5th dimension, ascension, Frequency Updates


We are in for another intense week as there are several factors in place.  November 28that 6:45 AM Pacific the Moon will be in its fullness in the sign of Gemini with the sun sign of Sagittarius.  We will be experiencing a Lunar Eclipse at this time in which we are coming to a cross-roads between the Higher Mind and Lower Mind.  It will be a very powerful time for each of us to fully decide which road we are taking as whatever we decide will determine our next experiences of the activations in December.  We are being assisted by taking a look at the old relationships and parts of ourselves that do not fit into the higher realm of integration.  This full moon is totally going to assist each person on the planet to tune into what does not befit their new reality if they are ready to hold the frequency within the Illumination that They Are.  The best part of the frequencies this week is that Mercury has now gone direct which will ease up the communication issues you might have encountered with others or with technology.

Meleriessee shared last week about how she felt that receiving lower physical vibrations have truly assisted her in going through a deeper healing process.  This is continuing and the levels become deeper and deeper.  If you have awakened and stepped onto a pathway of pure illumination within your Being, then you are going to be challenged with elements that do not fit your higher vibration.  This full moon is going to assist us with this process by moving us along and finding the balance between the lower and higher minds.  We don’t have time to waste and we must take each opportunity to move into the depths of our Higher Self’s and I AM Presence.  Sometimes we don’t know what that process is going to be but that is the beauty of it all.  Not knowing is truly in Mastership as there is no past nor future to deal with; it is being in the NOW.

So take this opportunity to fully get deep within yourself; talk to your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  You can do so by intending to be fully with them.  They are for this opportunity to move into a higher frequency within your physical body but you must do the work in order for it to Be.  We are in the process of removing old timelines and finding the ones that we thought we lost.  There cannot be any fear in that occurring as it is a beautiful moment to fully find yourself activated within the body you have chosen at this time of your life.

This process can get easier if you fully accept these changes now; otherwise, it will become very challenging and sometimes as if you cannot surmount the mountain in front of you.  Realizing your true potential will allow you to have the Freedom and Grace of God that you are.

Join us on Wednesday evening November 28th at 5 PM Pacific as we host a Full Moon Ceremony to help individuals walk through this process with Ease and Grace.  Details are available on Walking Terra Christa.com/Tele-calls.




This is the week of acceleration you have been waiting for.

We come to you from the Unified Whole Command of the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, Albert Einstein and more…

We fully anticipate that this week will be one that is entirely focused on your personal pathway to help you change the areas that you have been searching for and remove the dogma and debris that you have been holding onto.  You see, it is not your fault that it has been this way.  It has been the way of the world in human form and as we see it presently, it is now going to be washed as you choose it to be.

The point being is – are you ready to choose it to be gone from your consciousness, from your experiences, and from your life circumstances?

The dark night of the soul is going to immerse within each of you one more time during this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of November 28th, 2012.  You have been pulling away pieces of it for a very long time but in truth, not enough.  You are still feeling remnants of your past timelines that are creeping in for you to look at.  This is all a good thing.

You are at a very opportune time of creation upon this planet to fully step into your full power; this power needs to be unleashed but not with the old elements that have been stuck in your Etheric Body to resurface at a later time.  This is what happened to Atlantis and Lemuria.  Old elements arose at the most inopportune time of creation to threaten the very existence of life on earth so we had to go back to its pure beginnings once again.

You have now arrived at the point of your arrival when you have the ability to fully allow the old elements from your timelines to be completely removed so that you may be fully activated into the best and the brightest that you can be.  You have already been working through these processes throughout your life and especially in 2012.  This Full Moon in November will be your last chance to fully allow the parts of yourself that do not serve you to be removed, as you are regenerated into the Being of Light that you are.

Please know during this process that you will also think you are removing elements you need.  That is the lower mind and the lower ego talking.  You think you may need these parts of yourself, but in truth, your Higher Self knows exactly what you need.  They are ready to tell you but you must be very active in your role with your Higher Self.  Allow yourself to fully feel the accessibility of Light to come into your Being and be that Light infused man or woman that you are.  Your contracts are now open and fully activated to purse your dreams and vision but you must act accordingly and without hesitation.

The energies of the 11:11 and 11:22 in November have prepared you for this time of creation.  Each of you has a depth within your Being to fully access new and developed abilities within your consciousness.  It does not matter where you are on your pathway of Awakening or level of Mastery, this next occurrence of this week is going to take you into a deeper level of yourself.  All you have to do is be open and receiving for it to occur.

You know the drill ~ the full moon is about releasing the old; but in this aspect it is all parts of the old; not just a portion of who you are in this moment, in this lifetime, but your Soul’s Essence.  You will be experiencing a deeper part of yourself than you ever realized you had and once you do, then the awakening will be easier for you to handle in the physical world.  The activations occurring in December are going to be huge for each soul to incorporate so it is up to you, as the physical creation, that you are to fully embody this essence within the confines of your Heart and Soul by allowing the essences that are coming to you to BE YOU.

We can make a few suggestions.  Number one would be SURRENDER.  Yes, allow your physical body to surrender to the process and let the healing begin.  Many of you are already doing this.  The challenges within the physical body currently are due to the influctuations of the crystalline structure entering the physical frequency.   This can result in physical conditions that may seem they are of the past which there are some fragments still being held within your system.  The other aspects of this are that whatever your intentions have been previously, they are held within your belief system.  You will relive them along with feeling new conditions appearing in your fields.

The crystalline body cannot hold onto any dis-ease anywhere within the system so the resultant factor can be dis-ease manifested as a viral condition.  The other element that comes into play is being in public places where the energies are lower than what you are intending them to be.  So if you are living in a sacred space, with the higher frequencies with the use of crystals, light formations, and protective measures and walk into a restaurant or place of business is lower than what you are used to then elements can seep into the parts of your field that are moving into the higher crystalline structures.  These are all compounded into what you are experiencing presently.

Number 2, you must be very cognizant to the Mental and Emotional bodies.  It is important not to let any issues that arise to move into the physical structure as it will be activated in a very physical way.  The power of your energies presently is not to be denied.  Your thoughts and emotions must take precedence to everything you are experiencing and this will be the RULE of your days ahead.

Number 3, enjoy the resultant energies.  You will get through the process by asking for our help in your sleep-state, and know that you are not alone.  This is a new step for all of us.  The wave of consciousness presently is changing at a percentage that has never before occurred on this planet or any planet.  So take time for yourself this week to allow these elements to be removed and let the body heal in the way that it should; not on your time frame in the physical world, but on the time of the multi-dimensional self.

Thank you for allowing yourself to grow deeper through this process and walk as Leaders into the New Earth.  Your work is deeply needed for many.

We are the Unified Whole Command walking with you hand ‘n hand for Oneness.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa ~  All Rights Reserved.  This information may be shared with the link to this page, http://walkingterrachrista.com.

ascension, Frequency Updates

Frequency Update ~ Week of November 21st, 2012

Due to the lateness of this update this week, we are changing our venue for the Frequency Update.  We apologize for not providing it in a timely manner but due to energies shifting, bodies healing, and allowing the new frequency to be fully in place, Meleriessee has been unable to put out the information.  On this update we will talk about the 11thGateway and what it means for each of us along with a special message from the Unified Whole Command on the subject.

On November 22nd, 2012 we are entering into another portal of Light to take us into deeper levels of ourselves.  This month has more activations that are readying each of us to go into the depths of our soul to be more fully ready within the physical realm to hold onto the Light Frequencies that are going to occur within the planet.  It will depend upon your physical creation within your spiritual essence in what occurs for you individually, but in truth, what this means is that the deeper your awareness the more in-depth frequency you will receive.  So what happens when your body is hit with lower vibrational energies?  You experience it through your four-body system until it can become One Body of light.  And usually, you need to experience it in all four bodies.  The order that this happens depends upon which ones are the strongest and the weakest.  The stronger body of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional and Mental levels will deal with it first.  It usually happens in this way.  Then the one on the end of the chain will be hit the hardest.  If you have been doing this work for many years, then you probably have strengthened all of these bodies which mean that it is now time to fully accept the physical body as One Body of Light.

Through these activations of this month many individuals will be challenged very physically within their structures.  It is a time when the timelines are coming together to create the total existence of your reality and the physical essence will house all the other bodies, it needs to shift and change into that new reality, and fully accept the Light Body as One Body of Light.

