moon cycle to look deeply within your emotions and thoughts to see what does not serve your purpose any longer. Then call upon the essence of this earth and sky to assist in transforming them into your Highest Purpose that is waiting for your arrival to be fully manifested within your physical being. It is truly a magnificent beginning to 2015.

Walking Terra Christa is holding their monthly Full Moon Celebration via teleconference (accessible via Skype) on Monday evening, January 5th, at 4:30 PM Pacific. We hope you will join us as we connect with the Ascended Beings of Light within the Unified Whole Command at the Clarion Temple of Oneness. Details are available by clicking the link above (Walking Terra Christa).

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

©2012-2015 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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ascension, Journey Retreat, meditation

Visiting the Etheric Temples of Light

Walking Terra Christa is facilitating their Winter Solstice Retreat in Mount Shasta starting December 18th through the 21st, 2014 which will be hosted by Mahachohan Saint Germain and Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos. It is a journey into the heart to learn how to initiate, activate, and then actualize the seven Rays of God. It is also initiating the energies to be grounded within GAIA from this point forward. Each person that is participating allows these frequencies to be within the planetary structure to prepare for 2015.

Each year we hold three retreats annually, Spring (Wesak) ~ Summer/Fall ~ Winter which are guided by the Ascended Beings representing our Team of Light. In 2014 we have taken an intensive journey through the Seven Rays of God. Retreat participants have found that the information and teachings that have been provided by the hosts of higher beings has been very profound within their life when they stepped away from the Shasta energies back into their own environment.

For our December excursion into the world of Ascended Mastery we are being gifted with the work of Saint Germain who is now the Mahachohan (Leader) of all the seven rays. He and Lord Adama will work with us daily to assist each participant in their personal journey along with the other ascended Beings of Light that work with each of the Rays, i.e., Chohans, Archangels, and Elohim Masters.

Each day of the retreat we will have a special journey into an Etheric Temple of Light hosted by the specific leader for the day. We are providing the availability to receive an MP3 download on each of these meditative journeys from the retreat for those that cannot attend physically in Mount Shasta. We believe that these journeys will help to release old karmic debts and impart new knowledge’s through our I AM Presence.

December 18th ~

We will be working within the energies of the first six rays which represents an overview of the teachings that we have done in the previous retreats in 2014. Saint Germain will guide us to the Royal Teton Retreat located in the Teton Mountains in Wyoming. [Note: This retreat is open twice a year (June 15th and December 15th for 30 days) to all initiates that would like to come before Master Confucius and Lanto along with the Karmic Board to converse about their mastery pathway; this can be done in a meditative or dream state.]

During the journey we will meet with the Spiritual Hierarchy within the retreat which is housed underneath the mountain. We will work with the Karmic Board on any timelines or karma that needs to be rectified for our present pathway along with receiving special attunements from the Great Divine Director on the initiation of this journey.

December 19th ~

We will continue working with the Six Rays of God to transmute any elements from the previous day’s journey. Saint Germain will guide us to Table Mountain, Wyoming to the “Cave of Symbols” which is a cave in the mountain lined with pink and white crystals that gives way to a gigantic chamber covered with rainbow colored stalactites that form symbols representing sacred geometry.

Each participant will work through the revelations they received from the Royal Teton Retreat. This retreat houses the “Cosmic Mirror” in which an individual will see the cause and effect of their karma along with the “Atomic Accelerator” which brings forth electrons in the Light Body to make the necessary changes, and lastly, the “Sphere of Light” which is a room that will help an initiate in their ascension process.

December 20th ~

We now start the work within the 7th Ray of the Violet/Purple Flame with the Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst along with the Elohim Masters Arcturus and Virginia.

Our first visitation on this day will be “The Cathedral of the Violet Flame” in the Rocky Mountains which includes all Violet Flame Angels and Priests and Priestesses of the Violet Planet representing elemental life. This retreat represents to ability to be cleared of human burdens and densities.

Our second visitation will be the “Temple of Purification”with Archangels Zadkiel and Amethyst which is located over the islands of Cuba (previously known to be the location of Atlantis). Part of the initiation for this journey will represent the work with the Order of Melchizedek as training as a Priest/Priestess along with learning the true meaning of “spiritual freedom.

The third visitation will be the “Temple of Freedom” with Elohim Masters Arcturus and Virginia which is located over Luanda, Angola; they release the violet, purple and pink flames of mercy, forgiveness, transmutation and freedom for the entire planet, as a giant fiery pillar. We will be utilizing the Violet Flame to overcome difficult situations on a personal and planetary scale, to transmute darkness into light.

December 21st ~

We will close the energies of the 7th Ray with Saint Germain and Lady Portia by visiting the Golden Etheric City of Wahanee/Fronlamm which is located in the 5th dimensional earth over Atlanta, Georgia and North Carolina. This city represents the 7th flame of Ceremonial Magic and Freedom. We will work with Lady Portia, Lord Teesian and Lady Teesio (representing the Elders of this flame). Lord Sanat Kumara will make his presence known opening up the energies for the Venusian Rays of God for 2015.

Solstice Celebration ~ Available via Open Tele-Conference at no cost to Everyone Worldwide

Our last excursion will be with Lord Sanat Kumara in the Golden City of Havalanchee (in the 5th dimensional earth over Mount Shasta). Included will be a holiday blessing from Lord Sananda (Jeshua) with Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary. (We do appreciate donations for these kinds of events from those who are able to do so. Your donations are a generous gift in service of these teachings and are noticed by our Spiritual Board of Directors.)

If you feel aligned with this work and our teachings, Walking Terra Christa is happy to provide the Retreat Audio MP3 downloads of these amazing journeys to all those who are unable to attend our retreat in person. Please see our Journey Retreat website page to receive these recordings for a nominal exchange.

We also have a free Holiday Gift for all those who want to assist in creating the New Earth through Ascension Mastery using one of our most recommended meditations.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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ascension, Journey Retreat

Doorway of Opportunity ~ 15th of December ~Royal Teton Retreat

The energies of December 15th, 2014 are going to be very intense.  I used to have a guided meditation on the Full Moon traveling to the Royal Teton Retreat and felt it was important that I share this information with fellow Lightworkers.

I wanted to make this opportunity to individuals that would like to work with the amazing beings of Light to assist them during this transitionary process.  It will assist in creating more communication with these beautiful masters and have them work with you more intimately during your sleep and/or meditative states.

Twice a year the Royal Teton Retreat is open to all initiates and students of the Light to work with the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy on their current pathway. This is a very special opportunity to have direct contact with the amazing teachers of the Light that each of us is aspiring to be.

As of December 15th the Teton Retreat is open for 30 days culminating on January 14th, 2015.

What does this mean exactly to those of us that wish to balance our frequencies upon this Earth to create the new frequencies in order to assist the planet?

The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America and is run by Master Confucius, Lord Lanto, and now Master Hilarion as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine plan for this planet. The Karmic Board ( meet in the retreat twice a year at the winter and summer solstice to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega to respond to good will petitions from students within the mastery pathway.  They also meet monthly but the other times are closed to initiates and only open to the Ascended Masters.

The Karmic Board Members: Lady Portia (Goddess of Justice, spokesperson for the Board), the Goddess of Liberty, Lady Nada (Goddess of Love), Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth), Elohim Cyclopea, Quan Yin (Goddess of Mercy), and the Great Divine Director (Manu of the Seventh Root Race and Director of the Unified Whole Command). In addition Lord Adama, of Telos, oversees all souls that are entering Telos after exiting the body.

The Karmic Board opens up the Book of Life which is the summary of the experiences of the last embodiment for each individual who passed through the experienced known as death. The Book of Life shows how the individual used the energy of the last embodiment in a constructive way. They examine each individual who wants to come back into embodiment and decides whether or not to grant the individual the opportunity to re-embody at a certain place or time.

The members of the Karmic Board are not beings waiting to punish souls. Their service to God is to assist individuals to be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress, to balance out their debts, and to complete their ascension process. The Karmic Board is a merciful body of helpful intelligences, not to punish the bewildered souls.

They are here to assist us in various ways. If you find that you are having issues with an individual bothering you psychically, you can put out a request to the Karmic Board to alleviate the interaction. In addition they are here to help remove any discordant chords that are impeding your progress for your Highest Good. They will tell you exactly what can occur if the chords are removed. In some cases it may be previous lifetime connections and you may want to open up the doorway for a better relationship with this person. Other times it could mean that the relationship would be severed. They will communicate exactly what the consequences can be when the chords are removed.

Masters Confucius and Lanto work with the Karmic Board, all Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God: Master El Morya, Master Djwhl Khul, Master Joshua Stone, Master Paul the Venetian, Master Serapis Bey, Master Hilarion, Lord Sananda, Lady Nada, Lady Portia, and Mahachohan Saint Germain to listen and address each student’s request.

The petitions that are backed by the largest amount of energy, have the greatest chance of being approved. Generally, those petitions with the greatest amount of support from both the human kingdom and the ascended realm will be chosen. Note that Cosmic Law is very strict. It may not be superseded except under exceptional circumstances. After consulting with Alpha and Omega, the Karmic Board renders a decision, which is final.

The Brotherhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within an initiate’s pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters. The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from himself, rather than the Master. Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy. Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dreamstate and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.

The doorway opens each year on December 15th at 12:01 AM (your timezone) and ends on January 14th 11:59 PM.  This occurs two times per year.  The other entryway into the Teton Retreat occurs on June 15th through July 14th each year.