All of the bodies are coming into One Unified Field of Reality to fully accept the next wave of frequency which happens to be the last wave of the 11:11 cycles.  This Gateway of 11;11 occurring on November 22nd is going to be a massive change within each person upon the planet.  So whatever you are experiencing presently, step into it further.  Utilize the higher vibrations to assist the bodily functions and know that when you are feeling physically ill, not to use the word “sick”.  It will make you feel worse.  We are being challenged presently through the physical essence and when that happens all your timelines are coming together to be fully released.

So, we are being challenged to be better, to be more whole, to accept our highest divinity within us.  The body is going to ache, it is going to hurt in places you thought you had healed, but it all must be released.  We know, because this happened to Meleriessee in the past week as she walked into a public place that had some lower viral energies and her body was challenged.  What she realized through the process that this attack actually was a gift because the parts that were weak physically are now becoming stronger with the work she is doing on the higher vibrational levels.  She has not had to feel this type of energy for several years as she thought she had moved beyond getting “sick”.

Per Dr. Lorphan, the InterGalactic Healer of the Great White Lodge of Sirius, “You must not allow yourself to go down the pathway of feeling badly of what you have attracted.  You are a strong being of light and the parts of your cellular memory within the body that needed to rise above with the rest of you are now being released.  Utilize your skills of high vibratory communication through visualization of the Rays of God to assist you in raising the physical essence to meet your spiritual enlightenment.  The challenge is great but the rewards are even greater because the upcoming activations will take you into more depth than you could ever image.  Utilize only natural remedies as anything else will cause more holes to occur within your cellular structure.  Be strong through this process and you will see a different being appear within you.” 

Thank you, Dr. Lorphan

If you are not being challenged physically, then your structure is very strong and you probably are releasing through your emotional and/or mental levels.  Utilize the same philosophy of the Rays of God, spectrums of light, and higher vibrational energies to assist the removal of the old elements.

This is our preparatory stage of development as we are about to walk through another entryway of Light that is beyond anything that we can imagine.  The more we can do through this process within ourselves, the more we can hold it on December 21st.   This doorway represents our mastery in its highest frequency so what does not fit your pathway of Mastery needs to be removed no matter how deep the challenge must be.

Step into your New Reality; be True to Yourself so the doorway can now be opened for others to see your True Reflection.



We come to you in the consciousness of the Great Divine Director, Master Toth, and Albert Einstein.  We thank you for listening at this time to your own hearts and Divine Creation that is accelerating within your Being of Light.

We know that some of the challenges each of you are facing seem insurmountable but in truth, they are just a small hill to climb in the process of mounting the highest aspect of your Divinity.  The process is great but the rewards are even greater as each of us comes together in our full aspects aligned into One Being of Light.

The cellular structure is being broken apart like a huge volcanoe.  As this occurs, an individual needs to know what is needed and what needs to be forgotten.  The Solar Eclipse of this month has created these elements to break apart into a new reality and sometimes an individual feels as if they are re-living some of the old aspects.  This is no longer true.  The parts that need to be removed will be done through accessing the highest parts of your divinity by allowing the lower parts to be removed.

So in Meleriessee’s case, she is removing old aspects in many timelines in which she did not survive.  It is part of the cellular structure and in order for her to move into the next phase of her existence, it must be done.  It comes into play with the mental mind of surrender from these timelines.  As she has worked with the higher energies, she has allowed the healing to occur.  It does not mean that she is not physically feeling it because parts of those timelines need to be fully accepted by her newest divinity of light that she has integrated within her.  We use Meleriessee as an example to help others to understand that it does not matter what level of consciousness you are incorporating, these elements will be happening to everyone on the planet.

We all know that everything happens for a reason so take a look at what you are experiencing.  Go beyond the feeling of the pain, whatever it may be, and accept the transition that is occurring.  Every lightworker at this time that is intending to go further into the development of their Light Body is feeling at a loss and not sure what to do.  The transition needs to happen in order for the New Reality to be fully accepted.  Without the acceptance then we cannot step into the doorway without the old elements in place.  That is when catastrophe can result within the structure of the individual.  The energies are becoming increasingly more powerful and you as a Being of Light have asked to be one of the Light Workers to work with this light into the earth and others.  You are the first wave of beings that are being challenged into deeper levels of your consciousness within your physical existence.

If you are going into these depths, congratulations.  You are among the first and will show others how it is being done.  You are one step in front and allowing this frequency to be fully embodied within you.

Those that are not feeling it as much need to go at a slower pace.  We understand that this process is anything but easy.  It is very difficult and can be so challenging.  Each individual must feel it as they should and allow these frequencies to flow into a new existence of your reality.

So this is the preparation stage.  The 11:11 Doorway of Mastery will allow each individual to step into a higher level of their initiation phase.  As we have explained, the process to get to this point will determine where you are going as an Initiate.  Some may have just left the Hall of Ignorance, some may be just walking into their awareness, and then there are those that are further along.  There will be increased light frequencies within each individual and upon the planet.  This is one activation when the Love and Light vibration will be increased deeply so it is time to fully accept your Divinity in a new way of Existence.

When we share what you will be experiencing, please know that this is a personal experience.  What we want for everyone is to feel their essence in complete Oneness of their beginning, angelic self, galactic self, Mutli-dimensional self, and human self.  It is all coming into this creation.  That is why the challenges are great as all these elements are coming into play.  It is a very powerful time to allow the totality of your Beingness to be fully accepted into your physical reality.

So take time on this day to fully accept all these parts of yourself to come into your creation. Those of you that are being challenged will be feeling elements different throughout the course of the day.  It is a time to fully accept all parts of yourself to come into your True Essence.  You deserve it and it is time to do so.

So when you connect see yourself going through the Gateway as the frequency is spinning around you, brining all parts of yourself together, as you feel your True Essence expanding within your physical body.  See the Mental, Emotional, Etheric and the Physical Bodies all becoming One Body of Light as it was in the Beginning.

We walk with you through these immense changes and deeply honor you for being on the planet at this time of Awakening for all of us.

We are the Unified Whole in Oneness Reaching Our Essence Unto Yours



We are holding a ceremonial call Thursday, November 22nd.  All are welcome to join us as we connect with the energies of the 11th Gateway of Mastery; November 22nd at 11:00 AM PST / 2:00 PM EST / 1900 hrs PM UTC, CONFERENCE PHONE: 530.881-1400, CODE: 148525#.

Utilizing our 11:11 Activation Meditation will assist greatly in achieving optimal results for this energy.

Check out our new video, Unified Whole,

The Frequency Update is now available on video; Heliohah111 is the channel to check out the videos.  Sign up as a subscriber and you will receive notification immediately when we load a new video.

11:11, 11th Gateway, 5th dimension, ascension

Decree ~ 11th Gateway of Mastery

The decree is being shared to help individuals to actualize the 11:11 Gateway on November 22nd, 2012.

Blessings and Love for an amazing experience that will hold the energies for December 21st, 2012

I awake on November 22nd, 2012,

To allow the revelation of My Light,

To be Fully Actualized Within me.

I have traveled far and wide,

To places distant and within my reach,

To find the parts of me that have been lost.

The 11th Gateway represents all that I AM,

My travels,

My experiences,

My paths with many.

I embrace who I AM,

And experience all that I ever thought I could be,

In this moment of arrival,

As I walk through the Gateway of 11:11.

All that I lost,

Are truly elements that I was,

All that I embrace,

Now become

All that I AM.

The pathway of awakening,

Is taking me to a deeper level of essence;

I see healing in all that I AM,

And Ever Will Be.

I rejoice with others,

I sing gleefully,

I dance with all essences of the Divine.

The 11th Gateway is now opening,

For me to fully accept,

The parts of me,

That I have found.

I deeply embrace the TRUE Me,

The essences of times gone by,

As the remembrance of My Divine Being,

Is now flowing through Me.

I walk with Beauty,

I exhibit the Grace,

Of Swans swimming ever so lightly,

As I now Am the Divine Being

I have been trying to Become.

I feel the changes,

I allow them to flow through me,

I express my joy,

As now I walk with great dignity;

I have endured,

I have learned,

I have expressed,

I have shared.

Now I am honored with the Light of the Master I AM,

I flow with the colors of the rainbow,

I embrace the Divine,

I share,

My Love,

My Wisdom,

My Grace,

My Joy,

My Purity,

My Knowledge,

As the Peace of God,

Is fully manifest

Within the Divine Being I have Become.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Written  by Rev. Christine Melereissee

12:12 Activation, 5th dimension

December 21st, 2012 ~ Now is the Time to Ignite Your Inner Spark of Light

We are coming into a time when more individuals upon the planet are awakening into a consciousness that many of them do not understand.  It is available to everyone on the planet to change the parts of themselves that they do not like or accept very readily by allowing a Spark of Light that is their highest consciousness to fully be manifest within their physical being.