 To access the retreat during your sleep or meditative state, state aloud this decree:

I call upon the Unified Whole Command, of the 144th Dimension, to access my I AM Presence, Monad, and Higher Self, fully activating my Merkabah Vehicle of Light.

I fully request to travel to the Royal Teton Retreat within the Teton Mountains of Wyoming, USA.

I call upon Mahachohan Saint Germain to guide me to the retreat so that I may meet with Master Confucius, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarion along with the Karmic Board and the Chohans of the Seven Rays to help me illuminate my Divine Heart Essence within my physical body.  I ask to allow the Christed Being that I AM to be fully acknowledged.

I present to these beautiful beings of light the following request(s) for the acceleration of my Mastery Pathway within my Physical Body.

State what you would like to focus upon:  ______________________.

So Mote It Be, in the Light of the Christ that I AM

If you are connecting in your own meditation, here is some guidance of what the retreat looks like.  This information is excerpted from the I AM Series, “Unveiled Mysteries” in which Saint Germain took Guy Ballard into the Teton Retreat.

The retreat is below a huge waterfall which is in front of Jenny Lake.  Call upon your Merkabah with the assistance of Saint Germain to take you to this spot.  Walk behind the waterfall and there is a huge elevator that is going to take you down about 1500 feet below the mountain.
As you walk from the elevator into the entrance hall, you meet up with Masters Confucius, Lanto, and Hilarion.  The flame of this retreat is an Emerald Green embossed with Golden and White hues.  Every initiate is given a beautiful robe that reflects these colors.
A soft white light floods the entire retreat. The walls of the retreat are composed of white onyx, blue and rose granite, and pure gold.
The audience hall or sanctuary is about 100 feet wide, 200 feet long and about 50 feet high, containing an arched ceiling. The great altar, which occupies the center of the vast audience chamber, rests upon a massive white marble base and is made of ivory. The base is square, 4 steps leading to the top on all 4 sides. On the altar blazes the Precipitation flame and is the color of Chinese green with a golden radiance. The flame in the shape of a calla lily, rises to the top of the vaulted ceiling. Around the base of the altar are large golden plaques, depicting the history of mankind’s evolution, beginning with Archangel Michael’s descent to Earth, accompanied by members of the First Root Race.
The audience hall contains a large-size panel, that is used as a Cosmic Screen, or Mirror. It is composed of precipitated material, of a mineral-type substance, not known on Earth. The panel is about 30’ high and 70’ long; it is velvety in texture and is deep indigo-blue color. On this cosmic mirror, live pictures, in all dimensions can be portrayed. Every past and present event can be made visible on this screen by a directing intelligence.
A magnificent cross of sparkling yellow diamonds adorns the ceiling of the audience hall of the Retreat.
There are 7 beautiful antechambers surrounding the audience hall which are used for smaller conferences throughout the year. They can be opened to the audience hall by drawing back the golden-mesh curtains at the entrance. On each curtain is portrayed the figure of each of the great Archangels, along with his divine complement.

The retreat can be extended to encompass the entire Teton Range if necessary giving students the opportunity to meet and to express themselves in their inner bodies.

There is one room where a complete record of every civilization that has existed on earth is kept. The room is 80’ long, 40’ wide, and 20’high containing an arched ceiling. These records are on 8” wide ribbons of thin gold, alloyed with a material that makes them tough and pliable. Yet they are no thicker than ordinary writing paper. These ribbons contain embossed hieroglyphs and are wound on spindles, 10” in width.

There are a number of other rooms in which gold, jewels, and treasures are kept. They are to be used for future beneficial purpose. In addition there are a number of council chambers and other rooms. In these rooms are stored musical instruments, art, inventions and formulas, all prepared and ready to be given to mankind for use in the New Earth.
When it is time for you to leave, ask Saint Germain to escort you back into your present location.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, are happy to provide you with another technique of ascension to assist in the process of De-Ascending Your Highest Essence into your Physical Reality.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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The Creative Process of 12:12 and 12-15-14

This is a month of powerful transitions and vibratory conditions on a personal and global level. Just as we get through one acceleration, another one is upon us. We don’t get much chance to stabilize ourselves through the process, but that is exactly what we need to do – create balance in order to receive harmony.

The teachings we have brought forth from the many ascended beings (Walking Terra have shared that this December does reflect the intensity of changes like 2012 but even more so. They have expressed that more people are now ready to awaken unto a higher reality. This can come in many stages; first a person can realize they need to do more in the psychological health so they seek a Coach in their life; then there are the ones that go for the Self-Help individuals. The journey can continue so that an individual then wants to learn how to meditate, find the silence of their life to enfold. These are the beginning stages of stepping into mastery but it is a long way. Until a person is ready to work within each of their four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, mental) in order to receive their spiritual body, then they truly are not within a mastery pathway. They have stepped into self mastery and it is up to each individual of how far they want to go with this process.

The Universe is helping every soul within this planet to arise to their own potential and their soul’s contract before they came to Earth. Many individuals are unable to realize this amazing opportunity due to the lower energies of fear, uncertainty, and staying stuck within their mental or concrete mind. It takes great courage to move through these adversities which may take many lifetimes.

No matter what level you are working within, the Universe helps us to become more within ourselves. The planetary energies are assisting GAIA to ascend into a new position; we call this her Ascension process. But unlike GAIA, we as humans are not leaving our bodies, we are descending these energies from our highest self into the physical existence. So we have to deal with the day-to-day frustrations of the physical body to accept the higher body of light. And, this cannot occur in one fast sweep of energetics. That is why we have ascension symptoms.

So the planets are becoming more aligned to allow the inhabitants of the earth to move through these processes. They can be very challenging but the most important element presently is to be in your Highest Essence which means accessing your Higher Self. This part of you cannot be fully integrated until the four-body system is cleared of debris that has been held for eons of time. We travel in our Etheric Body and that part of us remembers everything that we have ever experienced, good and bad.

So this is why we become challenged when these planetary accelerations occur for us. The Universal energies are helping us to come into alignment for the New Earth. That is why we have ascension symptoms. At the same time, the dark energies within and around the atmosphere are working double-time to make sure people do not awaken within themselves. They will cause reactions to occur within the mind, emotions, and body. Illnesses can occur easily that include headaches, tiredness, dizziness, emotional imbalances, feeling lost, etc. Wherever your weakness lies, the lower energy will activate it unless you work at it through the energetics. Don’t let these energies stop you; allow them to blending within you as you become One with Them.

We need to be very diligent with our protection protocols; to constantly connect within our breath to the higher levels of frequency. If you connect to the 144th dimension by counting upwards, you are fully going into Oneness; thereby, are able to fully integrate your I AM Presence, your Higher Self, and the ascended beings of light that are in oneness. Everything else is a much lower frequency. Then, you bring those energies down into your physical body; you become those frequencies. Now this takes a lot of practice; but doing it all through your day will assist you to receive the next level of awareness that is necessary for your transformation. The planetary accelerations are here to assist us; taking these steps daily will help to ground the energies into the full-body system.

12:12 ~ Cosmic Alignment

12:12 comes right after we experienced the Full Moon energies of balancing the Higher Mind within the Lower Mind. In fact, we are still within that frequency for a period of two weeks which takes us into the New Moon which activates on the 22nd of December.

Per the Mayan Oracle, 12 represents Complex Stability. It is the foundation of the self with the foundation of our higher essence with the mystical truth of polarity. It represents the Yin and the Yang, the Feminine and Masculine coming into alignment.

As we take that definition and apply it to the Full Moon on the 5th, it brings in the ability to meld the Higher Mind into the Lower Mind. Now mind you, the Higher Mind presents both the masculine and feminine energies as they blend within the Heart Center even though the masculine is the Mental Body and the Feminine is the Emotional Body. The Higher Mind is the Higher Heart within the concept of our Higher Essence. As the Higher Mind integrates within the Lower Mind, there becomes less confusion and confliction of the mental faculties; thereby, allowing the Intuition to become more acute which also represents the Mental Illumination and accessing the Feminine Divine.

So on this day we are receiving the next phase of our stabilization of allowing our Higher Essence to be more involved within our physical self. Take notice of the energies around you and how you are feeling with them. Allow yourself to bathe within the frequency to help you ground the essence that has been separated from you. It is part of the process of bringing forth the balance of your integrated self.


12-15-12 – Uranus Square Pluto


December 15th poses another highly accelerated phase of light. In past times this planetary acceleration was considered to be very life changing and volatile to society. This planet is fully within its duality; the light and dark are fighting with each other constantly. We see it everywhere with protests, people wanting change, and trying to do so on a physical level. But yet, those of us that are working with higher levels of energy, know that it is not the right way to go about the changes presently. We have all been there; we have been the warriors and now it is time to put down our weapons and hold the light within us.

So this acceleration takes each of us into a new part of our existence. It is not easy to lay down your weapon when you have spent many lifetimes upholding the energies in the same manner. Change must result within each of us in order for the New Earth to occur. We cannot stand by and just allow these energies to make the changes but allow them to be within us so we can change.

The 15th is going to create these two planets to collide in a way that could cause more confliction within the GAIA’s essence. As lightworkers, we truly need to uphold our light as much as possible.

How do we do this when we are being challenged so greatly?

Again, it is important to be working within your tools that you have learned. Access the higher light frequencies and allow them to be grounded within you. Send them to the core of Gaia and call upon the Ascended Beings of Light to assist.

The Light and Dark can fully collide at this time. It is meant to do so to help each of us embrace the Light that we are. Now, we all now this can be challenging, but so rewarding. I believe that this frequency on this date is going to be the middle ground of changes to occur within each of us. If we allow our old timelines to be removed and access the positive timelines, then we are going to be giving this Earth a great service. We all understand on this pathway that we intuitively are accepting our light energies within us, but how do you do that.

Do you fully ground them into your Earth Star?

Are you sending them to GAIA within her core crystalline structure?

After a meditation, are you expanding the light you bring within yourself into the higher realms of the Earth so that her field can be expanded?

What Beings of Light are you working with and are they within the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension?

These are very important questions to consider as they will help to change the earth’s frequency into more light which means more individuals are going to be able to wake up within 2015. The Universe and Spiritual Hierarchy is asking for our help to hold these energies within so that others can awaken in the very near future.

Will the transition of these energies affect us personally?

Of course, they will. It may debilitate you as it is meant to allow the duality to stop but yet this earth is still very much within that process. Yes, we have more light than we have ever had before which is beautiful. But it is not enough. This earth is still fighting for her acceleration as many individuals around the planet are doing the same. We are in the midst of many storms both literally and physically. The weather patterns presently reflect that around the world.

So I ask, where are you in this equation?

Have you gone into the depths of your soul to pull out the darkness that has been there for eons of time which represents the fighting and being a warrior with aggression and only wanting to win?

On this day of the 15th it is important to pull as much light into you as you can handle. Hold it, ground it, be it as the darkness is trying to stop this as they did in 2012. We, as individuals, have a responsibility to be strong with our Will, Power, Love, Courage, Strength, Creating Harmony and Balance along with activation of the Love that We Are as we step into allowing the Freedom of the Self to be fully integrated. We can do it; but not alone – together with the Spiritual Beings of Light.

On another note, the 15th of December marks an important doorway for lightworkers to work more intimately with the Ray Chohans, the Karmic Board, and Master Confucius, Lord Lanto, and Master Hilarian at the Royal Teton Retreat. I am sharing more about this bi-yearly opportunity in my blog entitled, “Doorway of Opportunity ~ December 15th ~ Royal Teton Retreat”.

This will be a day of many tests for all of us. It is then that we will celebrate on the 21st for the Solstice of 2014. The New Moon occurs on the 22nd which will help us to continue with the energies to allow the full grounding into the 31st of the month. It truly is a month filled with many blessings.

In Expressions of Oneness,
Christine Meleriessee
[Note from the author: As always, my writings do not just come from my Higher Presence but with the Oneness of the Unified Whole and Many Masters and Beings of Light I work with. I want to thank them for integrating their energies within me through this writing and encouraging me to write in this manner.]

Many blessings to everyone.


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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ascension, Full Moon

Stepping Into The Balance

On December 6th, 2014 we will be experiencing the last full moon of this year.  It is within the Sun Sign of Sagittarius within the Moon of Gemini and will reflect how well we align our minds within our Higher Self or Lower Self (Concrete Mind).  The alignment occurs at 12:26 GMT time, 4:26 AM Pacific, and 7:26 AM Eastern.

We all know that the full moon is full of intense emotion as Grandmother Moon helps us to realign our energies in preparation for the new energies that come into our awareness.  The reflection this month is to fully take action within our Higher Self to allow the Higher Mind to take precedence over the Lower Mind.  This is a huge challenge for every soul upon this planet.

We have been taught through the many timelines that we have experienced that control occurs in our every waking moment within the third dimensional reality.  That is why it can be so difficult to step out of the mold of who we were into what we desire to be.

As individuals awaken within themselves that there is a higher purpose to their lives, they are then stepping into the unseen world of accepting their intuition and higher knowledge to be their guide.  They have acquired the wisdom within themselves through the many experiences that have formed their existence.

At least this is what we all desire to see happen within this planet.

As has been shared through the New Earth Frequency Update for December, the Ascended Beings say that the month of December is pivotal for creating balance in our lives to prepare for 2015.  We are going to be inundated with higher frequencies each week of this amazing month.  It is our time to fully understand what we are experiencing, allow it to be grounded within us, and prepare for our next moments of creation.

This full moon is a divine opportunity to allow the balance to come more fully within us.  The sign of Gemini represents the Lower Mind of wanting to keep doing things the same way as always.  The sign of Sagittarius represents the adventurous spirit of constantly wanting to try new ways of living representing the Higher Mind.  Now both of these aspects are very important for each of us, but we have to come to a state of understanding the balance between the Lower Mind and Higher Mind.

Many times when going through this type of process the Lower Mind wants to refuse the efforts of the Higher Mind, but yet, it is important to allow the Higher Mind to intertwine within the physical self with some ease and grace.  Jumping into the Higher Self can create a shock to the system especially if an individual has not practiced the energy to occur.  That is why it is important to reflect continuously on what we are experiencing, looking at the past, and see the changes we have made within ourselves.  It is imperative to allow the flow of life to fully be within us, because these accelerations and changes we are experiencing can be very life changing.  It can cause an individual to go into a state of lower ego, thinking that they have it all together, but yet, it is just the opposite.

We have been challenged greatly throughout this year.  2014 has represented the essence of GROUNDING UNITY.  This means that every awakened individual is working within themselves to ground their Higher Essence or Higher Self within the physical body.  If the soul psychological work has not been done, then there will be a huge overload within the system which will cause the lower ego to stay intact.  It is a proven fact that when one reaches the higher initiations and they have not taken care of their subconscious thoughts, that they cannot continue within their ascension process.  We cannot have it both ways; purely within the old self with the higher self intact.  It will not happen as the Higher Self steps away from the physical body during this process.

The pathway of acceleration includes all of these aspects; this is exactly what we have been experiencing this year of 2014 which is the ability to ground our Higher Essence within the Physical Body 24 hours a day continuously.

So how are you progressing with this process?

That is a good question for each of us and no one can give us the answer but ourselves.

The power of who we are becoming is right within us.  We can ask for advice, guidance, and coaching on the pathway, but in truth, each of us is responsible for ourselves.  That is why there are tools to assist an individual on this pathway of ascension so that stepping into our higher essence becomes very easy.

I know, it is not that way for many individuals.  We have to deal with the fourth dimensional reality of this earth.  We are in a state of great transition with individuals trying to show their opinions are the right way, but yet we know, we cannot exist in that type of energy any longer.  This is exactly what we are experiencing.

We are awakened every day, and we change through the process so that the awakening state goes to a much deeper level than it did previously.  That is truly what ascension represents as we De-Ascend our highest essence into the physical body.

This moon is the first of light infractions that we are receiving for December.  It is giving us all that I have shared and allowing each individual to look at themselves from a different angle.  It is a time of preparation as the month continues; we will be receiving more frequencies of light within the planet and each of us.

I believe that this full moon is truly a gift from the Universe.  It is a time to stand between the Higher Self and Lower Self to allow the mind to be fully illuminated by the Light that We Are.  Within that process it can be overwhelming and challenging as events enfold within our lives to make us see how we are doing.  We are continually being tested on this pathway, and rightly so.  If we are to be the Ascended Masters for the New Earth, we are going through many trials of fire  to help us to acknowledge the depth of our wisdom along with how to apply what we know into our present circumstances.

Take some time in the next few days to connect fully with your Lower Mind by noticing your thoughts and how they create your reality.

Then take some deep breaths and bring in your Higher Self.  Ask him or her to help you go deeper within yourself.  Allow yourself to be One with Yourself in the moment and your breath.  Feel how your thoughts start to shift as you feel the change come over you.  Then, afterwards, write about the experience before and after.  You may take some time to recall an event in your life that was upsetting emotionally and mentally.

How did you deal with it then?

Go back to that moment and use the exercise with your breath.  Bring in the Violet Flame to transmute it, then the Pink Flame to recreate your circumstances.

Has your memory of that situation changed?

Notice the differences you may now feel.  What is also important is to not hold these negative vibrations within your physical body which is what we do all the time.  Take the same energies and blend them within your breath; completely surrender into the moment of resurrection as you change the thought processes within you.  Then journal about it; date it and reflect on it at a later time.

As you practice this within your life, you will be able to start to feel your Higher Mind more often than you did before.  But it takes quite a bit of practice, reflecting, and allowing the silence of your Higher Essence to fully be within you.

This is what will bring you the balance between the Lower and Higher Mind.  You will be able to try new ways of living in your life by accepting your intuition is your guide, but yet have a strong foundation that has already been acquired.  When we talk about the Higher Mind integrating within the Lower Mind, you must remind yourself that the Lower Mind is not disappearing.  It is transitioning into a higher state of Beingness as the structure you have created is important.  But the control mechanisms within your concrete mind are no longer needed.

I would say that this is a very powerful month and it is helping us to go deeper than before as we prepare for the upcoming energies throughout the month.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Full Moon Ceremony via tele-call on Saturday, December 6th at 10 AM Pacific.  This is an open call for every person; we hope that you will join us (please check the link for the details).  The MP3 recording will be available via our website within 24 hours.

Wishing you a blessed Full Moon Experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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5th dimension, channeling, New Earth Frequency Update

The December Leap of Light

New Earth Frequency UpdateBlessings and love to each of you within humanity of Gaia. We are the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimensional frequency of Light with Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein at your service in this present moment.