Humanity has been preparing for this time of awakening for generations ever since Jeshua walked this Earth imparting the knowledge of the Light of God to humanity.  Of course, we were not ready to do it for ourselves.  We needed to have someone to look up to as we did not believe it came from within us.  He spoke in these words but duality was much too strong so the struggles continued for each of us.

I believe that every person on the planet lived in those times.  Many who are in the metaphysical realm of leading others truly have a strong connection to Jeshua along with many other masters.  We walked the Earth with them in hopes that others would see the Light as we have done.  So we came back time and time again to learn the lessons within the physical body to remember our Truest Essence.  These timelines have not been without struggle, strife, poverty, and lack of true worth.  We have learned time and time again that it is important for us to be our own Spark of Light.

The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 was the beginning of all of this changing on Planet Earth.  We were gifted with higher frequencies coming into GAIA as the Spiritual Hierarchy is now able to become more readily available in the earth’s atmosphere in order to prepare the Ones that would lead others into the same pathway.  At that time, those of us that celebrated this moment had no clue what was happening except pure excitement and joy.  The energies were amazing as people around the planet celebrated it in their own way.  I was with two individuals who are no longer in my life in Cape May, New Jersey which turned out to be the high spot of Extra-Terrestrial activity on the Atlantic Coastline.  We communed with the dolphins in a special way and felt the upsurge of happiness occur on the planet.  There are many people that are no longer with us from that time, but they helped to mold the energies to be what we are going to experience on December 21st.

After the New Millennium, we saw that we were literally walking into a New Age as the massive amount of people opened up their hearts and became the Light Workers of the world.  It was at this time that I delved into the Science of Ascension and met Dr. Joshua David Stone in Mt. Shasta for his Wesak Festivals.  I not only met him; I worked with his organization as a volunteer.  It was a very exciting time.  What made it even more powerful is the work that he brought forth to assist lightworkers to go into the depth of their soul and remember their true beginnings.  I found this work a gift to me from God as I went deeper than I ever thought I could and found parts of myself that had been lost and other parts that needed to be removed.  My first Wesak experience was tear-filled for three days not knowing what or why I was releasing; I just allowed it to happen.

I believe that the Science of Ascension is the most powerful work upon the planet.  I learned fully how to move through timelines of debris and find my true self.  Our soul consciousness needs to be fully balanced along with the psychological self of the physical being that we are.  As we receive more light energies within our physical, then we attune ourselves to our Divine Essence of the Soul or Higher Self and then our I AM Planet.  There are more awakened people on the planet today than we ever thought would be possible.  The changes with the planet and Gaia have continually shifted, but it is not nearly as bad as we thought it was going to be.  Many individuals have chosen to leave the physical existence but many more are staying.

People are now going to have the opportunity to bring more light within their bodies than ever thought possible.  The choice is going to be up to every individual and whether to choose fear or love.  But it goes deeper than that.  The thought processes are just the first element to appear in one’s awareness.  Then each individual must get deeper within themselves.  Yes, the energies are shifting into a fifth dimensional focus but physically, we cannot accept it without the inner work that needs to be done.  There will be a separation as time goes on as Gaia is allowing her ascension process to happen and so are we, as individuals of the human race.

Ascension actually means –de-ascending the frequency within the physical creation with call the human body to feel our full Divine Essence as it was in the beginning.  We are becoming multi-dimensional beings of light within our physical structure but that essence cannot stay with us until all the karma, debris, and elements of our old timelines are fully regenerated into the Light that We Are.  So, it can be a challenge, but the rewards are so much greater.  The body will eventually become the crystalline structure as the changes are made.  We will heal in a moment’s notice; the physical reality will change immensely as the higher light vibrations fully come into the full arena of the creation that We Are.  We are learning to be more positive and this also means to allow that to run through your Mental, Emotional, and Etheric bodies to create the new physical creation of Light That You Are.

We have been preparing through this process since the year 2000 and especially this year of 2012, the Golden Era.  We have been given opportunities for growth through the allowance of the higher vibrations to fully come into existence.  Change is imminent and it will occur within each person.  How they create that change is up to their own free will.  December 21st marks the time of this new beginning upon the planet.  It is in how we decide to fully experience it that will either make us better or worse.

These energies that we are experiencing can be debilitating and create havoc within the physical structure, but the beauty of this is that it is not forever.  If we learn to balance ourselves through the process, then we fully accept our Divinity in a new way of creation.  Knowing that you will have bad moments along with the good is allowing the equilibrium of All That Is to be fully in our awareness through the growth process.

At this time, we are all having the most wonderful opportunities being presented to us to go further and deeper into ourselves.  This means feeling our emotions on a deeper level and allowing the thoughts to flow through us as we expand our energies.  We need to acknowledge the everyone has “free will” and some souls may choose not to stay on the Earthplane.  Others will choose to live in their duality and not accept the higher level of thought and creation within them.  I think this is the hardest to deal with especially with our loved one who we truly want to see that they can have a better perspective within their world and around them.  Surrender is the main process to the evolution of the Self.  The most important aspect is taking care of ourselves.

Once you do this for your own sense of balance and equilibrium, the healing gets to a much deeper level than you ever thought possible.  That is when you find your soul family appearing in your life.  They think and act like you do and you have an immediate connection to them.  It creates a healing within your soul’s essence to be remembered by others and then you can move forward much easier and with the grace of a beautiful swan swimming on the lake.

12:21:12 will be this time when the Spark is fully ignited within the planet and each individual that chooses to accept it within their awareness.  For those of you that are truly walking a pathway of master, we, Mel and Mike, from Walking Terra Christa are hosting a very powerful retreat in Mt. Shasta.  You may attend for the entire seven days or a short session either in the beginning, December 12th, or the end culminating on December 21st.  We start on December 12th for three days to prepare for the energies.  We have one day in the middle as we Bridge the Energies from the Old to the New and then another three-day segment starting on the 19th through the 21st.  We will be working with each of the Ray Chohans (leaders of the Rays) along with the overlighting Beings of the 22 Rays of God.


We also have a special program with Lord Adama called the “Telosian Ambassador Program” which is working directly with the New Earth Cities, being trained for leadership within these cities, and working with Lord Adama and the Telosians.  The one pre-requisite is that you attend one of our retreats and this is designated by Lord Adama himself.  We will hold the 2nd part of the program during the retreat.

We had a retreat in August where we all connected on a soul level and it was amazing.  Continuing this experience is going to be wonderful for the December 21st activations.  We call this event “ACTIVATE 13” as we move into 2013.  Please check out the details on Walking Terra Christa and let us know if you feel a heart connection to be with us.

To assist you through this process, we have been doing a special 10-week seminar with High Priest, Lord Adama, from Telos the City beneath Mt. Shasta, called “The Telosian Way of Being”.  This is also available for download and we just uploaded the transcription on the first Introductory Class held on September 19th.  People are truly feeling a difference with this course.

Whatever you are doing for December 21st, please make it memorable and with people you truly desire to walk into the New Earth with hand-in-hand.  It is a very exciting time to see so many people loving and sharing with each other so deeply.

In Extensions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee


5th dimension, ascension, Awareness, Enlightenment, New Earth

A Message from Albert Einstein – Father of Relativity* ~ THE THEORY OF ASCENSION AS IT FITS INTO THE PUBLIC ARENA

There are three Phases of Development in reference to an Awakened Soul within the Human Construct.  They are:


The Hall of Ignorance represents mankind; unawakened mankind; those that have no clue that they are beyond just their physicality.  There are fully within the third dimensional world and are considered Unaware people,  they are asleep in reference to their higher consciousness, have a tendency to blame others for their problems, they do not look within, they are egotistical, they are addicted to their things in life:  drugs, alcohol, dysfunction, etc and do not see there is a way to get out as they never look within to their problems.

The Hall of Learning is when an individual starts to realize that there is more to themselves than their physicality, their body, their mind and their emotions.  Many individuals just waking up in the last 20 years represent this level.  It includes those that have many gifts as the Indigos, Star Children, Crystalline, Golden, and Rainbow children.  They can make things happen easily and effortlessly without the physical world’s outer creation.  They have strong psychic gifts.  This level can also pertain to individuals that are in the self-help programs; they learn the skills to change their thoughts, like “The Secret” teachings; but it does not go beyond that until one day they are met by a master or master(s) usually within the physical world, but Spirit can also have this affect on these individuals through their dream states and visions.  This is when they awaken up to themselves and realize they have much more potentiality than they ever realized, but with that realization comes responsibility.

The Hall of Wisdom is when an individual becomes an initiate; they walk unto the pathway of Mastery; learn about teachings of the Masters through the ages, search within books and knowledge for more information.  They learn that there is much more to being aware than psychic abilities; they become very involved in global healing and accelerating that healing as they become more aware themselves.  They are a master in training.

Now there are several sublevels within the Hall of Wisdom.  It includes the initiatory process but each individual has free will to go as far as they choose.  Some will stop and not move forward.  When an individual gets to the 4th initiation, they have stepped unto the process of Mastership.  Now this can include individuals on the self-help level; it depends on what they want to access in their lives and how they want to go about doing it.  Each step of the ladder is an acceleration of the Light of the Christ.  Individuals are becoming the Christ within.

Once an initiate decides they want to continue, then they accelerate themselves to receive more frequencies.  When they reach the 5th initiation, their Higher Self is their guide.  There is no turning back and the initiate is indoctrinated into the Brotherhood of White Light.  But there are requirements and prerequisites to stay within the Brotherhood.  They must follow the rules of selfless service by serving themselves first.  They must go through each of the initiation processes to fully accept their own mastery within.

Now many get to this space and hold themselves there.  It means that they can help individuals but truly do not step further upwards into the ladder.  Everyone has the ability to acquire this level but not all choose to do so.


When an individual starts to realize there must be more to their life than what they are living, they leave the Hall of Ignorance and walk into the Hall of Learning.    This level is massive as it includes many types of individuals such as: Self Help students, Newly Awakened Lightworkers and/or Rainbow, Crystal or Indigo’s, who possess many gifts and share them with others. (They can create teleportation, telekinesis, are mediums, psychics, healers, etc.)  As Newly Awakened Ones, they do not necessarily take responsibility for their actions; they can be very controlling with energies, lower entities can be in this space.  The Universe is at their command and they feel the will to do whatever they want it to do.  They have free will but also may lack compassion or responsibility about what they are doing or creating.  It is on a momentary basis and can fall and crumble just as much as it can be built.  The lower energies are typically guiding them completely.  Some stay in this area for a long time and other individuals see that there is a deeper level to who they are as a being.  (This area of expertise would be considered the lower aspects in each of the Seven Rays of God for those of you studying them.)  These Ones are bringing forth the dynamics of Universal existence, but there are too many other influences that are getting in the way of their full progress.  Not to say that these individuals are not powerful; in fact, they probably are very gifted in many ways but they don’t use it with Universal Laws.  This school of thought I put forth is to help individuals to see that there is a deeper reasoning process with what they possess which helps them to wake up even more through the process.

When the Learning phase has been initiated, and an individual sees that they must go further in their studies, they step into the Hall of Wisdom.  This is where an initiate starts to walk the pathway through their Higher Self and not just their intuitive self of the physical body.

The types of people include self help teachers, gurus, and individuals that follow higher learning.  They have now walked into the pathway of mastery as an initiate.  They teach about responsibility and learn that everything has a purpose in life.  The initiate that is growing through this learns about the Spiritual Hierarchy and the reasons behind why things happen, they apply the teachings to their life and step unto the initiation pathway.  Each step on the pathway will take them deeper unto their mastery within.

Once an initiate has walked into the 5th initiation, they are accessing through their Higher Self.  THIS IS WHERE MANY STAY.  They feel good; they have accomplished a way of being that satisfies them as compared to where they were, so they don’t move further, they think this is the epitome of everything.  Most Lightworkers are in this space.  They do not go further through the process.  This is where the deep work gets deeper.  Some may go further; but if they are not ready to handle what they need to acquire, then they will feel lost. The Higher Self will slip backwards, and they will see-saw through the initiations they had already gained.

When one moves to the 6th initiation, everything is stepped up deeply.  The initiate is now inducted into the Brotherhood of Light on a trial basis.  They come in and out of Shamballa in their dream-state for teachings and wisdom.  This is the hardest initiation as there is more responsibility which is put upon an individual in this level.

Once an individual moves into the 7th initiation, then they are fully inducted into the Brotherhood of Light.  Now you can be at the 7th and not be fully indoctrinated into the Brotherhood.  You must prove your worth to be part of the organization.  Many masters do not make this level and filter back into the 5th and sometimes the 4th level due to the extreme responsibility that is put upon the soul to act within their highest wisdom through the physical existence.

This correlates with the dimensional frequencies.  Second and third dimensional beings are unawake, fourth dimensional awaken but still fight their process including the old demons within and around them, fifth dimensional beings see that love is the only answer but their full I AM presence must be accepted within the bodily structure still.  Some choose to stay at this level as they do not realize the potential to move through the processes.  It must be understood that mastering the first seven Rays of God are a pre-requisite for this level.  Many are not able to go deeper with that work but still access their Higher Self in certain periods of time.  Nothing is guaranteed within the ascension process and this is why so few have done it as yet.

Many will not make the 5th dimensional level even in their consciousness by 12-21-12.  Some may feel it and go back and forth through the process.  Ascension is truly the full activation of the physical merging of the Lower Self with the Higher Self.  It can be done on a consciousness level and yet not be fully actualized within the physical.


I wanted to share this information to the public arena and have chosen Meleriessee, as the messenger to apprise individuals of where they might be in the ascension process, so that it can be seen that work needs to be done in order for more awakened souls to walk physically into the arena of the 5th dimension.  The level of physicality is something needing to be realized; that it is a Learning Process and a Privilege to acquire it.  People cannot simply say that they are arriving in the New Earth just by being positive and showing love in many ways.  This is a major part of it but the true depth of this information is about interacting with others on a personal and professional level.

Many individuals are deepening their skills of awareness and allowing the energies to fully infiltrate within their physical existence but the process goes much deeper than they realize.  The depth of the work needs to be done in order for every individual to fully accept their physicality which allows the lower mind and emotions to no longer exist in that world.  It has a lot to do with the Cellular Memories within the Physical Body and the Etheric Body to co-exist with the Higher Self and I AM Presence.  These memories can be painful and erratic which can cause an individual to not be able to access the “LOVE BUG ENERGY” each moment.  Then, at this point, there comes a creation of division between all the four bodies instead of them merging into the One Light that each of us has the ability to create.

I believe it is time to share this information in depth because individuals need to take a look within their essence and see where they might be holding other parts that they thought had been taken care of previously.  The process of initiations is necessary and cannot be side-stepped to move into the New Earth frequency.  At this moment in time, November 8th, each individual is being prepared for these cycles of rebirth.  It is up to each individual soul whether or not they will walk through the process.  We know that the energies are going to split starting in December and moving forward towards 2013, 2014, and 2015.  The Christ Consciousness will be the consciousness of the New Earth and this earth is going to either reflect or deflect that essence.  It will determine the cause and effect that happens within the planet and how it is going to change.

Individuals that choose to accept their new roles as deemed appropriate from their Higher Self’s will fully have the capability to access so much more than they realize.  Some have gone through these processes and still have a lower self activating within their higher self.  This is a dangerous combination as the warriorship attitude results in the process which then causes great confliction.  There is no confliction on the New Earth frequency so all these elements are going to be weeded out.

I know you want me to share my views on December 21st on the effects upon the planet.  I will tell you that there will not be major destruction of the planet as previously foretold.  There will be areas that will have tremendous upheaval and this goes along with the individuals that are accessing the panic, fear, and uncertainty within their world.  This six-week period is a warning signal for each person to fully step into their own essence as the Earth is now going to be allowing that frequency to permeate within her essence.  It is important to be in places of power energies; vortices in order to connect with the integration of the changes that will be happening.  Many will not be happy as what they think will arise out of them is like a bad virus that has been brewing for eons of time.  The more positive an individual allows themselves to be, the more powerful the energy for them.

I suggest that each person takes this time to fully activate their Higher Self and accept their divinity of Light that they are.  They will be affected because what does not serve the energies will be expelled from the body.  And many people upon this planet hold within them a seed of de-struction and dis-ease within which flows into the Earth.  So we require as many individuals as we can muster up to understand this process; the better Gaia will accept her new Divinity.

This is just the beginning of the frequencies.  It is not going to happen all at once as it will be a process time to integrate the essences for each human being upon the planet.  Now is the time to learn more about your inner self and walk with others that are doing the same.  The Mastership Pathway is available to each and every one who chooses to walk within it.  The challenges are great, and the rewards are greater.  But it goes into the depth of your soul to be able to access the changes and allow it to happen.

We have many new awakened individuals upon the planet who are very gifted and want to share their gifts.  But this pathway must be acquired through great responsibility and diligence within their spirit to allow the changes to come first within and then share with others.  It is a most imperative stage of development.