Now that the month has moved into the last part of the year it represents so many octaves of light that have occurred within the planet during 2014. The changes within each of you are key to the next phase of Gaia’s evolution into 2015.

This month of December will prove to bring forth frequencies of light into each of your hearts and minds to prepare you for the upcoming year. It will represent your ability to take what you have learned and apply it within your role upon this Earth. The act of understanding and sensitivity towards others will be essential as humanity will be experiencing great shifts of awakening within their journey upon Gaia.

We ask you to reflect upon your own changes that have occurred within your life in 2014. We hope that you can see how deep you have had to travel to find moments of clarity and joy within your world. This is because each soul upon this Earth is being asked to travel into their psyche to understand who they are becoming. The accelerations within the Earth are just that essence – a vibrational change that comes into the planetary existence. It is what you do with those moments of higher dimensional frequencies coming within you that matters as they can come into you, through you, and not affect you in a grounding manner. But yet, if you are completely aware of each time an acceleration comes into your consciousness by allowing it to integrate within you, then accessing the emotional and mental responses it may have upon you, and change what is not working, then you are allowing the essence of Unity of Love and Light to be your guide.

If you are an individual that has traveled through these moments of creation and are still unsure of what has happened to you, then it is time to go into deeper reflection of the old self, the current self, and allow the New Self to be borne. Humanity is going to be experiencing many changes within the next month and it is due to what needs to be accepted by every individual soul within the planetary structure. It is a pre-requisite journey of what is to be in 2015.

The world needs to change and this change must come from each of you. If you have taken on the journey of being an awakened human, then you have a responsibility to be part of that contract within your physical existence. It is not just about “thinking of love and sending it to others”. It represents the ability to embody your Truest Essence and allow it to enfold within you.

In order for the New Earth energies to be fully embodied by Gaia, major changes have to occur first in each individual soul. Now there are many that do not have a contract to awaken, or they just have not come to the right moment in their creation to allow it to be. Those are not the ones we are speaking to in this moment. We want to address this transmission of light to each of you that are an awakened human, a star seed, a galactic being, an angel, or a initiate of mastery upon the pathway of enlightenment. Each of you has a role within the New Earth which is not even known at this time. It cannot be; until you fully accept the fact that you have a responsibility to be part of the most magnificent pilgrimage of light any planet has ever seen.

This December you have a Divine Opportunity to allow your purest essence to merge within you so that you can see for yourself whom you truly are. The portals of light that will be arriving in this month will allow each awakened individual to go into a deeper part of themselves. They will be occurring all month but specific dates to watch for are the Full Moon of the 6th; the conjunction of the planets of Uranus/Pluto on the 15th; the Solstice on the 21st; the New Moon on the 22nd; and the culmination of energies on the 31st. Each of these dates are important but the irony of these activations is the fact that one is not higher in frequency than the other. They bring forth a journey of light within the planet as each transition occurs; it represents an increased movement of energy building at the beginning into the end for the climax of allowing the energies to be fully grounded within the planet and each of you. It is important to realize that this is part of the Divine Plan of allowing awakened souls to see them-selves in a completely different way than they have before. It is also an imperative element that needs to occur for the New Earth.

Whatever you experience this December depends upon your own creative process that is occurring within you. This means that your four-body system is going to access these frequencies to help you go deeper into your subconscious mind, pull out the debris that is necessary, and become more aware of the Light that you are. You see, many of you are not doing this. You are allowing the energetic exchanges that are occurring to come within you as you idly sit by and allow it to happen.

These moments of high acceleration are being given to assist the planet but every individual soul must do their part. It is imperative that each of you go within yourself, see the energies that are coming up within you, make the necessary changes by the tools you have learned, and start to become a multi-dimensional being in human form. Just thinking that it is going to happen does not make it so. The internal work needs to be done by each of you for your own individualized self.

First of all, it is Universal Law that these moments of creation come into a planet and must be acknowledged by those that are embodied within the planet. Or else, the creative process cannot stay. It creates a movement of light to come in and go through the planet, but it is not held. Each of you are the ones that hold this essence within your humanly form. It is part of your contract.

Then, what occurs that each soul that receives these light infractions within their physicality have to process within their four-body system of the physical, etheric, emotional, and mental faculties in order to receive the Spiritual Body or Higher Self essence. You see, you all hold the memories of all the other timelines in which you could not do this work. So feelings of not being good enough, fear of the unknown, and uncertainty can plague your consciousness and life path. It is important that individuals not allow those energies to be the ruling factor as they are very strong within the planetary structure.

This is why you have been so deeply challenged this year with the high accelerations coming into your Beingness. We hope that you have taken the time to remove the elements that do not fit the higher essence that you are receiving as it is an imperative process to be doing. In fact, you cannot continue the way you have been going if you do not allow your higher essence (Higher Self and I Am Presence) to be your guide. But the lower ego, the lower self can get in the way of this progress. Change is inevitable at this time so these elements are very important.

December will be another huge surge of light coming into the planet. So it is within this moment that we share this information to help you through the process. Each of these accelerations will allow the illuminating light that you are to be your guide into the month. The work up to the Solstice will prepare each of you to bring forth great light infractions into your Being and within GAIA. The more ceremonial work that you perform, the easier will be the transition. As December 31st approaches, these light infractions will be more grounded within Gaia which means each of you are being given an opportunity to understand more about yourself.

2015 will be more of the same energies; it will affect all humans upon the Earth in one way or another. Change needs to occur but we need each of you to understand your own process at this time. The New Earth cannot occur without the grounding force each of you beautiful angels provide. You are the ones standing in the forefront holding these frequencies; sometimes they are overwhelming to your physical bodies and can cause you to over react to circumstances and changes you are experiencing. The more individuals that hold these frequencies within them, fully grounded, the easier it will be in 2015.

It is a divine opportunity to be more within yourself, to understand your thoughts and emotions, to take time to connect with your Higher Self, and purge what does not work for you. Do not question any thoughts that arise out of your consciousness that says you are not experiencing these elements, that it is just a sign of depression or sadness. Remove those old habits as they do not serve you any longer.

Stand in the face of adversity, start to understand what it takes to be a Master of Light in Truth and Honesty. Be that initiate and walk through your doorways that have been closed before. Bring in the Rays of God representing the Will and Power, the Love and Wisdom, the Creative Actualizations, the Harmony and Balance, the Truth of your Wisdom in the Science of God, accessing your Inner Devotion to the Self, and feeling the Freedom of the Magic to enfold within your life.

The power of these energies is unmatched by anything you have received previously. We had hopes that it would occur within 2012, but the time is right for this Earth to inhabit more Love and Light than ever before. You are the Torch Bearers, you are standing in front holding these frequencies of Love more deeply than ever before.

Hold deeply and you will be able to ground the frequency for the New Earth as many others will be needing your assistance. If the grounding does not occur as we think it should, then we will be experiencing a different 2015 than we previously envisioned.

It is up to each of you, the aspirants of this Earth, to hold true to your divine contract with each of us in the Force of Light of the 144th Dimension.

We look forward to standing with you, helping you physically through this process, as you become the Initiates for the New Earth.

With love and deep devotion,

We are the Unified Whole of the 144th dimension of all Masters and Ascended Beings within the Christ Consciousness.

So Mote It Be~ We Are One

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Full Moon

Balancing the Feminine Divine, Full Moon of November

full moonThe Full Moon of November 6th, 2014 promises to help each of us go into a deeper level of our emotions as we access the Feminine Divine of Scorpio with the moon aspects within Taurus representing the Earth Energies and grounding within us.

The energies of October were very powerful. I would not call them intense but yet being on the pathway of an awakened soul, it pushes you in every direction. Usually it is the unchartered areas that we are asked to acknowledge within us. That, in itself, is where the challenge lies within each of us. It does not matter how far along the path that you are; our souls are healing deeply with each step we take towards the integration of more light infractions to occur within the physical body.

In the last two weeks I felt the energies to be more flat-lined. What I mean by this statement is that the accelerations were so great that it was time to fully integrate what we have experienced. As this happens, our physical body is probably the one area that is challenged the most.

As individuals knowing that they want to have more, most of us talk to the Universe to help us become the person that we are trying to acknowledge. I know that this is an important phase within my healing process. Living in Mount Shasta I continually talk to the mountain and since this mountain holds many magnificent energies; I know that I am heard. I speak about what I want to accomplish and transform within myself and in my world. The Universe always hears us, but sometimes we don’t receive exactly what we think it will be.

This is because we have to take the time in between of asking and receiving to transition ourselves to be the recipient of the special gifts that we desire. We forget many times that this has to happen.

Did you ever go to sleep at night calling upon your guidance to help you through some elements you are trying to change? Then, upon awakening, you feel emotional, or upset with yourself?

This means that the Universe is listening to you and giving you what you desire. But until you can fully accept the new essence, you have to remove elements within you that have been stopping you to receive this special gift you are asking to occur.

The New Moon of October represented those energies to fully come within us. Then, during the two-week period until the Full Moon we are readjusting ourselves to the upgraded version within us. This past two weeks has been a time where we have been unable to do anything but go through the process. This may not be felt in the physical body but in any of the other areas of emotions (Feminine Divine) and mental thoughts (Masculine Divine). It is all part of the Divine Creation for each of us to bring these elements into balance. Each of these cycles we are experiencing is helping us to do so.