The Ones that are doing this work now are being considered for leadership roles within the New Earth and within the Golden Cities of Light (in which there are 22 of them).  They are areas that represent the 22 Rays of God and will be considered the High Priests and Priestess Domain upon the New Earth.  There are many other cities of light that are also part of the New Earth energies but the cities I am referring to are the Domain of the New Earth Brotherhood of Light and are considered the High Order of Oneness and all the other cities will be the Light Cities underneath of the Golden Cities.  The 22nd City of Havalannchee will be the highest frequency of light representing the Platinum Ray which is going to be ignited on December 21st over the Mt. Shasta, California, USA area.  This city is aligned with Shamballa and will house all the Spiritual Masters of the New Earth.  The other 21 cities fall under the domain of this Crystalline City of Light.

I feel it is important to share as much information and to as many individuals that it is possible.  The Gateway to the New World on December 21st is just our beginning.  It will be an internalization of mass consciousness that has never occurred previously and we want to share as much information as we can to help everyone through this process.  It is very exciting for each of us within the Unified Whole and the Spiritual Hierarchy that Heaven on Earth is occurring now.  It is imperative to understand that it will not just happen and individuals must be prepared for their own awakening of Light in each moment.

In Reflections of Oneness,

I AM Albert Einstein Extending My Essence Unto Yours

Blessings and Love

*Photographer: Johan Hagemeyer

(American, born Netherlands, 1884-1962)

Title: Albert Einstein

Date: 1931

Medium: Gelatin silver print

Collection: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No reprinting or sharing without including this notice and a link to our website: WalkingTerraChrista.com.

Ascended Masters, ascension, Frequency Updates

FREQUENCY UPDATE ~ November 12th through 18th, 2012

The Frequency Updates are brought to you to assist in balancing your four-body system with the energies that are occurring presently.  Walking within the Mastership Pathway can be challenging and it is important to work through your Soul’s Psychological Balance.  They are shared in a very easy and explicit way from the perspective of an Ascended Master and what he/she faces Walking Into the New Earth.


We have just passed through the gateway of 11:11 which represents “AWAKENING” for every living being upon this planet.  So this week is the beginning of an upsurge of energies to prepare us for the final entrance of the Christ Consciousness on December 21st.

First of all, I would like to report that last week I shared that Mercury Retrograde lasted through December 14th; the information I was guided to share about this date is incorrect.  It means that energy can be with us within a lesser degree until that date but it actually stops its backward cycle and turns direct on November 26th.  On November 13, 2012 we experience the New Moon energies with a Solar Eclipse at 22:09 GMT/UC.  This New Moon being in Scorpio represents working on our self-mastery skills along with learning how to be passionate, resourceful, focused, probing, deep, and perceptive in our personal lives.  This is going to take us to a deeper level once again to acknowledge the parts of ourselves that have been put into the background and allow these elements to shine through the window of our soul as it also allows for the elements we have not wanted to deal with to fully arise out of our reality as it truly does not serve the newer essence of Light that each of us is becoming.  In other words, this week can really have a balancing effect on us if we allow the truth and wisdom to shine together in one essence.

Just as the planets are being very active presently, the solar flares can change quickly.  At present, it seems as if we are not being affected by the Solar Flares but expect energetic changes with the Solar Eclipse on the 13th of November.


It is our pleasure to converse with each of you in this way especially at such a very important time of existence upon GAIA.  We come to you in the consciousness of the Unified Whole Command with Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, along with Albert Einstein who is helping to bring forth the existence of these energies within the Earth Plane.

We have a very exciting week that is upon us; when we say “we” it is in the collective consciousness in respect to the presence of the ALL.  As we are bringing forth the message, there is so much more activity that goes on behind the scenes ‘so to speak’.  Since the doorway of the 11:11 was activated on November 11th, the increased energy frequency upon the planet is being accepted by more individuals than we had previously hoped. We know that many souls are awakening but sometimes the word “awakening” can have some inner meanings that are not received in a generalized way.  We want to thank each of you that participated in any way on allowing these energies to be fully within their Being on the 11th as you truly assisted in allowing the Ones that have no idea what is happening to fully see within them on a deeper level than before.

So let us get on with the message at hand.  This first doorway in November is an active participation of each individual soul to feel these energies first-hand.  Now there are still going to be more that do not understand what is occurring, but it is important for each of you to accept the light frequency within you and expand it around you.  It is not yours to hold onto in anyway, but you are the conduits of the frequency just as we are sending the message to you in this moment.  It is a chain reaction that is occurring which requires great insight into yourself.  This is exactly what occurs within this Gateway as the preparations are going into a deeper level than they were previously and we are happy to be of great assistance.

You have not had much time to reflect on these changes that are happening within your cellular and physical construction.  We want you to realize that preparations have been made through your Higher Self to receive the highest and most balanced optimum frequency that will not overload your system.  So, at times this week, it may seem as if the frequencies are at a very intense rate; that is, when you communicate with your Higher Self to fully accept the level that is appropriate for your body.  Now your Higher Self has been trained to extend the frequencies to you in a most appropriate manner and as any new student must understand, they may not want to receive the highest performance.  It is like being an athlete and you are training for a big event.  Some days you just don’t want to do the work because it seems too intense and your body may not be able to handle it.  But then when you start slowly, then you realize that your body is fully accepting the challenge of your training.  Each of you is in training as this is exactly what you are experiencing.  Some days will be better than others.

On November 13th the Solar Eclipse occurs within the New Moon cycle which will represent the balance that is necessary.  You will find that these energies can assist you on a much deeper level as the emotions that you feel will be surfacing out of your emotional body.  Be kind to yourself when this occurs as it can be quite intense.  But what will happen through the process is that you will feel the compassion and focus that is necessary within your life.  The Feminine and Masculine Divine energies are coming together to allow the co-existence of both of these elements within your four-body system.  You must remember that you are going into depths that you never experienced before and within those levels are parts of yourself, old timelines, which have been lodged deeply within.  This Solar Eclipse is going to go within a deeper level of your shadow side in order to allow the lighter parts of your essence to shine. Together, they are just enclosed within each other as an individual cannot predict how the energy is going to effect themselves either positively or adversely.  This event is going to help change those parts within yourself on a much deeper level.  The result will be the truth of your existence blending with the wisdom to allow it to fully create your intended focus engineered by your Higher Self and I AM Presence.

So you may ask, “How do I assist myself through this process?”  Learning to how to balance each of the masculine aspects along with the feminine will be the key to your evolution of the Self.  Sometimes an individual truly does not understand how to go about assisting themselves if there is no knowledge of where to start.  Take a look back within this 24 hour process and allow the timelines and events to enfold within you.  Were you having any reactions to anything that you were doing, seeing, observing and then acting upon it?  Sometimes we do not see the forest for the trees.  This week will give you the knowledge, expertise, and diligence to go on a much deeper level than you ever experienced before.   It will not be something that you have to search for; it will appear to you in a dream, a thought, a feeling, or within your meditation.  Notice how you previously have reacted to others.  Then see the difference of your actions.  This is the WEEK FOR THAT CHANGE.

The planets are aligning in such a way to assist with this process.  It is important to go deep within yourself especially if you are unsure of what you are supposed to be working with.  These are the ones that are fully being egotistical about their own pathway.  The lower mind blocks the higher mind from being accessed so work with it as best as you can.  Ask this week for the energies to show you these facets that are deep seated within your existence.  You will thank yourself for it immensely.

After the Solar Eclipse, this energy will continue but being within New Moon cycle will allow you to continue within the balancing act.  It will assist you in remembering to walk a straight line and not go to one side or the other.  This will throw you completely off of what you need to do.  Once you do slip, get back up, and do it again.  It will become easier to fully acquire this essence within you.

 It is our pleasure to be with you during this amazing time of change.

We honor you deeply for your pathway and walk with you hand in hand

Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director and Albert Einstein

Representing the Unified Whole Command

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page, http://walkingterrachrista.com.

Earth changes, Enlightenment, Golden Era, light worker

A Dissertation for the Layman: Understanding the Term “BEING AWAKENED”

I have been guided to write this post for those that do not understand what it means to be an AWAKENED BEING OF LIGHT.  As a student of ascension for many years and now a teacher in this realm, I have a tendency to direct my posts toward individuals that are already on the Pathway of Light or Mastership.  But what about those that may not understand what December 21st, 2012 may mean for the general public?

So I will try and write in layman’s terms of the mere beginning of what it means to know my Inner Truth and to share it as best as I can.  I have had friends in the past that did not understand me.  So, of course, they are no longer in my circle of acquaintances.  This is what happens when you walk into a journey that many do not understand.  I also have family members that truly do not understand the depth of my knowledge or why I am doing what I love.  They just accept it after 25 years of me being on this pathway.

So I dedicate this blog to those of you who want to know more but are unsure of where to look.  First, I want to make it clear that I am not a teacher of the uninformed.  Most of our students at Walking Terra Christa are Lightworkers and have been so for several years.  They want to delve deeper into their Soul’s essence to heal themselves on deeper levels.

Some of you may already been in the Self-Help pathway but what I am about to share is way beyond the origin of feeling good about yourself.  What is a Lightworker?  Hmm…I think it speaks for itself, an individual who works with the light which can mean a variety of elements:  earth changes, healers, coaches, etc.  What I do is teaching about the Pathway of Mastery and each of us being those masters for the New Earth.

Which really brings me to the subject of this blog, The New Earth.  What does that mean?  Will this Earth desecrate and no longer exist?  Not sure about that element but what I do know that the world is changing but not everyone within this world.  We have been in the stages of duality for a very long time and we are now moving out of that role as Gaia, who is the name for Mother Earth, is evolving just as we are individually.  The term is Ascension but in reality it is about –DE-ASCENSION.  We are now accepting the fact that we are more than our physical bodies.  We are learning that our Higher Self who is our Highest Consciousness is de-scending into the physical reality and not just on a consciousness level but PHYSICALLY.  What does this mean for us?

Well, the physical body is not used to a higher Light Quotient.  What is a Light Quotient?  Well, it is when we accept the higher dimensions within our physical body beyond the 3rd.  As more light enters, it causes the body to react by not sleeping, sleeping too much, eating differently, feeling differently, periods of happiness or sadness for no reason, and the list goes on.  Everyone feels it differently so there is no rule in how to treat it except being kind to ourselves.

It also represents that we believe in Oneness – that each of us are part of a Creative Process in which we were ONE Spirit all together.  The Creative Source of Oneness decided that this should change so Divine Mother and Father God were created along with each of us as our I AM Presence.  Then we were separated into embryos known as Souls.  We have 144 souls within our close soul family divided into 12 pods in which on a higher consciousness, we interact with each other.

So what is occurring on the planet now is that people are activating these parts of themselves into the physical creation.  It takes a lot of work though to fully activate these energies, because we have blockages from previous lifetimes called Timeliness that are now being dissolved.  This is what happens when an individual becomes aware that there is more to themselves than just the physical creation. We also learn that we create our own reality.  That is a tough one to figure out also.

2012 is being considered the Golden Year which means more individuals have awakened with these concepts than any other year of the planet.  It also means that people that hated themselves learn that they can love themselves just as much and it takes a whole lot less energy.  Healing occurs in many different levels through the Physical, Emotional, and Mental bodies.  But it has to go through each of those bodies for it to happen.

Now at the same time, Gaia, Mother Earth, is also ascending.  So the geographic areas are changing with the healing she needs to do.  This also brings us to the next part of our journey.  Every individual has a choice whether to feel fear or joy and it creates Gaia to overact in certain ways.  Every time there has been a prediction of geographic catastrophe there are many Lightworkers on the planet that are assisting energetically to heal these areas which makes a big difference on the healing of the Earth.

Now that I have laid most of the groundwork, it should help to understand what is happening presently.  I could write for a long time on each of these elements but that is not my goal.  My focus is to assist those that do not understand what the Mayan Calendar is showing us in a change in consciousness on December 21st, 2012.  That’s exactly what is happening.  More light is coming into the planet than ever before and is calling an accelerated amount of frequency to be embodied by every living element on Earth. Each of us is changing greatly even if we don’t want it to happen.

There have been predictions that it is Doom’s Day and the world is ending.  I do not believe that fact, but we are changing and must change with it.  Let’s face it, more and more people are choosing to leave the planet.  This is because the energy is getting so intense that we need to move with it or it will create more havoc in our lives.  We have been in a period of duality for so long that many think that is how it needs to be.  Well, my friends, it is going to change at the end of this year.  We are coming into Oneness but every living being has to accept it for themselves.  We must not blame others for our problems and see that we are all part of the issue that is occurring.  There is light and dark upon the planet but in order to see the light we must acknowledge the dark especially within ourselves.  This is truly the awakening we are going through presently.  Elements are arising for each individual to change it and if it is not changed, it will get worse, believe me.

So if you want to take a look at what is happening within the planet presently, here are some earmarks of events.  The New Moon and Full Moon are very powerful times and we need to take advantage of them.  In the Month of November there are Eclipses with each of the moon cycles, there is an 11:11 day and then a 11:22 day.  These are activations from a higher consciousness that allows doorways to be opened into a new reality.  When you allow yourself to be willing to see beyond the physical, you will see the beauty of who you are.

Each of these dates are helping us to move into two more amazing dates of December 12th and then the 21st.  The planet is being infused with the highest quality of light ever possible upon this planet.  The Christ Consciousness is now our awareness.  It does not represent Jesus but what he stood for and all of the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy.  We are not alone.  Many follow the angels in their religious teachings.  What I am talking about is all those religions came from one source and learning to approach it within Unity of Spirit.  We are now going back to that Source of Light that We Are.

So how do you help yourself with this process?  Being better with yourself, accepting your faults as not faults but change them into beautiful moments.   Acknowledge you have anger and releasing it by realizing the fact that you are a Divine Being of Light and allow those thoughts to be within you completely.  Everyone needs to wake up and realize that we are Divinely Guided and not as looking at GOD but having GOD within us.  We are children of God and we are here to do very important things. We have gifts to share and also to receive from others.  These elements also come into our physical body through the Etheric Body.  It remembers everything that you have ever experienced and creates dis-ease within the physical structure.  It is important to clear all of the issues in order to raise our consciousness and physical existence within the Earth.  Eventually, we are all moving into a fifth dimensional existence.  Some believe it is happening now but on a physical and geographic area, I believe it will take some time.  But this year in 2012 is our first step.  What we do not take care, WILL BE TAKEN CARE OF FOR US.  So it is imperative to get moving into our Inner Self and Heal more deeply than you ever thought you could do so.  It will change how we view life and our relationships.  Elements can change deeply through this process like friends leaving you or others not understanding, but it must be looked at as this is the process of loving yourself.  Change is good; when we stagnate we become lodged within our own fears and judgments.  This is a huge process but if you feel it is time to look at yourself with a better perspective, than please do.  More and more people are waking up unto themselves, and this is the beauty of this age of enlightenment.

Take time in the next six weeks and reflect on who you are.   The parts of yourself that you do not like, then work on changing them.  Breathe deeply and allow your essence to enfold within you.  Be positive with your thoughts and your words as it reverberates across the Universe and comes back to you ten-fold.  So if you are flowing and loving, eventually you will feel it within yourself.

If you want to go to deeper levels, find a meditation group to help you connect to other parts of yourself. You just may find one of the members of your soul family that wants to meet you.  If you want to delve more, then read about the teachings of the Ascended Masters or look into channeling from some very beautiful beings of Light.  The reflection is so deep that you will find yourself in some of these expressions that are awaiting for your arrival.

If you want to go further and step into the deep aspects of Ascension, contact us at Walking Terra Christa.  We hold weekly calls and free open calls for the Full Moon. Check out our website as we have a great deal of information that can assist you to delve deeper into your Soul’s Essence.  It is a great time of Awakening and now is the time to do it.

If you really want to prepare yourself for the first doorway which is November 11th, check out our meditation video.  We do work with the higher vibrations so there is chanting in the middle of it that may seem a little odd, but if you allow yourself to tune into your Higher Essence of your Higher Self, and just flow with it, you may be very surprised in the outcome.  Use it often through the next six weeks.  The link to the video is listed below:


In expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Ascension Vibration Mastery


11:11 Awakening, ascension

The Angelic Realms Share the “11” Gateways


We are the Elders that Surround the Throne of Grace in Group Consciousness.  We also comprise the Elohim Councils of God, along with the Angelic Councils which are 12 councils in all with 12 angels within each one.  As you know, we work directly with the Divine Mother and Father God to assist in regulating the frequencies through the Rays of God along with all of the principalities of Light.  It is our Divine Pleasure to assist you in this manner.

The activations that you want information about that will be occurring in November are going to regulate the frequencies for individuals to fully accept that there is something more to their lives than just what they are feeling. All of these activations are a step into the Gateway of 12-11-12 within a preparatory stage of development.