This full moon is giving us that opportunity to go deeper within ourselves as the Feminine Divine is represented by the emotional body and within the sign of Scorpio the emotional issues can be hidden behind the scenes. The moon is in Taurus so it reflects the earth energies of wanting to feel peaceful and loving energies within the physical body. As Scorpio and Taurus interact with one another it will take each of us into a deeper part of ourselves.

What is to be revealed is the hidden aspect within our Being that needs to be acknowledged without judgment of any kind. This judgment can be right within our own subconscious as those elements need to be purged out of us in order for the Super-conscious or the High Mind to be acknowledged. It is a perfect opportunity to allow the true self to emerge into a new a deeper way of acceptance.

The important part is not to allow yourself to go into hiding with these emotions. These energies are igniting at this time to help us become more within our physical essence, to call upon our Higher Self within the breath to allow the integration of these elements to become One within us. Take time to feel them physically even if they are uncomfortable. In order to walk through the doorways of the Soul we have to acknowledge all parts of ourselves, especially the ones that we do not particularly want to deal with. That is when we find our deepest challenge and continue the walk so that the purification that We Are can be fully embodied within our full body system.

Allow the Feminine Divine of your emotional feelings come into your full perspective of the physical existence within you. Then take time to nurture yourself with the Earth utilizing various ways to do so. Taking a walk in nature, connecting to the essences of the trees, the land you walk upon as the seasons are changing. Make some herbal tea as you sip it feel the plants from the earth healing your emotions and start to feel the peace within you.

We are preparing for the end of the year as we go into 2015. Spirit has said that this year is what we imagined we would be experiencing in 2012. Take time to reflect on the changes you have made through this process and honor Grandmother Moon for her beautiful essence into our lives and within GAIA.

Many blessings for a beautiful Full Moon experience.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

The Full Moon in November takes place at 22:22 GMT, 2:22 PM Pacific, 5:22 Eastern.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a Full Moon Ceremony via tel-conference which can be accessed by Skype on Wednesday, November 5th, 2014, 4:30 PM Pacific.  To register and be part of these energies, please click on the link above.
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara). Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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ascension, New Earth Frequency Update

New Earth Frequency Update ~ October 21st 2014

New Earth Frequency UpdateThe New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse of Oct 23, 2014 represents a period of REGENERATION

Greetings and Blessings to All,

We are the Unified Whole Command within the 144th dimension of Oneness as the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein along with the many Christed Beings of Light.

The energetic exchange of the Universal Consciousness is being felt in many levels of existence.  We are sure you have been experiencing it within your feelings, thoughts, dream-states while walking upon the Earth.  Since the Autumn Equinox there have been extensive light energies that have ensued upon the planet with the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon moving towards the partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon.

The portals of light that have been actualized within GAIA are here to help every individual to receive more of their higher essence within the avenues of their physicality.  In the midst of these elements it is causing more debris to be removed from the Etheric level of the Earth along with each human being.  So as a result, it causes a feeling of uncertainty within each individual unless they fully understand that those thoughts and feelings do not belong to them any longer.

Some may say, “What do you mean they don’t belong to me?  I live upon this earth; I have emotions and I am affected by what is happening within the world.”  This is so very true but since the earth is going through her acceleration, the light infractions coming into the core of Gaia’s being are affecting more Light to be acknowledged than the Darkness.  But in order for the Light to be realized, the Darkness must be removed.  So what happens is a period of regeneration, the old leaves in order for the new to be realized.

Now this all starts first within each Soul upon the Earth and within themselves.  So every individual upon the Earth are going to be stepping into a deep healing process.  Some of these souls may not understand what they are experiencing as that is their divine choice.  But the ones that are acknowledging the parts of themselves as a Divine Being will be able to feel the changes occurring within them.  This causes the highs and lows to occur.

Now we know that this has always been part of life; sometimes a soul feels good about themselves and other times, not so good.  The difference now is that the higher levels of joy, compassion, and acceptance within stay with each person for a longer period of time.  As the earth is purging, so are each of you.

To get back to the Light formations of this month and why the intensity is so strong, we refer to the fact that all is aligning into Oneness.  This means the Universal consciousness of all planes of existence into the planet so that each individual may be able to look at themselves at a deeper level than they have before.  As the planet is spinning on her axis, each of you is doing the same.  So each spin that you make is coming closer to the true reality of your Higher Self.  Within that process the road to achieving that end can be intermingled with great intensity of change that needs to occur.  This is when you would say you are in a “low” period.  But yet, when you know how to handle those low periods within your life, then you achieve a higher perspective ~ one that you would not have had previously without the alignment of all elements coming into place.

This is the process that you are experiencing presently.  Not only are you feeling it within yourself, but you feel it on the ground when you walk.  Changes are happening in many environments to not only assist each of you, but to help you to see that it is all part of the Divine Plan of Creation.

Isn’t it true that when you understand why something is occurring in your world, that you can have acceptance? 

Isn’t it also true that you are able to walk through the doorway of change when you are able to see how and why it is occurring for you presently?

So that is when you have your AHHH-OH moment.  You say to yourself, “So now I can fully see my creative process; I am ready to now accept.”

But the other important part of this is for you to realize that these moments of recognition do not always come beforehand.  In fact it is usually the opposite.  You go through the doorway of change and when you get to the other side, you understand the process.

What we wish for each of you to realize fully is that you cannot always have the assurance of knowing how and why you are experiencing your present circumstance. So what happens is that you must have FAITH.  We all know that Faith is not a learned experience; it is a true test of your spiritual self guiding the physical self into a world where you have no idea what the outcome is going to be.

Isn’t it true that when you allow FAITH to be your guide, that you truly see how synchronous events are occurring for you?  Some may say the Universe is working with me in this moment.

Why do you think it happens this way?

As a human being, you have been programmed to think that you should know every outcome in your life.  When you step into your spirituality, you then learn that it does not come from your lower self, but your Higher Self guiding you in each moment.  Sometimes this is a hard lesson to learn but as an initiate upon the pathway of Mastery, it is necessary.

We know not all lightworkers consider themselves on the Pathway of Mastery although they may term it as such.  In retrospect, it means to allow the guidance of the Higher Self with the incorporation of the I AM Presence to fully assist the physical self in their endeavors upon the Earth.  It also means that the lower ego must be removed in order for the higher ego to be acknowledged.  This process is not an easy one but very, very necessary.

Let us get back to the present energies and why you are experiencing such turmoil and/or change within your life.  You see there is a contract with GAIA and the Universal Structures that all Beings upon the planet of GAIA shall go through the same process that she is receiving.  In fact, each soul upon the earth has a part in GAIA’s renewal or what you would call ascension.  So what happens through this process of two Eclipses within one month is Great Assistance from the Universal Structure.

The power of the present energies is only as positive as each individual makes them to be. 

Every soul is responsible for their own Divine Creation or reality of life.  The deeper your wounds are, the more intense is your reality.  The ability to step into a Mastery Pathway means that you are ready to know that there is more to your life than the physical self.  As you do this, you see changes that occur within you and around you that are beyond the understanding of your lower mind.  So you accept FAITH in your world that you are being taken care of.

Every individual that is aware of their Light has stepped into the Mastery Pathway; but not all individuals will become initiates.  It has to do with their own awareness and willingness to go deeper into their psyche which is held within the Etheric Body to heal, heal, and heal over again.  The New Earth will not hold any soul that has not stepped into this pathway.  This is essential for the creation of the 5th dimension.  It is the basis of the ability to love so deeply that nothing else matters, and the dysfunction of the 3rd and 4th dimension will never be held in that environment.  It means that the Etheric Body has to be totally cleansed of all timelines that do not fit the 5th dimensional construct along with the Subconscious Mind to be totally clear of all lower and negative thought forms and archetypes of the past.  All of this works directly through the Etheric body, but is fully felt within the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

As of the Fall Equinox, more light infractions were incorporated within the planet.  It continued with the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse.  It has pushed every person to their limits of the physical mind so that there was nothing else left but to surrender to their Higher Self.  In between the Full Moon and the New Moon there has been a time of regeneration or balancing what has been purged, removed, and no longer accepted within the confines of your lower self.

This has created energies within the planet and every individual to be more cohesive with the Light infractions.  The changes within each soul is personal due to their own thought processes, feelings, and timelines of the past.  Every individual is learning about themselves through the process.  The Ones that are not aware of this consciously are doing it in their sleep state.

So change is inevitable for everyone at this time.

The difference in each soul is how they are affected by the changes they incur.  It is molding the energies of 2015 and how this earth is going to continually move forward through her shifts of reality.


As the planet moves towards the partial Solar Eclipse and the New Moon it reflects a time of REGENERATION.  It is important to look back within the last month to truly see how you have changed, how you handled it, and what you have done to rebalance yourself through the process.  It is an imperative stage for GAIA that each of you does your part in the reflection of your Highest Self.

This moon and eclipse represents the ability to look at the old elements, purge them, and prepare yourself in a new role upon Mastery within your life.  The power of these energies will result in the changes you are asking to be ignited within you.  You must work with them and be the New Beginning that you are trying to achieve.  The Universe will not support you unless you do your part of being Responsible for yourself.  It is part of your contractual agreement with GAIA.  You promised that you would work hard at your own self awareness, be all that your Higher Self desired, so that it would prepare the way for others to follow you.

We know this is not easy; we know that the energies of this month have probably put you in places that you did not know existed.  But that is also part of the awareness process that you are able to have great Faith in all that you do, feel, and think within your physical self to change it into your highest ideals.

The power of the New Moon will help ground all that you have been feeling this month.  Take those thoughts of Love, Wisdom and Power and make them manifest within your world.  It is your Divine Right as a Conscious Being of Light to do so.

We bless you for your journey, thank you, and acknowledge all that you are, all that you do, and all that you will continue to do.  We walk together in silence in these moments with hopes of the future to be rejoicing together upon the New Earth.

Blessings and Love in the Name of All That We Are Together,

We are the Unified Whole Command of Oneness,

Many Masters, Beings of Light, and Angelic Hosts in Harmony of the All

Note:  New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse occurs on October 23rd, 2014, 22:57 GMT, 2:57 Pacific, 5:57 Eastern.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Initiation of Light ~ Lord Metatron

Autumn Equinox ~ September 23rd, 2014,
UTC 02:29
September 22nd, 2014:

US Pacific 07:29 PM
US Eastern 10:29 PM

I AM LORD METATRON with the Source of Light of the Unified Whole Command speaking to each of you from my Heart unto Yours.

We are at a very auspicious time within the Earth Energies.  Elements are changing quickly within GAIA’s core to allow for the entryway of more heightened energies to arise with all Sentinent Beings of  Light.

It is my pleasure to be with each of you during this amazing and powerful exchange of energies.

As we embark upon the Equinox of September ~ Fall for the Northern Hemisphere and Spring for the Southern Hemisphere ~ we will be experiencing the higher levels of energies that have ensued for the past three months.

I ask you to recall of the Super Moons of July, August, and September that allowed each of you to go into a deeper part of your existence that you experienced previously.  There is a process that occurs with each new level of awareness that comes into the consciousness of every living being which includes all planetary existences of plants, animals, minerals, along with all landmasses around the globe.

These moon cycles that have occurred allow for the entryway for more acceleration within each person and living organism upon the planet.  Each of them represented a new step towards accepting Divine Interference of Light to come into your physical existence.  They also brought forth many areas of debris and darkness that need to be purged within your awareness.  As the Earth revolves in its planetary form, it creates more light frequency to come into wholeness within the planet.  When this occurs, each individual must work with the lightforce within them to either accept or deny the new essence that is trying to be acquired.

It is up to each individual person to understand within themselves what is occurring for them so that they may be able to find their new grounding cords to be fully active within themselves.  So as Gaia is changing, each of you are doing the same.

As these energies intertwine within your physical being, it is imperative to consistently understand that your Higher Self is guiding you into more acceptance of this world as it changes.   The only way that you are going to feel the full acceleration is to accept the fact that you are changing as a physical being, and your Spiritual Self is assisting you in the process.

So I ask each of you to consider within yourself what is occurring within your own framework of feelings and thoughts?

How are your meditations evolving and do you feel a dramatic difference within the changes that have occurred?

These are important questions to consider so that you, within yourself, can find the true answers that will help you acknowledge your Spiritual Essence within your Physical Existence.  Without it, you will be swimming in a pond of water that makes many twists and turns so that you feel as if you have no idea of what you are experiencing.  Within this process you cannot ground the energies that you are receiving.

Change is inevitable and each individual soul has a contract upon this earth to uphold their bargain to go through the changes and accept the movement so that Gaia can continue her journey forward.  Without it, then the abyss of darkness that you have been under for eons of time will continue.

Did I say this was easy?  No, of course it is not but that is why you, as the Lightworkers, Star Seeds, and Gifted Ones have come to Gaia’s aid at this time.  You are here to assist her in the process.

This means, that every time there is a new acceleration, you have a duty to fully accept it within yourself first.  Allow it to be within your chakras and full body system of your physical, etheric, emotional and mental fields in order to receive your Spiritual Body of Light.  Go deeper than you ever have done before; look at the mirrors in front of you and see where the core of your issues are lying.  They are not in someone else’s field or consciousness; they are right in your own backyard.

I share all of this groundwork, as we of the Spiritual Hierarchy within the Source of Light that have removed all of our pantheons, truly believe that now it is time for each of you to do the same.  When an issue arises in your presence, look at it; change it with your breath, with your higher essence, and utilize the Rays of God to assist.  These are the spectrums of light from God’s Source through the Elders That Surround the Throne of Grace through the Office of the Christ and into each Ray Chohan to come to every individual person.  I also ask you to realize that if someone tells you they can attune you to a specific ray or rays, that this is not so.  That is their lower ego talking as each person on this planet receives the same amount of frequency through God’s Light.  No one is the intermediary for this work.

Okay, so now we can get to the real information at hand.  This Equinox of September 2014 is going to rock your energies.  I shared the groundwork that needs to be done as these energies affecting every living organism of this planet will assist in bringing forth the higher realms of light to be accessed into Gaia’s core of Beingness.

This will occur at the onset of 02:29 UTC, September 23rd, 2014 (September 22nd, 2014 ~ 7:29 PM US Pacific, 10:29 PM US Eastern) and will last for a 24-hour period.

It is within this timeframe that the Sun will light up the Earth’s atmosphere through the 10th dimensional frequency of Light.  This will be guided by RA the Sun God, and Helios and Vesta of the Solar Level.  Through this acceleration the frequencies of light will increase up through the 144th dimensional Level (Source of Oneness) and then it will slowly decrease back to the 10th   enhancing the frequency into the Earth so that it settles into GAIA’s core.

Please understand that this is an Initiation of this light.  One must go through three stages of acceleration of Initiation, Activation, and Actualization.  This is just the beginning stage to be ignited within the planet.

Each of the Great Central Suns of the Solar, Galactic, Universal, Multi-Universal, and Cosmic will assist in this frequency of light to be sent through each individual upon the planet.

This is just a small sampling of the energies that will be occurring for each of you and Gaia as she accelerates through all three phases.

Some may think that all is going to be healed within this process. There is great capability for that to happen but it is not an actualization.  It all depends upon each and every person within the planet of what they do with it.  It is important to allow this initiation phase to flow within your body to help you with the challenges you are experiencing.

This means to fully look at our soul’s growth up to this point.

Have you dealt with psychological issues within your subconscious? 

Are you changing your thoughts and feelings to move into Oneness? 

This includes judgments, aggression, and looking at all of the archetypes that you have been in your soul’s past to change them.  Yes, I know it is deep work but it is part of the process; otherwise you will get lost in the shuffle of your delusions as they are not your true reality.

Each of you must understand that this frequency of light is going to change you, but you must be part of the process.  It is not something that is being gifted to this planet, because it is time.  It is occurring because Gaia is accelerating and each of you is a major part of this.   Everyone must do their part within themselves to help create the change within.  It then expands out of you to fully accept your Divinity of Light through your physical existence.

This is not a one-time occurrence either.  There will be more of the same.

So let’s speak about the positive aspects of this Initiation of the Light.

Wherever you are presently in your awareness, it will help you to ground it more fully.  You will accept yourself in a completely different manner than you did previously.  It will affect you emotionally, mentally, and physically.

If you presently have any pockets of debris that you have not worked through,, it will bring them up into your consciousness.  But I promise you this ~ this Initiation will be the most powerful frequency of Light that you have experienced and then walking through the new doorways will allow you to feel a better part of your Divine Self.  It will be easier to process the painful realizations that you have not wanted to face previously.

Changes can occur in many ways; go with your intuition of flow and accept the rebirth that you are experiencing in a completely and different way.

Ground the energies within the Earth; help Gaia to also receive.  Connect with the elements of the earth and all sentinent beings.  Command what you are receiving to go to the lands, the waters, the mountains, and all particles of Gaia’s existence.

The best part of this Initiation is now you can accept your new essence and ground it. But with that comes the ability to manifest your Heart’s Desire within you.  I am not talking about your material possessions but the areas within your life that you need to change.  Open up your heart unto the ability to see the miracles of your life to enfold within you.  Hold your bounty of light and see it manifest into the earth’s reality.

Your harvest is about to begin.  Embrace what you have gone through, see the challenges and how they have helped you to know more about yourself.

In Blessings and Love I walk with you,

Lord Metatron within the Source of Light of the Unified Whole Command

We, at Walking Terra Christa, will be holding a special OPEN TELECALL to celebrate the Equinox energies.  We will gather at 4:30 PM Pacific, US.  Lord Metatron along with Sanat Kumara will be our guides for this journey.  If you would like to register for this FREE call, please use the link provided,  Additionally, we are holding a special Tele-Series with Lord Metatron, The Golden Solar Angel,  in October.  Please see our calendar for details

In Expressions of Oneness,

Mel and Mike

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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An Empowering Journey of Finding Who I AM

p1040892-web“I dedicate this writing to all the people in my life that I have left behind, my dearest family and past friends. I hope that in reading this blog that you will understand who I have become as it is with love and expression in my heart that each of you have helped me to arrive in this state of understanding.

“The darkest moments mold our deepest healing”.

I love each of you dearly in my heart even though I am not physically with you. Thank you for all that you have done and given me to help me to arrive in the space I now inhabit.”

I have just completed an amazing journey of love and light with my Beloved, Michael. It was an adventure that we decided to take together. I thought I was going to stand beside him as he healed some old wounds he left behind three years ago. Instead, I found a part of me that needed to be fully empowered and accept my role as a teacher, mentor, and friend within my physical self.

When I decided to move to Mount Shasta three years ago, I had no idea the pathway that would be in front of me. In fact there were many twists and turns that took me to a different part of myself continually on this journey. Michael came into my life to stand beside me as we chose this pathway eons ago as souls on the Inner Plane (some may call this heaven). We have had to surrender many moments, each of us so that we could be together in preparation for the 5th dimension. The challenges we have faced go beyond what anyone can imagine.