The essence of understanding about the Mayan Calendar encompasses more than many individuals realize.  It is a potential of understanding to allow the Christed Self to be born into each human being upon the planet.  The acceleration of the planet is taking effect deeply as we speak and will continue to do more through the process.  For those that have been on this awakened state of consciousness, these dates are only going to push them into deeper levels of understanding which is the same truth for all of humanity.  The point being is that the individuals who are working within a Pathway of Mastery will step ahead of everyone else.  This means that individuals that have a knowledge and expertise are being asked to go deeper to assist other individuals.  There are actually waves of consciousness occurring within an individual at this time, but it is up to their free will in how this consciousness will appear in their lives.

There is a deep knowledge that needs to be expressed in the type of individuals that awaken unto the planet and allow that vibrational level to flow within them.

[Please see the channeled message from Albert Einstein on the Theory of Ascension & What it Means for the Public Arena which will be posted on this blog shortly or within our newsletter.]

November 11, 2012 is a day when an opportunity will present itself to individuals that want to go further into the depths of their understanding.  As always the 11:11 activations are doorways for growth and opportunity.  It is important to realize that these doorways are activated through a person’s subconscious mind to allow the conscious mind to receive the message that an opportunity is presenting itself to them.  Not all individuals truly take advantage of this opening of frequencies in the way it should be done.  There seems to be a commonplace attitude that it is just another number. We believe that many people are receiving these messages through the clocks, on signs, within the media, etc to help them be aware that an opportunity is being presented to awaken them into a new reality.

This day on 11-11 is not different except on a much deeper level.  The degrees of acceleration are increasing through openings that are being guided from the God Force.  You see, humanity needs to wake up and what a perfect opportunity to allow this to happen through a time sequence.  11:11 actually means to come into Oneness as it is represented by the binary system of 4 digits being the same.  There actually occurs a time sequence of no time to occur so the frequency stops for one second of 11:11.  Each individual that stops for that moment within 11:11 will allow their Higher Essence to access their physical creation by acting upon the frequency of the ONE.  This is why so many individuals are feeling these frequencies within their lives.

The day of 11:11:12 represents the same no-time zone.  2012 is the year of the Golden Era when more people have awakened into a new reality than has ever occurred before.  This means that the percentage of individuals in this year will see 11:11 more often.  Since November 11th is 30 days before the Gateway of the New World is opened, individuals will be prepared to awaken themselves into a deeper level of understanding than they have ever felt before.  Some may say it is a warning sign; but in actuality, it is a moment of pure acceptance that there is more to themselves than what their mind can understand.

This also is a time when each individual that chooses to have an awakening will remember the essence of their Angelic Self.  11:11 has always represented to the Angelic Presence and this day is a moment to allow that Angel That You Are to be fully activated within the body.  There will be a remembrance and allowing the thoughts and emotions of the Angel that You Are to fully embody your physical existence.  Your Angelic Timeline will then be fully activated.  It is going to be quite a very powerful moment for humanity.

It is essential for individuals to be prepared on this day to walk through another doorway of awareness by allowing their Higher Self/Highest Essence to walk with them side by side.  Now for individuals that are newly awakened, the Higher Self will present themselves in a different manner; i.e., dream states, showing the clock energies, feeling elation, joy is within them, etc.  For the other individuals that are working within their pathway of mastery, they will go deeper and will be guided not only by their Higher Self but their I AM Presence.  This is being engineered by the higher frequencies depending upon the person’s awareness.  The more that the individual has accepted their pathway and is working on their Inner self, the deeper the knowledge will come to them.  It is an appointed time of entry to prepare the physical body to receive more frequencies in preparation for the gateway December the 12th.

This entryway is also going to assist individuals to walk through the following 30 days in the altered state that they achieved on the 11-11 date in November.  It is being geared by a person’s ability to be on the pathway of Light, to accept that Light within them, to work through their initiations, and move into the deeper realms for preparation into the New World.  The ones that are not on a mastery pathway will feel more elation and also have moments of realizing that more needs to be done.  It truly is an awakening day for everyone upon the planet.

We ask that you apprise all individuals awakened and unawakened that this is a day of awakening.  It is the first doorway to walk into the entryway of 12-12-12.  Preparations need to be done for each individual person.  There will be many that will not feel anything different as this is because their bodies are numb from the pain they have endured.  This is where we are going to be assisting within the planet to help the souls that are lost from themselves.

We suggest gathering with others whether long distance or in close groups to connect with the energies that occur at 11:11, 1:11, and again at 11:11.  All increments of “one” are very important.  The best time to connect is in your 11:11 time zone and the energy will run its course throughout the day.  Meditations should be done representing the ONENESS and connecting to the GRID of the planet to put everything into motion as we commune with every one of you through this day.

We must remind individuals that this is the first activation during a 30 day cycle and going about their business during the day will cause the deflection of energies within them.  This is not something that we want as the more energies that are involved, the merrier it will be.

The 11:11 day is a pre-requisite for the activation of 11:22:12.  Many of you realize that “22” is a master number and represents the initiation process of allowing the Gateway to be fully opened within an individual’s physical consciousness that relates to Mastery.  This means that each individual that fully activates the energies within themselves with the other activations of 11:11 and the Solar Eclipse of 11:13 representing the Feminine & Masculine Divine Energies being activated, will take them into the deeper initiation process that they have been undergoing.  It does not mean that each individual is going to jump initiation phases but there will be a quickening of energies that will occur.

We just uploaded a special meditation for the11:11 Awakening.  You may utilize this video not only for 11:11 but all the activations that are occurring through December 21st, 2012.

11:11 Awakening Meditation

In addition we are holding a special tele-call on the 11th at 11 AM Pacific.  Details are available on Walking Terra Christa.  If you would like to receive our newsletter which shares our open calls for these events and more channeled writings, please do so on the website.

Expressions of the Oneness of the All,
– Elders from the Throne of Grace, Elohim Council of Light, & Angelic Councils of Oneness at your service.

We hope that you will connect with others on this day of awakening.

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Ascension Vibratory Mastery


©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  Permission is granted to share this information with this link provided.

2012, ascension, Earth Healing, Frequency Updates

Frequency Update ~ November 5th through 12th, 2012

Planetary Level ~

This week brings us Mercury Retrograde on Tuesday and lasts through November 26th but it is supported with some very supportive and nurturing influences.  It is a time to look at our communication and how it fits into our present awareness; what needs to be addressed, removed, or accepted are the key points to this cycle.  We, at Walking Terra Christa, also feel that an individual should arise above some of these planetary influences as we are moving into a higher vibrational existence upon the Earth.  It will definitely make us more sensitive but in a very positive fashion by allowing us to see the parts that do not define our TRUE SELVES.  The other aspects involve being very nurturing and loving which means taking care of YOU.  Take time out to weed the old that happened from the Full Moon cycle to fully embrace the essence you have desired to achieve.

Presently there are no solar flares that are active.  There is a dark hole that has been detected within the Sun which is expected to hit the Earth by November 6th.  This causes the effect of Auroras within the Polar sky.

There are storm systems brewing on the Eastcoast once again.  It is imperative to try and hold the light frequencies as much as possible so others will feel it.  We must try and help individuals realize that fear or worry is not the answer and can make the storm systems create more havoc.

Cosmic Level ~


We have come to a new week that we feel is going to please each of you greatly.  Remember the challenges of last week and allowing the energies that you no longer needed to be removed from your four body system?  Well, this week it is more of the same. 

The process from this day of November 5th through the upcoming week is going to support the releasements and occurrences in your life to change.  Sometimes it can be an uphill battle of the frequencies changing within your physical reality but yet you still seem to push further beyond the confines of your reality.  Due to the influx of the energies presently, each individual will be able to assert themselves into a new way of Being by allowing themselves to fully accept the Divine Presence within their frequencies.

It is likened to being on a raft in very rough waters.  The raft moves across a huge rock and you are stuck there until you can find out the best way to get around the rock.  But that is the problem.  Getting around it does not make it go away; you may think so but it is not true.  You must learn to dissipate the energies of the rock so it is not sticking out of the water.  It is the same thing as seeing the Light Come On and then you are not in the darkness anymore.

You have traveled far and wide to arrive at your destination presently.  There should not be any blockages this week as long as you continue the same process from last week.  The energies are shifting into a softer and warmer essence to fully embrace you for the changes that you need to make.  This does not mean that there will not be challenges.  They are an extension of elements that you have been working with as you are giving additional time to experience the new part of your experience.

To continue reading this article, please see Frequency Update, Walking Terra Christa.

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.

ascension, Holy Kumaras

Lord Sa Na Kumara ~ The Flame Holder of the Purple-Gold-Ruby Ray of the Holy Kumaras

On November 1st, 2012 we held our sixth class of the Holy Kumaras and the Venusian Rays of God in which we were introduced to Lord Sa Na Kumara, the Flame Holder of the Peace of God.  The colors represented within this flame are Purple, Gold and Ruby.  [If you would like to learn more about this amazing workshop in which you can download the MP3 file for the class participation and a have private sessions via Christine Meleriessee on each of the flame holders of the Venusian Rays of God, please see Venus Meets Gaia for Terra Christa.]

Decree:  Being in the Flow Allows Me to Feel the Peacefulness of My Divine Being

As I fully am walking in the shoes of a Kamura,

Learning their ways of being,

Through the Venusian Rays of God;

I am now being introduced to the Flame Holder,

Sa Na Kumara;

Who Represents the Purple – God – Ruby Flame,

The Peace of God.

The journey that I have taken,

Has shown me the depths of my Soul;

By accessing the parts of my Essence,

Into my Physical Reality.

I stand with Lord Sa Na Kumara,

Feeling his Essence;

Flowing with the Purple, Gold and Ruby Hues,

Intertwining within my Being.

This has been a very intense journey,

With the Venusian Rays of God;

I have seen my garden;

Flowed with the waters of the Sea;

Traveled my mountain of challenges;

And Walked through the deepness of the Forest;

To find my inner peace.

Sa Na Kumara shares with me some elements from his Essence,

All of these moments have made you who you are;

You are a blessing of Light,

You express the Divine through your physical creation;

You are Love;

You are Will;

You are Purity;

You have found your Wisdom;

You now have accessed the Science of your Soul;

Through the Masculine and Feminine Divine.

Now I share with you the Peace of God.

It is important for you to remember,

All these parts of yourself,

In order to be whole;

They serve a wonderful purpose,

Of allowing your Divine Being to fully accept;

The totality of your Essence,

Within the Physical Existence.

Previously in other timelines,

You could have one of these,

And feel lost;

As you did not fully accept the full totality of All that You Are,

That is no longer true;

You have arrived in the Temple of the Peace of God.

I now feel the colors swirling around me,

The Purple, the Gold, and the Ruby;

The essence of these hues,

Blend within my entire physical structure.

I start to feel the serenity within,

The peace I thought was gone,

Is now renewed;

My Mental body is now fully within the Masculine Divine,

With my Emotional body within the Feminine Divine,

I am accessing all these aspects,

And putting them into the wholeness that I AM.

I see that the entire spectrum of the Rays,

Is now starting to flow within me;

I look above and see a beautiful rainbow,

As it is flowing through my essence,

While allowing me to be whole.

The colors come shooting down upon me;

The White of the Purity;

The Blue of the Will;

The Pink of the Love;

The Yellow of the Wisdom;

The Green of the Science;

And now the Purple – Gold ~ Ruby,

Of the Peace of God.

Without the others,

I cannot have peace;

I feel great tolerance within me,

I can accomplish all that I desire;

My soul is now completely devoted,

To the expression that I AM.

I Am now the Rainbow of Colors,

They are within me and around me;

The wind brushes by my face,

I smile with the purest thought,

Of the Divine Being I have Become,

And always will be.

I AM that I AM that I AM

I know infuse the Ray of the Peace of God

Fully within me.

Aspects to Integrate:

  • When an initiate has a deep strength focusing on their spiritual ideals, they are able to:
    • inner Truth
    • Tolerance,
    • Serenity,
    • Balance and Common Sense
  • Great Sacrifice of the Self
  • Devotion
  • Strong Intuition
  • Being in the flow of life as it is being directed from the Source of Light

Lord Sa Na Kumara shared with us his essence of truly what it means to bring Peace within our physical existence.  We sometimes think of peace as an aspect of all individuals coming together in harmony for the cooperation of everyone, but truly the integration of peacefulness is created through all of our challenges in past timelines and this life time.  Until we really learn the difference between struggle and the blessing in our lives, we cannot accept the Peace of God within.  It is a very powerful energy once an individual realizes the potential he/she acquires within themselves.

Lord Sa Na Kumara’s Shares His Story


I am Lord Sa Na Kumara and am very happy to meet your acquaintance.  The other flame holders of the Kumaras have been sharing the work that they are doing with this seminar series, and it is my Divine Pleasure to share with you the Peace of God.

I hope you can feel my exuberance as it is flowing throughout my Being.  I am deeply honored to work with each of you as we are building the bridge between the world of Gaia and Venus to be one with each other.  It is an extension of our deepest love that goes through the ages of time.

The reason I am so excited about sharing my essence to you, as the students of the Venisian Rays, is because there is an opening of a huge doorway into the reality that Venus and Earth will be One Unified Being of Light.  We have been awaiting this time since the ages of Lemuria and Atlantis and feel that the connection you are creating with each of us will take us into higher dimensional frequencies than you realize.  I know that this teaching workshop would not have occurred without each of your students being very diligent about the work with each of us.

Working in the essence of the Peace of God is near and dear to my Heart.  I believe that we will be coming together in the physical to assist each other in the process of the New Earth which totally tells me that the time is being presented for each of us to understand one another.  I know my introduction to this course is quite different from the rest but it is imperative that each individual person understands the magnitude of our relationship with one another.  Each of you are being presented with a chance to fully accept your divine right as a teacher, advisor, and coach of the essences of the Rays of God as shown to us in the Venusian Way of Existence.  It will be an imperative stage of development upon the New Earth because in the seventh dimensional body we fully need to accept the totality of the Rays of God and not the separate considerations that can result within your world of existence. This process means that you will eventually be able to consider the 7th dimensional body as an extension of the rays you are working with presently.  I believe that you and others will understand this process as I work with you individually.  I also need to share that we have been working with one another within the 7th dimensional frequency to assist in this process on the Innerplane levels.

I believe it is always important to speak from the Heart and share with you the realization of our connections with one another.  The depth of what you are creating within this seminar series will affect everyone from this point forward and illuminate their essence in a much clearer manner than perceived originally.  It is with the depth of knowledge that I bring forward that is important and possibly not just the knowledge itself.  I will share with everyone how they can go into a deeper meaning within their own essence to see their essence is truly the extension of God’s ability to create joyful and peaceful moments.

My background is long and very involved.  I have spent many lifetimes in many different circles around Venus, on the Earth, and within other planets.  I did not spend much time on the angelic pathway as I felt I needed to make more of a difference. I was a bit of a rubble rouser and always wanted to speak my truth even when it got me into trouble.  And trouble is what I found.  But that was part of the pathway of learning how to exhibit the truth through God’s light.

So in the short of it, I have lived many lifetimes where I was learning the lessons of God very deeply.  Sometimes, it was not easy at all and other times, it was quite fun.  I loved the times when I was a Monk and I worked with the Tibetans.  I was very close with Djwhal Khul.  He taught me so much about what I did not understand in life.  I have walked with many masters, but it was a requirement for me to do so.  I had no idea I would land this wonderful position as the Flame Holder for the Peace of God as I felt I did not know how to acquire peacefulness within my Being.  I saw it as something that needed to be earned, and believe me some of the lifetimes I experienced, there was no peaceful end in sight.  One of these was a homeless person; in fact, there were more than one lifetime that I experienced those moments.  But actually that is where I learned to be very humble and to acquire the ability to find God within my Heart.

I also walked with Moses and some of the great teachers of your history.  They molded me into who I am presently.  There are just too many to count so I won’t try to give you too much of those lifetimes.  In truth what I want to share with you is that the truth of the matter is that it has to come from within.  Sometimes we have to go through trials of fire to understand truly that we are God and that he is not the almighty being directing good or bad into our lives.  It has to be our truth from within.

My role as a flame holder has been in existence for so many years that I cannot count.  Sanat Kumara and I are very much connected, and his work of the Kumaras has been my lifeline.  In truth we work very much hand-in-hand and have done so since his posts within Lemuria.  I assisted him during that time but from Venus and not within Lemuria although I visited there quite often.

So, in essence, what I bring to each of you is to allow the light to shine so brightly within your being that what you have acquired through many timelines has allowed you to fully be in this position and I say to each of you, you are being tested because you are ready.  You would not be here with each of us at this time so I extend my essence unto you so that you may be ready to shine it deeply within yourself.  What you will find is an awareness of your Light that has always been there but you have been unable to access it fully.  I will assist you with the revelations of the Self.

I so look forward to working with everyone in the group and individually.  I believe we all have something to learn from one another.

In deep honor,

I Am Sa Na Kumara

Flame Holder of the Purple –Gold – Ruby Flame of the Peace of God

©2012 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, Vibrational Ascension Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the link to this page.