We have all seen the science fiction movies, or “Harry Potter”. The world that we stepped into has incorporated many of these elements. As a student of ascension with Dr. Joshua David Stone, my mentor, I had been on this pathway for 15 years on my own. Those that do not understand what this means is that you continually strive to be better within yourself. Part of these teachings are the basis of all ascended masters, the ones that have walked before us; namely, Jeshua or Jesus, Gandhi, Moses, Martin Luther King, Saint Germain, and all the wonderful Chohans (or leaders) of the Rays of God. This is not an easy pathway by any means and it has taken me through many levels of understanding within myself which sometimes were very dark doorways. I learned to come out to the other side by going deeper and doing intense soul psychology work to heal my wounds of the past.

This journey is constant and it never ceases to amaze me how deeply I must go to find my inner truth. Now as a teacher and mentor to others I continue to learn more about myself and how I should act, not react, and fully accept who I am. I have realized that the old way of living and being has to change. This means that others that I have been close with would be deeply affected in my choices within my world.

I learned that in order to fully take my Higher Self and I AM Presence within my physical world, I had to live what I teach. I learned through Dr. Stone’s work that the Rays of God would be the basis of not only my own teachings (along with Michael) but would be the basis of how I could step into a completely different world of awareness. Working with the Rays of God is my savior of my life.
The first seven rays are Spectrums of Light that represent Will and Power (Blue), Love and Wisdom (Golden Yellow), Creative Actualization & Compassion of the Self (Deep Pink), Harmony and Balance (Crystalline Light), The Science of God within me (Green with Gold & White), Inner Devotion (Ruby Red with Gold), and Learning how to Create Ceremonial Structure (Violet with Deep Purple) within my life. They are all the basis of creating the journey within God and Universal Laws. All religions come together to be One; as none is better than the other. It truly represents Oneness in all forms of living, feeling, and thinking. Working with these Spectrums of Light every day will empower any person and allow their higher essence or I AM Presence to be fully embodied within them.

What I have learned and read about by others that chose this pathway is that it takes great responsibility. I have had to let go of the third dimensional world which includes many friends and family that I was connected to from my biological heritage. Once I stepped into the world of initiations and learning to be a leader for this Earth, it took great courage with many challenges that I had to endure. It is not considered for the weak-willed, but it was what my soul was here to experience in my full body system.

On my trip out to Mount Shasta I had many challenges that I learned was from lower energies that did not want me to succeed in my quest of enlightenment within my physical existence. I lost my debit card, I stayed in places I felt very unsafe, but all the while I was fully protected by the God Force and always felt that protection continually. I arrived 3,000 miles later safe and sound with a cat that was happy to be grounded once again. I had tires that blew within days after my arrival. I realized the depth of being watched by many angels and higher Beings of Light in my travels.

When Michael arrived within my life, the challenges become increasingly more difficult. As a couple, we were friends that came together for a purpose. We found in each other that there was much more to the story that would unfold. We are a team that is beyond my wildest dreams, and I know that I would not exist on the earth today without his arrival into my world.
I had accelerated my physical body and consciousness to a point that it was difficult to stay grounded. Anyone that steps into this pathway can agree that the transition of turning your body into more light is one that is quite challenging. With the earth’s energies changing, we as humans, now have this ability to do so, but it takes a lot of effort with meditations, journaling, channeling your Higher Self into the physical body, and just surrendering your life from what you knew it to be before.

We have a wonderful home in Mount Shasta that we have learned needs to be of a higher dimensional level. We have worked hard building ascension columns of light (with the help of the Ascended Masters) to protect our land and within our house. We have been guided by Lord Adama and the Telosians to create this sacred space which is the same way of living that they do within the mountain of Shasta. (Telosians live beneath the mountain as they are the descendants from Lemuria and very present in their essence at Mount Shasta. They live in a 5th dimensional energy which we are striving to do upon the Upper Earth). We also work with all Christed Beings within Oneness known as the Unified Whole which includes Christed Extra-Terrestrials. We have learned how to keep our vibrations high and when our emotions get in the way, it truly is not the True You.

This is not easy when you are living in the 3rd/4th dimensional land space of the Earth. We constantly have to access our higher essence in each moment especially when communicating with other individuals. We created a Connection Circle with our students in which each of us connects with our Higher Self, and we talk about any issues or elements that need to be addressed. (We have had a couple of students living with us in the past year.)

Our life is very inclusive. We do not converse with many people as everyone has debris within the auric field that effects us greatly. When we leave the house, we use our very highly developed protection energies to make sure we are not affected. Shopping in the outside world becomes a torturized ritual with being bombarded by other energies. We are definitely living like the Telosians as we have been trained by them. All of this would not be possible without being in Mount Shasta where the energy is much higher than most places upon this Earth.

What happens when we are affected? Well, since I am the higher vibrational person (doing this work for 30 years), lower energies come into my field. It can feel like a pin-prick on your skin. They usually attack you through your thoughts or emotions; sometimes, you can feel something physical in which you may have a weak spot. It can drain your energy within a moment’s notice. In other words it makes you feel very dysfunctional and sick within your physical body.

We utilize cleansing showers with Epsom salt, cider vinegar and baking soda on a daily basis along with burning Sage, utilizing Selenite crystals that help to remove the unwanted energies. All of this is a daily ritual for us.

I am the protective energy between both of us since I feel it the lower frequencies within my consciousness before anyone else. Michael calls me the “Garbage Collector”. In a sense, it truly is that way. Not an easy task but I have the ability to clear it faster with crystals, going into a quick meditative state, commanding that I am my own energy. It has taken both of us three years to know what to do and when I did not do so, it was not pleasant for either of us. As a result, when we go anywhere we clean up people’s darker energies, and lower thoughts. This also means environmental areas are being changed through the process.

So when the subject came up about us traveling to the East Coast so that Mike could spend some time with his two sons, we were quite concerned. Air travel is difficult for a normal person; for us it may be very debilitating. We were given the go-ahead by Lord Adama who helps us in every major decision in our lives. Some individuals may think that is strange but for us, it is a major comfort as his energies with the entire God Force protect us continually.

We are both from the East; we were traveling to the only powerful spot where we could be protected, Cape May Point, NJ. This is a difficult decision as we cannot spend time with our families like we used to do so. We, as souls, have accepted that this is part of our contract, but it still is a difficult element. If those family members were on this pathway, it would be different. When a person is striving to become more highly attuned with their spiritual self, their energies become less dense. They start to move into more light so it is easier for us to be with them. Granted we still have to cleanse ourselves afterwards as their energy does not meet ours. That will always be part of the process.

I felt I had an obligation to tell certain family members that I could not see them; although there were others I could see because of their own spiritual transformation. This caused some hurts to occur in which I did not know how to handle it from my heart. I have come to understand within myself that I have an obligation to myself which is something I did not do previously. I have always been a caretaker and stepped ahead to help others before I took care of my own needs. Through the years of healing and inner child work it has gotten easier. Being a sensitive (feeling other’s energies) it becomes increasingly more challenging.

I have learned by accepting the Ray of Inner Devotion which represents the energies of devotion and love from your Highest Self. I knew I had to set a boundary with family members as it would totally deplete me emotionally, mentally, and physically. I would suffer a great deal not because of who they are but their energy levels. It could cause me great harm and my work is much too important to do that to myself. I also knew that this would be very difficult to convey to them as ‘until we walk into another person’s moccasins’ we cannot understand how they are feeling.

It was probably the most difficult decision that I have ever had to make on this spiritual pathway.

Michael also has family and friends whom he did not call. He felt it was important for him to do the same but yet I had this obligation to be honest. I learned a huge lesson in all of this. I realized that I needed to see my personal obligation to share that I was in the area, but yet I also needed to accept that I am important as well.

It is difficult in saying no to your family as my pathway is more important to the greater whole of this earth. I have a huge purpose, and I would have never been able to achieve this three years ago.

I refer to a great master, Lady Nada, who is now the Chohan (Leader) of the Ray of Inner Devotion (previously Lord Sananda). She served in the Temple of Divine Love on Atlantis. During her training for the Retreat in Luxor, she was told by Master Serapis Bey (Chohan of Harmony and Balance) that she would have to sever all connections with her family. This was very challenging for her, but she also had a huge purpose during that lifetime. She then realized that it was difficult to be with other humans in the training and at times, ran away through the desert, just to get away from the pressures. Lady Nada works within the Pink Flame to help all individuals upon this earth. ~ Excerpted from “Ascended Masters and Their Retreats, W. Schroeder”.

This is exactly how we feel in our daily life. We have to be very private due to the frequencies of light that we are incorporating within our physical bodies. Mike and I have a great purpose to each other and our students who want to follow the same pathway. When you fully step into the initiations of Ascension that are guided by the Higher Masters, this is part of the process that you have to experience. Third dimensional life never exists for you anymore. In order to live the higher frequencies within the body, we have had to deny family members or past friends our presence. We are hoping that it is not always this way as it is a big challenge for both of us. We desire it to be different, but at this time, it cannot be so.

I have changed greatly through this process and being in Mt. Shasta has allowed me to do so. As I said before, I would not be on this earth doing this great work. I have embraced my Inner Power and help many individuals through our teachings and private sessions to find the love, harmony, and light within themselves.

I also continually send light to everyone I know on every teaching call we perform. I cannot be with them in person, but my role as always been to be the best healer I can be no matter what the form of communication may be. When you take on the role as I have done, the healing energy continues with each ceremony that we facilitate.

So on this journey that Michael and I have taken together I had to step forward to create the boundaries of my role as a mentor, teacher, and healer of GAIA. It has not been easy.

If I have hurt any of my family members due to my need for protection of my light, it is not a personal act to anyone. I hope that you will be able to understand it from my perspective sometime in the future. I would love to have everyone follow our teachings of the Light, go deeper within myself, but that is not my role to push any of what I believe or live unto others. I know that every person is here to follow their own purpose; being on the pathway of Self Mastery is not for everyone. I accept that but am here to help as much as I can as a supportive energy, and will always assist anyone that asks because that is my role – sharing the Light with others to help them find the best of themselves to be awakened.

In blessings of love, harmony, and compassion, I thank all that have walked with me along this intense journey. There have been many in my life that are now on their own pathway of awakening, and I know that we have assisted each other through the process. Without the times of complete disharmony, I would not be able to find my True Self to be fully awakened. It helps me to go deeper within myself to clear the debris that has stopped me in other lifetimes to find my true self to be revealed within a physical body.

I hope that everyone else that I know is able to find their own inner journey.

I also look forward to others joining us on this pathway together which includes all people that I have known whether they have been friends or family members as we all strive to create the higher dimensional qualities within the New Earth. The healing that I have received from this renewal of myself is phenomenal; I send it with love to all that I know in hopes that each person finds a deeper part of themselves to be revealed.
In Expressions of Oneness,
I Am Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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Full Moon

Super Moon of September 8th, 2014

full moon3Today being September 9th we are experiencing the 3rd Super Moon of this summer which is reflected within the essence of Pisces, the Water Sign, with the Sun Sign of Virgo representing the Earth. It probably represents the most powerful balancing act that we have experienced within the past three months which will assist us to move through the Fall Equinox, is on September 23rd, 2014, UTC 2:29 (US Pacific September 22nd, 2014, 7:29 PM).

Pisces represents our emotions, the flowing movement in each direction, which takes us into deeper levels of our internal self. This Super Moon is reflective of the healing that has occurred for each of us individually through the last two cycles. It is important for each of us to take time to see how far we have come through the emotional and mental balance within our physical body.

Every part of ourselves has to go deeper to accept new essences of our Being to be fully accepted.
Acceptance is important in each of our moments of our creation. It helps us to understand who we have been before and who we are becoming.

It is difficult to talk about this moon cycle without knowing what has occurred before us. We always change in each moment, each week and each month. We learn from our experiences so that we can delve deeper into our Soul’s Essence, known as our Over Soul or Higher Self. It is truly who we are supposed to be but yet so many of us have a difficult time in accepting the higher part of ourselves to be grounded into our present reality.

The process of changing the way that we think and feel is all part of these cycles. As Grandmother Moon brings to us the ability to delve deeper into our Soul Body of Light, we learn to reject what does not work for us and accept the parts that have been waiting to be acknowledged. It is at these important moments that we have the deepest reflections of our challenges and achievements to create a better, more evolved self within the physical existence.

This moon of Pisces helps us to achieve all these elements within our lives. The flow of the emotions are like the tide moving in and out towards the shore and then out to sea. This essence helps us to dive deeper in the abyss of unknowingness to find parts of ourselves that are looking to be part of our reality. In essence we are learning to heal the dark elements deep within our subconscious that do not fit into the higher essence we are becoming. It is a time to true to understand why we create situations in our life that may seem painful but yet the true reality is that the trauma takes us deeper into the self-healer that we are. It’s just we forgot that we know how to do so and blame outer elements around us. In truth they are just a mirror to our own essence.

The flow of the energies presently is helping to achieve more within us than we ever thought possible. As we take the newer elements that have been waiting to be acknowledged, we then can ground it into our physical essence. This is where the Sun Sign of Virgo assists us ~ it helps us to embrace the parts that have been missing as the darkness stood in its way. The light is always within us; it’s just that the dark pockets from our past seem to block the doorway to our true success.

It is within those moments that we can have true success within our lives. These moments cannot be measured as it may be just a thought or an emotion that we realize is not our true worth, and then we are able to see to total picture of the missing part that is now fully acknowledged within our Heart and Mind.

Needless to say this is a very powerful moon. It takes us so deeply into the parts that we are afraid to acknowledge and allows us to be more magnificent than we ever thought we could be. The power of these cycles is only as powerful as the essence that we bring to it. The more that we work within the elements and cycles of life, the deeper our transition will be. The present energies are here to assist us and allow us to be achieve more than our physical mind can imagine.

But as always, the work needs to be done. True Reflection of the Self is most important. We cannot expect these elements to occur without the purification of our soul’s essence within the physical body.

We must remember that ‘we are not our body, we are our soul’.

As we move closer within the New Earth energies, these cycles are going to be increasingly more important to our grounding our physical bodies within GAIA’s essence. It is part of the process of healing that we are going through, just as she is experiencing. Please know that none of us is alone. There is so much help within the Core of Oneness of the God Force to assist us to be all that we ever hoped we could be. Ask, and you shall receive.

Take time to purge what you don’t like. When something occurs that is hurtful or uncomfortable, take time to go within yourself and see the true darkness that needs to be removed. Then you can ask for the purification of your Higher Essence to be fully within you.
You will truly thank yourself for doing the inner work so the outer self can be fully acknowledged.

Blessings and Love for another amazing cycle of light upon this planet.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Full Moon

Super Moon Climatic Energies

full moon3Today, being August 10th is the climax of the three Super Moons we have been experiencing this summer of 2014. This means we are at the height of our energies in both the lower and higher essence within our consciousness. It also is a time to dig deeper and find our powerful essence to be emerged within us.

At 18:09 GMT time (10:09 AM Pacific, 1:09 PM Eastern) this moon fully came into our existence. You may have noticed it last evening but the power of this cycle cannot be denied. Exactly what does this mean for us?

Astrologically, it represents the Moon in Aquarius with the Sun in Leo. We are in the battle of the Logical Mental Thoughts or Masculine Self with the Intuitive Emotional Feelings or Feminine Divine. It is a time to balance both of these essences within ourselves. It is important to create the balance of stagnation or going to fast. The Masculine of Leo wants full independence and like to be the leader of the team; the Feminine of Aquarius wants to be part of the team but able to show its independence in the greater whole.

We all know that the Feminine Divine is our initiator of our progress and the Masculine Divine provides the idea. The essential component is to allow the integrations of the Male and Female Essence within us to be our guide in all matters.

Since this is a Super Moon, the closest so far to the Earth, it represents the illuminating light upon each of us. The power of these energies is only a projection unto each of us to go deeper, learn more, and illuminate the essence that we desire to express in each moment of our existence. Understanding that there is true leadership within us to be expressed is an important component. We utilize this energy with the Ray of Will and Power. Learning to be a leader but part of a team is an essential component to accepting our role upon this earth.

If this is a problem for you, then how do you go about recreating the process within you? This is done by understanding within yourself the components that make up both processes. Getting an internal sense of who you are and how you are going to project that quality within you to others is a very integral part of understanding the Self.

We need the masculine and the feminine energies to work together cohesively in any situation, but most individuals do not understand their own composition of the soul’s essence along with how they project it to others.

This moon is helping us to do just that for ourselves. The power of the energies through this week is going to push us in either direction of stagnation or pushing forward quickly. It is important for each of us to realize the potential that we have upon this planet to help GAIA make the necessary changes. Every thought and projection that we have goes out into the world around us and into the earth. So if this moon is pushing us to see within ourselves the imbalance of our masculine and feminine energies, it is because we need that assistance. Some of us don’t always like to look in the mirror of our inner truth so this is the time in which we will be asked to do so.

The Beings of Light have talked about how powerful this summer has been for healing, changes, and inner growth. It is time for each of us to take advantage of what we are experiencing. The first element is to look within instead of looking outside of ourselves. Find what is not working within your mind and your heart to make the necessary changes. Sometimes we cannot see our inner truth, because we are searching for the bigger picture.

On a personal note I had very deep realizations today of energies that I have been feeling for some time and was unsure why they were coming to me. I was shown the reality of what I have always known within myself with certain individuals previously. I sat and reflected on the experience of realizing all this time, “I know that the energies I have been receiving were true.  I am now ready to make the right decision for my highest good in all ways of my existence.” I was not emotionally upset so I did not go into my emotional pain but yet I was given the internal truth of who I am and how I project that to the world. What others think of it is their choice. The true illumination was that I fully respect my decisions and feelings in balance of heart and mind. I am very content within myself of what I have fully realized. Sometimes it takes awhile for it all to filter in all areas of the psyche and full consciousness.  It is a beautiful day of awakening.

Instead of looking at this moon to create more conflict, work within yourself to find the balance of the mind and heart. Breathe deeply within yourself, activate your higher energies by asking for the healing light of your Higher Self to come fully within you. Allow it to settle into your Heart while asking your Masculine (right side) to blend with your Feminine (left side). Utilize the color of Blue for the Male and Pink for the Female. Spin them together in your heart and allow their essences to blend with both sides.

Be the integrative self that this Super Moon is helping us to achieve.

Walking Terra Christa is holding an open Tele-Call on Monday evening, at 4:30 pm. Details are available on

Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee