Golden Etheric Cities, New Earth, Oneness

Updates on the Golden Etheric Cities


We have been working within all of the Golden Etheric Cities since 2011.  In the past year we have been overloaded with classes and sessions that it is sometimes difficult to post the information.  Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos, is our guide for these cities is urging us to continue posting the transcriptions as they become available.

The order of the transcriptions will no longer be by chronological order.  We are presently re-visiting many of the cities but some of the latter ones were not posted on this site.  So you will see the transcripts as they become available to post and in not the usual order of the dates we traveled to the cities.

Presently, there are more vibrational attunements that are provided through Meleriessee within the journeys. We do suggest that you consider ordering some of the meditations for you to listen although there is a vibrational energy that is provided within the text of the material.

We thank you for your loving support of this work as we feel it is very important.  These cities represent the “capital” cities for the New Earth.  They represent the ability to walk through the Rays of God with each of the magnificent beings that are part of the rays and within the cities to help individuals heal deeply.  When the New Earth is fully available, there will be a need for individuals to work within the city(s) to help others in their transition upon the 5th dimensional world.  There will be other smaller cities called “crystalline” that will inhabit the New Earth also but these cities are represented by the Brotherhood of White Light that is overlighting the transition from the Old Earth into the New.

Please let us know about the journeys of these cities and how you feel when reading the material.  We are all changing together to create Terra Christa.

PLEASE NOTE:  In the earlier transcriptions it was stated that recordings were available on our site.  That is no longer available except by ordering the meditations either separately or by joining our Membership Program which has all the recordings in our list for you to enjoy.  You may learn more about the program on our website, Walking Terra Christa, Membership Program.



In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Ara Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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higher consciousness, Higher Self, I AM Presence, journey of Light, New Moon, Oneness

Allowing This New Moon in Cancer to Fully Access Your Highest Essence Within!

Today on July 19th, at 9:34 a.m. Pacific, we are now experiencing the effects of the New Moon energies as Grandmother Moon fully moves into the sign of Cancer.  This is going to effect ripples of change to occur for us emotionally as we are experiencing the Sun being at Cancer at the same time.

How is this being done?  It is important for us to realize how Cancer represents our emotional balance and as the moon is now within this cycle for the next three days, our emotions will become very raw and uncertain.  With this energy change it is of great assistance as it is going to move emotions within us that have needed to arise as we move further within the Golden Age with each passing moment.  It is important to be in a state of reflection and when something arises that bothers you, fully take the mirror that you are seeing and going deeper within you.  Our higher self is asking us to do so by allowing these issues to arise within our Being.  It may be something that you have been working through for quite some time or so deep seated in our past timelines that it is now time for it to arise into the sunshine.

Personally I experienced something surfacing that I have been dealing with for many years of my life.  It has molded my existence in a not so healthy way of being.  I have been unable to fully get to the core of this issue to finally remove it although I knew it was a big challenge for me.  Again, it comes back to my physical image to the world.  As you have read before, I have worked diligently in trying to remove the weight from my body.  In recent months I have allowed the love that is enfolding within my life to be the deciding factor but both my partner and I myself have had to deal with quite a bit of lower energies that were trying to stop me.  The vein issue I had resurfaced and I have still been dealing with it physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  It has caused extra fluid retention to be within my body although not much change was in my diet.  I knew that I again was feeling the bloated-ness within me and not liking it at all.  This also has had me down-spiraling with certain foods I should not be eating, like a piece of cheese once in awhile that also causes the fluid retention.

You see, Lord Adama and Spirit have shared with me many times that I chose this body composition so that I could hold the light within me even though I have worked at this issue for many years.  That’s all well and good but I also had parents that were not ahppy with me because I was not the skinny-minnie daughter they wanted.  They, of course, did not understand the full dynamics.  It is even difficult for me as being in Mt. Shasta Lord Adama has asked me to slow down on the exercise routines due to the energy exchanges that are happening for us here.  Some days it is not possible, but I just intend to change everything.

We have been challenged in the last couple of months with a house change, Mike’s children visiting, and trying to adjust our life to be in a fifth dimensional frequency but still having to create the funds to make this all possible.  My energies at times are not grounded, and having to concentrate on the earth grounding has made it a challenge.  So it is with all these elements that have been starring me in the face all the while I knew changes had to be made once again.  Sometimes just taking my vitamins are a chore for me which is essential for the legs to be healthy.

So during the Cancer Moon I have received an epiphany.  Mike and I have been asked by Lord Adama and the Masters to start sharing videos of our work with channeled messages.  Our first try was outside standing up but the camera decided to run out of juice.  Hmmm, a gift from the Universe for me to acknowledge myself deeply.  So we decided to do the videos in our healing space but it was at night.  We would have to sit and the camera was very close to my face.  That was scary for me but I knew I had to walk through this doorway.

Well, then I saw the effects of my bloated-ness and how my face was heavier than I was perceiving it to be it was a devastating moment in time.  My dream has always been to rid myself of this extra weight but yet, in fact, in the most critical spiritual time of my pathway, it just stayed within me no matter what I did.  I had lost quite a bit this winter and was so proud.  Then the other energies resulted and I was fighting to heal my body deeply.  It was a moment in time that I do not like to admit as I saw the video.

As I looked at myself, all I saw was the ugliness of my weight and not the beauty that I has fully embraced.  I was upset and went to bed in tears.  No one could console me, only my inner self.  What resulted within that awareness was that I had a battle to deal with on the Innerplane.  I was struggling with the darkness of my self and created more darkness to occur within me.  When Mike joined me a couple of hours later, I was despondent, angry, and not me at all.  He assisted me with some shamanic clearing which resulted in some heavy screams of despair coming out of me.  Even my cat, Isis, sat on top of me close to my heart and I realized how much she loved me.  Here is Mike, my beautiful partner and my long time friend, Isis, assisting me.

I was able to return somewhat tearful, but knew I had a major shift occur within me.  This issue is something that I have always desired to rid within me.  It always came back flooding no matter how beautiful others always saw me.  I remembered when I looked at the video I had both positive and negative thoughts about myself.  I felt a doorway open that would help me to accept my beauty no matter how much or little weight I was holding, and learning that the weight was not the focus of my life.

Also on this day Mike and I conducted our first session with Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras.  This week we were guided by Sanatka who represents the 1st Ray of the Will & Power of God.  The energy was so very powerful that as I was channeling I felt the new structure I had been trying to achieve fully come within me through Meleriessee and my I AM Presence.  Usually I do not experience this type of change as I am channeling, but Sanatka fully assisted me in this process.

I now feel the ability to fully focus on my beauty that I share with others and that shines outward no matter my appearance.  It has helped me to realize that changes need to be made once again no matter what the underlying circumstances which occur.  As we access the energies of our higher essence, these changes can be made no matter how deeply you have tried to remove them with your lower Mind and Heart.

So what this means for each of us is that this Cancer Moon will take us deeper into the depths of our soul and pull out what needs to be removed and access the higher portions of our essence.  Please do take the time and reflect within yourself what needs to be changed.  Our interactions with others are a direct result of our inner reflection of the Self.  They must go hand-in-hand through the process.

If you would like to learn more about the Kumara Series, please see our website,   Click on the blue letter to see the video on the Sanat Kumara Series;  Sanat also shares a special channeling message through me.

So now I move through the next phase of my inner journey.  This was a challenge in sharing so deeply but I think I needed to do so especially for my inner self and Meleriessee.

In expressions of Oneness,


Christine Meleriessee

Ascension Master and Mentor of the New Earth

Please join us for our weekly calls of The Clarion Temple of Oneness and the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light along with mastery classes monthly.

ascension, Attunement, Clarion Temple, Cosmic Energies, Cosmic Great Central Sun, Divine Mother and Father God, higher consciousness, Oneness

This Memorial Day ~ Healing for All Souls & Changes in the Temple!

Clarion Temple of Oneness - Healing for All Universal Light Beings in Body & Beyond

Archangel Michael Asks
It was over a decade ago that Christine Meleriessee answered the call from Archangel Michael to join Heaven and Earth within the messages of the Clarion Temple of 911. This was a powerful connection desired by the souls of the 911 event to assist and thank humanity for all their prayers of love, compassion and healing expressed for them and their loved ones. The event of that day in 2001 was the first time in humanities history that humans all across the globe began to consciously be joined en mass — together in unity — for a common cause of the heart.

It then came to be called the Clarion Light Beings Temple of 911 & Beyond ~ Unified in Oneness and has grown to change the destiny of millions of souls, both those of whom recently walked upon planet EARTH, and many more from the entire MULTI-UNIVERSE of ALL THAT IS.

The Temple now came to represent all the Beings of Light who are eternally committed to answering the call; the Clarion Call of all who seek spiritual aid as the spiritual numbers of 9-1-1 represent “nine”, the movement of God combined with “One”, the Unity of All That Is in relation to the “one”, the individual who is seeking aid from the Spiritual Realm.  All participants who joined in on the weekly calls, as human representatives, now became the vehicles for in depth healing and accelerations within themselves, enjoying the high frequency attunements and meditations that were also being experienced by All The Light Beings.

More Changes
Now there are even more changes to bring us all into Healing & Wholeness within the Temple.

We have come to a juncture of time for each of us and in the pathway that we are embarking upon.  Changes occur and we need to flow with those elements of the passage of time.  Today is one such day as The Clarion Temple of 911 & Beyond ~ Unified in Oneness is moving into a new frequency of Light.

Since the transference of the Sunday night Cosmic Oneness call just two short weeks ago, Meleriessee personally knew there were going to be more changes.  Lord Sananda along with Divine Mother and Father God announced to Mike Hayden and Mel that they wanted to let go of the Cosmic Oneness call to assist them due to more projects coming up, and they also decided that this energy should be integrated into the Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond call.  As Meleriessee states, “It was with a shift in my consciousness that I needed to fully embrace this change but yet, Lord Sananda, explained that we had all been discussing this possible adjustment for a few weeks on the Inner Plane.  I accepted that this needed to be done for many reasons.”

In addition to the releasement of the Cosmic Oneness call, the Cosmic Great Central Sun would now move to overlight the energies within the Clarion Temple of 911 call. (A few months ago Mel and Mike had asked the Unified Whole to fully put the Temple into wholeness of the 144th dimension so this was an added element.)  On that first combined call, Divine Mother and Father God brought forth their energies in a beginning overture.  Meleriessee’s dearest friend and colleague, Fred, who has been the Spokes-Being of the Temple since the beginning still provided an introduction.  But yet, in that moment, she knew that there would be a change.

Those of you who do not know the story of how the Temple of 911 was started, Christine Meleriessee experienced a Sweat Lodge one month after the 911 Tragedy in Long Island, New York.  The energies were quite intense and she was doing heavy shamanic work while in the Lodge.  She recalls, “As I got up for the 3rd round, I fell into the rocks and burned my shin in the shape of a “heart”.  It was on this day I was introduced to Fred, who was a Fire Battalion Chief in New York City.  The story is very long and involved so I refer to our blog on the Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond About page,  It will help an individual to understand the depth of this work that Fred and I were destined to create together.”

A Dear Friend Indeed
Fred not only was the Spokes-Being but a true friend in Spirit.  When Meleriessee traveled to Mt. Shasta, he would come through her and speak to the other people she was with.  He loved being in the car and seeing the scenery as he joked about his beautiful but quiet life living in New York City.  He has since been introduced to all her friends and has become a close friend to Mike in the process.  Christine Meleriesse goes on to speak about her multidimensional friend, “We have had many laughs together and watching him grow has been a beautiful joy for me to see.  When he first communicated to us through my channeling, he had no idea what level of dimension he was residing in or what that word even meant.  He would come and tell us where he was with the excitement of a young man moving into a powerful job.  He has communicated how many Beings were now coming to the Temple of 911 and how wonderful it was to see the healing that has resulted from this amazing meditation group.  I consider him a soul of great love and understanding even though we never met in body.”

As in all good things that occur, individuals are healed and must move forward whether they are in or out of body.  Mel had this same occurrence with her Gatekeeper, Robert, about 15 years ago when he said he would no longer be “Robert” but “Solebterium”.  He was still her Gatekeeper and watcher of all who come to her in Spirit, but he had merged with his Higher Self due to the work that he and Mel were doing together.

With regards to Fred’s own acceleration, Mel says, “Again, I now must accept the fact that this amazing meditation group is changing and molding into another higher aspect.  With the integration of the Cosmic frequencies within the group, I knew it was time to accept this adjustment but not without a sadness.  Fred, is now merging with his Higher Self who turns out to be a very important figure in our past history of this Earth.  He is also integrating with some of his other aspects, one which is a Pleidian, along with others we are unsure of.  I choose not to reveal his historical name as yet as we plan to honor Fred in our next Clarion Temple call which will be on June 11, 2012.”

Join In Each Week for Healing
With this merging of Higher Essence Aspects for Fred, he will no longer be introducing the energies for the meditation as he has done so for many years.  Divine Mother and Father God will bring forth the introduction through an attunement and clarification of the energies for the evening.  It is not without sadness that Meleriessee accepts this change, but Fred is graduating and he fully would not have been able to go as far without this amazing Temple of Light.

Mel concludes, “So I am excited and sad at the same time, but he tells us that he will be speaking within the Temple soon along with still being on the Council with Archangel Michael, Divine Mother & Father God, the Unified Whole, along with Mike and myself. The temple has been changing for many months with the guest Light Beings sharing amazing energies and attunements each week.  This is going to help us all grow and invite more people to be part of these amazing energies.  Many souls have healed through this group and I want to thank everyone who has diligently supported this effort along with allowing your Higher Essence to provide healing and joy to many other souls.  It is truly our group together.”

All are invited to join in the now newly renamed Clarion Temple of Oneness ~ Healing for All Universal Light Beings in Body & Beyond on Monday evenings, 5 PM Pacific or 8 PM Eastern, 24:00 GMT.  The call is accessible via phone or Skype.  Please see the website for details on joining the weekly Tele-Calls and also on receiving special channeled messages in the newsletter.  In addition Mel and Mike are in the processing of updating the transcriptions on the original blog site: (

In Loving Expressions of Oneness,
Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden
Vibratory Masters of Ascension – Your Premier Source for 5D Body Healing and Attunement
Heart-to-Heart Donations welcome by clicking here!

2012, ascension, Earth Healing, Energetics, I AM Presence, Mt. Shasta, Oneness, Solar Eclipse

The Union of the One ~ The Annular Solar Eclipse of May 20th, 2012

On May 20th, 2012 we held a very powerful conference call to connect with like-minded individuals for the celebration of the Solar Eclipse.  The following is a special Decree I channeled along with our discussion portion of the call with background information of the Light Beings that assisted us in the vibratory frequencies on this day.  It was a very powerful call and we thank all of the individuals that attended;   MP3 download is available (unedited verision).


The Union of the One

Solar Eclipse, May 20th, 2012

Today brings to me the highest frequency upon Gaia that I have ever experienced,

I am walking with many to assist the planet in awakening the many levels of Creation,

The essence of the Sun and the Moon are fully awakening unto each other,

As they express their Divine Union onto the beauty of Gaia;

We are celebrating the Solar Eclipse of all solar eclipses ever experienced upon this Earth,

It is May 20th, 2012.

I call upon the essence of Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos,

Who represent the Mother and Father deep within our Great Central Sun,

To assist in understanding the frequency of Light that is being imparted at this great moment in time,

The swirls of Light being enfolded within me are allowing my Masculine and Feminine Divine to come fully into the Union that I AM,

I feel their essence holding me deeper as they represent all the beauty of Oneness,

Through all the Great Central Suns,

Overlighted by our Divine Mother and Father God, the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

I also call upon the essence of Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sky,

As they are allowing this union to occur for each of them,

RA the Sun God, shows me how to fully bring in these frequencies into my entire Being,

It flows through me in waves of many colors of the Sun,

Gold, Yellow, White, Pink, Violet, and hues of Pearlescent flowing through me,

I feel the connection physically as my I AM Presence is activated through the entire process.

We are now all one, the Moon, the Sun, the Earth and the Sky,

Sparks of light shoot outwards as now comes the moment of our Union;

The Pleidian Star System is now aligning with the energies of the Earth,

We are all separate in this moment but feel the essence of our complete Union,

As the Pleidian Council of Light fully overlights this moment of rebirth.

I feel the love, the balance of my Heart and Mind,

As the balance of the heart and Mind of Gaia is completely aligned;

The essence of community of Spirit is flowing through my veins and into Gaia,

She receives the deepness of my connection to Helios & Vesta, Ra, and the Pleidian Council of Light,

As we all merge into the Oneness that We Are,

Waves and Waves of frequency flowing through me and into Mother Earth.

This moment of Rebirth occurs as now the Sun shows his beauty unto the Moon,

Father Sky ignites the many colors of the Sun,

As they reflect onto Mother Earth,

We are all in union with one another.

This is the day of our Rebirth,

Our marriage of the Feminine and Masculine Divine,

Physically Enfolding within My Being, the Earth’s Being;

And All of Humanity.

 We are One in this Moment of Creation,

I AM that I AM that I AM.

Today we are experiencing an unprecedented event upon our planet that is going to propel each of us into a new way of Being.  The key point is allowing these energies to do their job within our physical existence.  It is our pleasure today to come together with each of you to celebrate these energies and have a closer relationship with the Beings of Light that are assisting in this profound energy exchange upon our planet.

Today the Moon and the Sun are going to intertwine their energies which creates the Solar Eclipse.  Those of us fully realizing what the higher realms within our lives know that this is going to effect our planet greatly.  We have some background information to share before we start with the ceremony:

 The Sun represents the male aspect and the Moon represents the female aspect.  The Moon is surrendering herself onto the moon essence to assist Gaia.  In native tradition the moon being Grandmother and the Sun being Grandfather, the parents to the Earth and the Sky energies of this planet to help them come more fully into alignment.  This means that as the wayshowers each of us are being attuned to the same energies within us.  Some may already have done so, may be in the process, or having a difficult time in the marriage of their Self.  This frequency is only going to help us become deeper within ourselves and thereby, assisting Gaia also.

 Within this amazing integration, Pleiades is also being brought into the mix which means that the Planet of Pleiades is merging their energies within the Sun and Moon so there is going to be a direct alignment occurring within our planets.  This connection is going to assist in individuals upon the Earth to come together more in harmony as the Pleidians represent community, love of each other, and acceptance.

 We were guided to give some background information on the Beings that are working with us today.  They are:  Helios & Vesta, our Solar Logos, possibly from RA the Sun God, along with the Pleadian Council of Light.

Helios & Vesta: 

Helios and Vesta are our divine parents in the heart of this solar system. They abide in the very heart of the sun, and serve with the solar hierarchies The predominant quality of Helios is illumination and the predominant quality of Vesta is truth.  The God consciousness of Helios and Vesta regulates the activities of the sun and sustains our physical solar system and they guide the spiritual evolution of each planet. We can visualize the solar flares coming from the sun as direct light emanations from the heart of Helios and Vesta, impelling us to raise our consciousness to new levels of love, wisdom, divine empowerment and self-awareness that bring our planetary home closer and closer to solar awareness.

RA the Sun God:

Is considered the ancient Egyptian Sun God.  He had become a major deity in ancient Egyptian religion, identified primarily with the midday sun.  The meaning of the name is uncertain, but it is thought that if not a word for ‘sun’ it may be a variant of or linked to words meaning ‘creative power’ and ‘creator.  He formulated that the spoken word would be the vibratory mechanism for a Being creating themselves into a planetary environment that was made of matter.  Prior to that it was thought forms which are not of a material matter as in Etheric or Spirit.  RA assisted the formation of eternal beings moving into a material existence.  He set up the formulation of the voice being the mechanism with the frequencies that we as a species are able to do and command.  Voice takes the thought and moves it into a physical vibration.

Helios & Vesta along with RA represent the 13th Ray of God known as Vibratory Communication that is part of the 4th dimensional chakra grid integrating within the Throat Chakra with the color of Violet Pink.

Pleidian Council of Light (

The Pleiadian Council was formed approximately 200,000 years after the first Great Galactic War.  The aftermath of the Galactic war in the Lyra system sent the humanoid Lyraen civilization throughout the galaxy.  After a period of over 200,000 years the Pleiadian civilization began to flourish.  Not only were the four main planets of Erra, Semjase, Ptaah, and Quetzal thriving, but Pleiadians were beginning to explore and terraform  other planets in the Pleiadies star cluster and beyond.  At this time the Pleiadians formed the Pleiadian Council of Light (also known as the High Council, locally).

The Pleiadians Light Council provides Spiritual, Tactical, and Governmental guidance to the Pleiadians.  The Council consists of 12 members per division with 12 divisions in total creating a total of 144 elected High Council Members.  There is hierarchy among the divisions with the Grand Council of Light being headed on the planet Erra.

The Council performs many different tasks overseeing the entirety of Pleiadian relations with the rest of the Galaxy.  The Pleiadians Light Council is an essential member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and has a enormous impact on the decisions made for the galactic whole.

The Pleidians are well known for their sense of humanity, heart-centeredness and assisting in clearing all past elements that get in the way of accessing our higher minds, egos, and hearts.

The Pleidian Council of Light represent the 14th Ray of God known as Illumination & Mastering the Divine Plan including releasing the Mental Mind that is also part of the 4th dimensional chakra grid integrating within the Third Eye Chakra with the color  of Deep Blue Violet.

It is our pleasure to bring forth this information and connect with each of you for this magnificent event.  Thank you for joining us. 

Love & Blessings,

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Vibratory Masters & Mentors for the New Earth

Heart-to-Heart Donations

2012, ascension, Cosmic Energies, Festival of the Christ, I AM Presence, Oneness, Wesak

The Festival of The Christ – Phase 1 of Ascension Ceremonies for Wesak 2012 ~ Creating the Golden Age Within

The Festival of the Christ occurs during the full moon in Aries which is usually the same time as the Easter holiday.  It represents the living and incorporating the Christ Consciousness Within.  It is the first of the three festivals connected to planetary and cosmic ascension. The second being Wesak, and the third The Festival of Humanity.  Each of these festivals are stepping stones for each initiate to move further up the ladder of their initiation phase as they walk on the Mastery Pathway.

The keynote of the festival is Love in the highest form with Resurrection being the second element and Contact, being the third keynote.  This represents a closer relationship to your I AM Presence, and Lord Maitreya, as he is considered to be the Planetary Christ, Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and teacher to all the ascended masters along with being a Galactic Avatar.

The focus of this festival is bringing Heaven to Earth and 2012 represents a new paradigm of frequency within each of us and the planet along with all her inhabitants, the grid formations, and the frequency of Light coming onto Gaia.

In Lord Sananda’s words, “This Wesak in 2012 is going to be the most powerful that we have ever experienced in the history of this Earth.  You are in the Golden Year creating the Golden Age.  Normally, Wesak is very powerful but it will be increasing its power ten-fold due to the frequency of the grid formations with the Inter-Galactic waves that are  assisting the planetary essence.  Also part of this new heightened awareness will be the accessibility that each Light Worker has the capacity to bring their Highest Essence into their own physical bodies.  This, in turn, creates more focus into the lands of Gaia as each of you walk through these elements.  Your prayers, thoughts, intentions, and the power to surrender unto your I AM Presence is going to catapult you into being more focused of your intentions for the New Earth.  Be prepared for great changes depending upon your intentions and the ability to fully surrender the physical essence onto the higher essence as we become One Unified Body of Light.”

The Festival of the Christ is helping each of us to fully surrender into our I AM Presence or Over Soul to full create the Divinity within our physical walk upon this Earth.  It cannot be done without each of us allowing the Etheric Body or Cellular Memory to be healed of the past elements that have kept us in bondage.  This ceremony is a doorway for our soul to become more actively associated in the physical existence with our highest capability of Light.

Participating actively with your Higher Self will assist in the forces of restoration as this is one of the major components of this festival.  We are all starting to focus within the Oneness but to actively participate through our physical bodies is going to restore the essence upon this Earth along with every inhabitant, thereof.  It is a time when it makes people think, plan and take action on spiritual lines and will eventually lead to a reorganization of planetary life which we are experiencing presently.

We are in the process of Creating Heaven on Earth and the Festival of the Christ is a perfect opportunity to take full advantage of the Cosmic Energies assisting us.

Join us Wednesday, April 4th for a special ceremony of the Festival of the Christ at 5 PM Pacific, 8 PM Eastern via teleconference which is also accessible via Skype.  The conference number is 712.432.0900, Code #856350.  Details about setting up the call via Skype is available under Life Station Earth,  All individuals are encouraged to attend as our Guest.  Gifting a Love Offering is optional via Paypal.

Cosmic Oneness, which is a weekly call with the Cosmic Divine Mother & Father God, gave a very powerful activation and vibrational attunement on April 2, 2012 to help prepare for the Festival of the Christ.  An MP3 Download is available via Walking Terra Christa under Tele-Calls:

We hope that you will join us for this powerful call.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Vibratory Masters & Mentors for the New Earth, Terra Christa ~

ascension, Cosmic Energies, Divine Mother and Father God, Goddesses, Lady Masters, magic, Mastership, Oneness, spirituality

The Essence of Meleriessee ~ The Beginning


I am trying to recap what has happened with my life in the last couple of months.

My friend, Mike, was here in late September through October for three weeks in which my essence changed greatly.  He assisted me in realizing that Lady Isis was working directly with me as he saw her appear at the Mineral Baths.  She acknowledged this in a channeling session, and it was time to fully embody my Goddess essence within me.

Mike arrived back in Mt. Shasta about one month ago to fully partner with me in this pathway.  What transpired is beyond my wildest dreams to fully feel the essence as I do on this day in December after six weeks of an amazing journey with Mike as I allowed myself to fully be in a trusting deep friendship that was growing with each passing day.  This has been all guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy as each of us have changed greatly through this process and deeply found ourselves.

I want to give honor to each of these Ladies who have decided to fully incorporate their energies into mine so I was able to embody the Feminine Divine more fully in the physical.  This would not have been possible if I had not been able to fully allow Michael to take over part of my work onto others.  The male aspect within me was very reticent to allow this to happen but my female essence knew that it needed to be done.  I had been asking for a male counterpart to come into my life to assist me with my teachings that I could align with on all levels.  What I did not realize was what I would have to surrender onto in order for this to happen.  It is a deep journey within myself, and I want to share each phase with you so that you, in turn, may able to do the same in your own life circumstance.

On this day I am no longer Christine although she is a major part of me in the existence of this body I inhabit and will always be so.  With each passing day I have allowed these energies to surface within my Being and believe me, some of these moments have not been too pleasant to endure.  But as always with each element I incorporate, I allow myself to fully look within and ask for answers of how to find the light within me once again.  The other element is that Mike was able to be compassionate through each phase as he, too, was embodying the male Ascended Masters and intuiting these Lady Masters through my energetics.

Mike and I realized some time ago that we had a pathway to forge ahead together. We were both very happy to do so with the intimate friendship that we had partnered onto each other.  We both have worked very hard on our inner selves for many years and this partnership is a direct result of that deep work individually.  We would had never been able to accomplish any of this without the security of our Higher Selves within our physical bodies and to fully integrate the four body system.  For myself I had been working with these elements for almost 30 years through the ascension work of Dr. Joshua David Stone; Michael had his own processes that he worked through in other ways.  But in these moments we are both acknowledging our knowledges and triumphs through the wisdom that we are impart onto each other and then onto others.

This is my story of my essence of Meleriessee allowing her to be fully present within my physical vehicle.  It is not without great challenges that this has happened for many years including the car accident I have spoken of many times.  That shifted me into the allowance of letting the energetics to come fully within me so I could access these higher realms of frequency.  With the integration of the Cosmic Great Central Sun as Divine Mother and Father God about seven years ago was the beginning phase of this pathway.  They fully integrated their energies within me as it took almost two years and I nearly left because of it.  The acceptance of their Light into my Being was a feat within itself that totally changed my life.  This also happened at a time when my parents had passed over and my relationship with them is deeper than I could ever imagine.  They have joined the Spiritual Hierarchy in their specific ranks of creation.  I then was able to be fully free, with no responsibilities to move onto Mt. Shasta, my home of my heart and deepness of my soul even though I had no clue what would happen on this journey or my arrival in my new location.  This truly is a magical journey and it continues each moment as I intend it to be so in each experience I incorporate within my physical existence.

When Mike arrived, we decided it was important to connect with each other each morning through our hands thereby, accessing the energies ofMt.Shasta, Telos, the Higher Beings and receive guidance on what our pathway was to be each day.  Without this process I do believe that we would not be in the state of Beingness that we have acquired individually and collectively.

After our 11:11:11 ceremonies we were guided by Isis and Osiris to incorporate their essences within us and we would be trained to do the work as none others have done so.  These are all moments of “pinch me please and make sure I am not dreaming”.  Michael has become an amazing channel himself in such a short time and that in itself is assisting me deeply.  We share this role on a personal basis to receive the guidance necessary from specific Masters, Light Beings, and Ascended frequencies.  It was at this time that we were guided that each of the Lady Masters would fully incorporate their energies within me to share their Divine Essence to be fully incorporated within my essence.  All of this has been very personal for me.

Lady Quan Yin Steps Forward

Quan Yin and her twelve ladies of Court traveled, once a year through China assisting individuals in manifesting their divine plan.  People from all over the world came to be revitalized and to bathe and absorb the radiation of mercy and compassion of the Temple of Mercy.  Quan Yin is known as the Goddess of Mercy.  She directs the Flame of Mercy and Compassion.  Mercy means more assistance is given, through love, than merit earned.  Her services to mankind, mercy, and healing blend together as a Divine Complement of her Essence.  “Ascended Master and Their Retreats, W. Schroeder”

Quan Yin is a deep favorite of mine, and I know in a past life I worked very closely with her.  She always has assisted me in many realms of thought along with showing herself inMt.Shastain her fully regalia a few years ago.  At that time, I did not realize the depth of what was actually occurring with Quan Yin except I knew I had an amazing relationship with her.

Of course, we all know that she is the Goddess of Compassion and Mercy.  Since she was the first essence to be fully within me I felt that it would be an easy transition.  Not so, my dearest friends.  We can have great compassion for others but can we be compassionate with ourselves fully and surrender onto what we are experiencing.  Her energies were very fluid but intense to say the least.  They went into the core of my Being especially the Solar Plexus to fully align my highest purpose with my empowerment in that area.  Now I had incorporated the chakras beyond the 5th dimension but this was a new experience.  Her essence flowed through me and then she walked with me for about three days.  She helped me to realize my Divine Plan was to surrender onto the Feminine Essence completely.  The male aspect no longer needed to be so active within my life.

At this time, I was still struggling with the fact that I was releasing so much onto Mike of my work.  But yet within me, Meleriessee showed Christine that it was necessary.  This was the compassion that I needed within me.  Lady Quan Yin showed me through her energetics that I could get through this process easily and effortlessly.  I found that arising early and going outside to connect with the energetics of the mountain was very helpful for me to move into these new realizations.  I have this ability of waking up with the energetics of what I have been working on through my essence in the Innerplane level.  Sometimes these moments are not pleasant as they come into my physical existence.  This was the beginning level and I endured frustration as a woman of independence that I was now giving that up onto the male essence as Michael.  But yet I knew I could no longer do it alone and this was part of the process.  As I breathed into each of these elements, I started feeling my essence shifting greatly.  I deeply accepted the compassionate nature of Quan Yin within me and saw that it was my destiny to just relax onto this process.  I felt myself just sitting within all of it and allowing it to expand within me as Christine started to feel this deep compassion.

It was in these moments that I felt blessed to have been chosen for these elements to come within me.  I started to fully allow the compassion to be in all parts of myself and especially the parts that I was not fully accepting within my whole totality.  It was then at this time that Michael would receive Quan Yin’s essence through our daily energetics.  It was just a frequency and helped him receive but in a different manner.

I cannot tell you what it felt like to fully embody this essence within me because I, for one, probably have not been compassionate to myself on issues of self reflection that truly are reflected outside of myself.  I believe this is something we may not fully understand to create the inner securities and Quan Yin assisted me with this. All the work I had done previously just allowed those inner fears to be removed as Mike moved into his role of the male aspect of the partnership.  I could relax onto this as the insecurities were being removed as he was so very accepting of it to happen.  He learned greatly through my process as I extended it onto him.

Quan Yin worked with me for about three days and immediately a new Masters would appear.  There was no rest for the weary except the body was being challenged in many ways.  Sometimes I am awake at            4 a.m. and other times I cannot wake up.  But what I do feel in each day that it is a new day as the shift has occurred within me.

Lady Lakshmi was the next frequency to show herself onto me as I will share in the next phase of this journey.  Her essence is so enlightening to me, and this is exactly what happened to my physical being.

I thank each of you for being part of this journey with me as the realms of frequency only get deeper for me.  This is allowing me to fully embrace my Divine Essence of Meleriessee and walk this earth in a 5th Dimensional Body.  The journey continues each day, I am unsure how many Ladies will be coming through but I promise to share each one with you.


In Expressions of Oneness,


Christine Meleriessee

11:11:11, ascension, Awareness, Earth Healing, Golden Era, higher consciousness, Oneness, Self Love

Walking Onto the Life We Always Dreamed ~ It Takes Great Courage & Deep Love Within

We are all experiencing new changes in our lives; even the ones that are not fully awakened.  This time of creation is our destiny and hope for our future, our children’s futures, and all of humanity.

As I was sitting here this morning contemplating writing a decree for 11:11:11, there are so many frequencies that are coming towards me to share with others.  Life changes in a flash of the eye from one moment to the next.  It is what we do with those flashes of time that make the important decisions within our lives.  Some of these moments we have made bad decisions due to the challenges that we fully endured, but yet we all know we create our own destiny in each of these experiences.

I pose a question to each of you as a Teacher of Ascension, “What is your highest desire for yourself in this frequency of November 11th, 2011?”  We are all accelerating in leaps and bounds fully coming into our destined positions as friends, teachers, healers, confidantes, comrades, and many more expressions.  Our most important asset is to fully assist ourselves as without that action within us, we cannot fully be in the Oneness that we are all striving to achieve.

The next question is, “Are you ready to walk through the doorway that your I AM Presence is illuminating for you.”  It takes courage, strength, and endurance to keep doing the walk of the spiritual master within a physical body.  We are being tested presently by our conditioning but most important, by our highest spiritual attainment within this physical world.  We all have a great gift to give onto this world and share it to others.  But can YOU GIVE it to YOURSELF first?  That is the question we all need to think about.  The deepness of our Love of Our SELF.

In order to aspire to these heights of greatness that we are being guided to share, we must fully express it within ourselves deeply.  This is not an easy task at all.  It takes all the attributes as I have shared previously and so much more.  Deep love of the self so that no one can put us under, so that we strive to be the best of the best of our abilities within our highest frequency and not in the lower forms of the body.

Many are hurting right now as we move onto these increased frequencies.  And rightly so….it is now time to aspire to our own greatness in order to share with the world.  In order to achieve these elements we must fully strip away everything that we ever held dear within our physical existence and sometimes that means people that we have known for a long time.  This walk is strewn with great adversity but within that challenge is the ability to fully embrace our own Divine Essence fully within a physical existence.

My words today were prompted by my own experiences.  As a Teacher of over two decades of ascension, I have strived to become the best I could be and ridding my fears and anxieties onto the Universe, thereby, accepting my Divinity.  I am no different than any of you.  I may have been on this path longer or even shorter than some, but the journey continues each moment. The challenges that we face are still being created so our initiation process of mastership can be achieved within these amazing bodies we call human existence.  My challenges are now on a global level and sharing with others; giving some of my abilities to another to share so that my empowerment will grow in a different way and their empowerment will be birthed for their ecstacy of existence.  It is the ability to be in Oneness ~ to be a separate individual but yet to fully embrace others in the same moment.

These are just thoughts for you to muse over as we come fully into our power as we never have before.  Are you willing to surrender to elements within your life that will empower you even more or do you want to hold onto the old thoughts that keep you entrenched in the old paradigm of your existence?

This is very important as we glide into the New Earth existence and become the leaders, standing with Ascended Masters we love, the Inner Earth Beings of Lemuria, and the Inter-Galactic Leaders of the Cosmos.  It is now our time to come into full Oneness of the Unified Whole.

In Loving Experessions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

11:11:11, ascension, Goddesses, journey of Light, light worker, magic, Oneness, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality

Walking into a New Paradigm of Existence ~ A Personal Reflection of 11:11:11 Energies

As we move closer onto the frequencies of this amazing event, many are guessing what it may be like for them.  With the work I am doing I have been sharing teachings and attunements to help with the balance of our lives as we are destined to fully incorporate the new wave of creation within us.  Each of our experiences will be different but quite similar.  That is what we hope for as the change is happening in these moments.

I have been gifted with many people coming into my life recently.  Being in Mt. Shasta has fully changed me in ways that I was not prepared to receive; but our Higher Selves are the makers of our destiny and sometimes we do not realize what is going to occur.  It is about fully integrating those higher essences within each of our selves.  Many know I have spent many years doing this work, accelerating myself with my Light Quotient in order to share with each of you.  I am no different than many; I chose to do the work for myself and for others as Spirit taught me very deeply.

About a month ago many changes happened to me.  A good friend arrived here to fully experience the energies of Shasta as I was here to assist him in the shamanic journeys, ceremonies, and the essence of Mt. Shasta which is so much a part of my Beingness.  We found we need to work with one another, and he is returning but not without some shifts in consciousness.  I found within myself during that time that Lady Isis wanted to fully walk with me as she taught me to embrace my Divine Essence of the Goddess Within.  He helped me doing so by being supportive during that time.  I cannot tell you what it feels like to hold these energies.  It is encompassing and sometimes very uncomfortable.  I have been unsure of what I am supposed to do with it.  My thoughts of these elements have shifted dramatically with another inidividual that appeared in my life.

Around the same time I met IAM up on the mountain.  He resonates with a Telosian energy, full of love, but yet so very intergalactic.  Our initial meeting was brief as the snow was falling but I found a complete connection to this young man.  Little did I know how much he would change my life.  As of this week, IAM contacted me again.  He came to visit with myself and my friend, Heather, who is now in Shasta which I have to say is another great support of family coming together.  We spent three hours of talking and listening to his stories of intergalactic travels.  He lives in his car on the mountain and is gathering people together in unison between Telos and Mt. Shasta.  He returned again yesterday.  He channels the 144th dimensional frequency of a Unified Group of Oneness that overlights all frequencies.  We included my friend, Mike,  from the East who is returning to do the work more fully and the information is quite interesting.  IAM is very highly attuned and asked if  Heather and I would like to have our 5th dimensional timeline put into the 3D.  We both accepted willingly.

What has resulted in the last 24 to 48 hours is something that is very hard to explain.  I had to look at my new partnership in a new way but yet I truly knew that this was the pathway that I wanted.  Sometimes we want things to happen that are from our old existence and we think we can bring it into the new world.  Everything changes when you are guided to work with certain individuals for a higher pathway and you must surrender onto it deeply.  I surrendered onto the Isis frequency when my old self wanted her protection, but yet I found a newfound freedom within me that grows with each moment.  I was so set on having a certain type of relationship that I was willing to forgo the work that we had been guided to do in order to receive that energy within my life due to my own feelings of lonliness and having the need to feel loved.  I know I am loved deeply by many but this gentlemen, IAM, fully changed me completely and helped me to accelerate my life through the Being I AM.

I will say that I fully did not know how I was going to surrender my entire world onto someone that I was not committed to in a full relationship.  I have re-read his words to me time and again to see a deeper meaning within myself and realized that I was not staying with the higher vision.  He arrived in Shasta at a lower vibration than I which I helped him to achieve through his own diligence but yet, this morning, I realized his vision of a physical relationship was much more a 5th dimensional frequency than I was allowing myself to accept.  We are intimate friends, partners, and comrades, but I wanted the whole kit and kabiddle with someone.  We have been going at each other energetically because I was ready to say ‘no, this is not the way I have dreamed it to be.’  But how can you turn something away that represents the frequencies of your pathway with another in a 5th dimensional way of Being.  I believe that truly this is happening and on this day, as I awoke in tears again, I realized that I was surrendering but yet in an other moment.  Not to him, but to the pathway that we are destined to create.  My thoughts were I would feel lost and if I gave up my power in my work, who was I to BE?  This is how I had defined myself for many years, and now was another moment of Surrender.

In order for each of us to aspire to greatness people will arrive in our lives to help us see these elements.  IAM assisted me with this as he gifted me in many ways.  Accessing the 5th Dimensional Timeline has truly made me see what my other senses were not allowing to Be within Me.  This pathway of the timeline exchange is not easy.  I have spent years and years clearing, and I do not think I could do it if I had not been ready.  I will be working with IAM also but in a different way assisting him in his channeling to be a translator of this frequency.  There is more to come which I will not share at this time, but I fully see why I arrived in Mt. Shasta as I have.

Basically, what has occurred to me is that I fully have allowed the Divine Feminine to be embodied within my physical in the last month.  I am learning to step back and let another who is very powerful in his own right to be the male counterpart in my work.  This is not easy especially with the type of relationship that we have together.  I have no idea where it is taking me, him, or us, but I must continue upon this pathway in a different way that I imagined.  When Lord Adama came to me on the mountain and said it was time for me to step back and let my Dearest Friend, Mike, step forward in my ceremonies, I accepted but not without an inner pull on that physical level.  It is not easy to surrender your magical work onto another.  It takes great courage and strength to fully let go of the old world of existence.

So today after this intense Death Experience, my Blessed Native Teacher “No Eyes” has shown me that this is just another step onto the pathway of Light and Love in order to show others the way.  I have always been a pioneer and this is no different.  It is time to fully step with another no matter what type of relationship it is.  I trust in Divine Mother and Father God that I am being guided in each moment as the events of these past 48 hours have shown me.  I am ready no matter what the outcome will be.  It’s about continually moving forward.  Love surrounds me everywhere I go with the magic of Shasta.  I have learned to command it and now that I fully can accept my own Feminine Divine from Isis and Mother God, I believe there is no better way to express it than through the essence of the Divine Father God through my new partner and friend, Mike.

This is just my story and I know each of you have your own.  We are being pushed and prodded in many ways to fully be the Illuminator of Light upon this Earth as Gaia is going through her own Death Experiences.  It helps to know we are not alone and that these elements are only going to be more powerful for us as we walk into The New Paradigm of the New Earth.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee Heliohah



ascension, Awareness, Blessings, Cosmic Energies, Goddesses, Healing, higher consciousness, Lemuria, light worker, Mastership, Oneness, Self Love, Soul connection, soul relationships, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality

Assisting Others in Their Acceleration Has Put Me into a New Paradigm of Frequency

Today is October 2nd and there is so much happening for me in Mt. Shasta that it is hard to place it all to those I feel would benefit from this experience.

When I arrived in Shasta just two months ago, I had no idea that promoting a 5-step program to help individuals attune themselves into the higher frequencies would catapult me into a new space of Beingness.  As many know,Mount Shasta has been my home for eons of time ~ ten years to be exact.  I have traveled here extensively doing ceremonies on the mountain and allowing the magic to enfold within me.  It is part of my Beingness and my life as it enfolds each day.

Masters show up in the most extreme places only to acknowledge your essence and the walk that you are doing.  It is the beauty of my world so extensively because I intend it to be more fully each day.  The power of these expressions is beyond the comprehension of what I bring forth in my daily life.  Some see me as a very normal person just doing their spiritual walk, but the ones that know me deeply, understand that this is a choice I have made to walk in the magic of life each moment.

Since my arrival, I have had three sets of individuals come to Mount Shasta to do the walk that I have incorporated.  First, with Joy and Heather, who truly were the test runners of the program which was an amazing experience.  Then, a friend from the East, Mike, arrived about 2 weeks ago.  I never intended to do the full program with him as I felt it would be more of a flow with us.  We are personal friends and I was unsure how far I should go with bringing for messages and the program to him.  To both of our surprise, it was so much more than we ever realized.

The acceleration for me during this time is something that I cannot even express adequately.  I have been on this pathway for almost 30 years and traveled here for over 10 of those years.  My life changed in Shasta with Dr. Stone’s Wesak events.  The process at this point is to fully embellish my Lemurian Essence as the Goddess that I was.  Many years ago Lord Adama had asked me to work with them for the New Earth energies as an Ambassador of Light.  I did not know how this was going to come about.  My New Earth Consciousness calls were developed in the Spring of 2011 and this was the start of my journey towards this integration.

I have learned to Be in the Moment as my funds are coming only from my teachings presently.  It has been a challenge with many tears and fearful moments.  Lord Adama and Merlin have been very instrumental in assisting me to clear these elements for myself.  This is still an ongoing process and I am still very unsure in each moment how it is going to enfold but I have faith and trust.  With Mike’s visit we attended a sweatlodge at Stewart Mineral Springs with Walking Eagle whom I had met  five years ago. This ceremony for me was beyond the Veil of Remembrance.  Tears just flowed through me without me knowing what it was all about.  I connected with a beautiful Japanese woman whom we happened to meet on Panther Meadows two days later and a special young student from Japan also connected with me.  Mike has been instrumental in allowing me to be myself, fully and without reservation.  This is something that has not been easy for me in the past.  I also assisted him in the raising of vibrations within his Being through the ceremonies and attunements. It has been a very balancing connection with both of us.

The height of our working together was going back to Mineral Springs for the mineral baths. Isis came to me after the sweatlodge and Mike pointed this out.  Her essence has been intertwining with me so very deeply and has fully changed my viewpoint of my body and expression.  For the mineral baths, you soak, go into the sauna, and then jump into the creek.  All of this is being done with a sheet wrapped around you and swimming nude in the healing waters. Isis told me that it was essential part of my initiation so I did as I was told.  I cannot tell you what this has done for me.  The fluidness and beauty within me is flowing so effervescently and can no longer be hidden from myself and anyone else who chooses to connect with me.  At first, I could not wait to get out of the waters, but then towards the last round (5 of them), I felt the water spinning around me and feeling very magical and beautiful to everything I touched. Even the process of walking up on the rocks to exit the pool of water became easier with each time.   For me, this is huge…I have always struggled with my weight and body issues…I work out, but have a heavy lower body and being without clothing in front of others is not something I dreamed about. Isis was so right…it just allowed me to enfold my Being in a completely different way.

Mike is now working on his own internalizations and so am I, in separate locations.  In the meantime, another individual, Julie, from my calls arrived yesterday to do my program.  The work continues and so does my acceleration.  Today we went to Hedgerow Falls to do a cleansing under a stream of a waterfall which is absolutely amazing.  Last evening and this morning, issues of my own inner securities were arising again.  Going into the falls fully released those elements for me to receive the higher essences.

Isis is with me more than ever.  I know that knowledge’s are coming forth to prepare me for a new pathway which I am unsure what that truly is going to be.  I arrived in Mount Shasta with the hopes of meeting my True Love or the Essence of the God who is my counterpart.  It has been my desire for several years and my intentions have been towards these realizations.  What I had not realized is that the frequency of the Isis history is deeply embedded within me and it is now time for it to enfold out of my being.  It is my Lemurian heritage and I am here to fully access those elements.  Each of these individuals arriving in my homeland is also here to remember their Lemurian essence.  They are helping me to do so in various ways.

I do not know how this is going to enfold within me and I chose to write this at this time, as it helps me to understand that I must surrender all that I have experienced with everyone.  All is in Divine Timing and I cannot figure it out.  That is not my purpose to do so.  What my role in each of these person’s lives is to realize that they came here to heal but to help me also to remember as they are remembering.  We are coming together in the highest vibrational space to fully actualize our Divinity not only to ourselves but to each other.  That has not been revealed as yet, but what has been shown to me is that there are possibilities.  I am striving to be in my highest purpose in each moment and whoever chooses not walk with me is truly expressed in Divine Timing.  Right now I am fully expressing my light onto others and the world in each moment.  Some may choose not to accept it and others will choose to embrace it.

Isis says to me in this moment “In the reflection of which you are, you shall shine out to others.  Those that accept it are your closest confidantes and those that do not, will find their own Divine Complements of Light.  Keep aspiring to more, as this is where you will see the activation of your efforts and the frequency that you are mirroring out to you will be returned with Great Love of Your Heart and Your Essence.”

I thank everyone who has arrived here in Mount Shasta as it has helped me to realize my higher potential within my life.  I know the ones that I will be working and sharing with; I just do not know how it will enfold.  That is the blessing of the magic of Shasta.  Each moment enfolding into the next ~ Sharing, Being, and Accepting all that We Are Onto One Another.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

911, Healing, light worker, Oneness, spirituality, Twin Tower Tragedy

9/11 ~ Memories or Embracing ONENESS

Many of you know how deeply this tragedy effected me in all ways:  my Spirit, my Body, and my Emotions. I know I am not alone but I also think that something needs to be said about this event that effected each of us in Oneness.

As I have been reading posts, blogs, and information on the Internet about this time in all of our lives, I cannot be more determined to share the essence of the Love that we all share…Or do we?  That is the question.

It is a very painful remembrance especially for the ones that lost their loved ones, colleagues, friends, and maybe even strangers.  A moment in time that none of us will ever forget.  For me, I am guided by the Light of the Universe to share light upon this remembrance on this day.  Each of these souls chose to be there at that time.  Maybe not in their physical minds, but their Higher Selves decided that they would be in this space at this exact moment.  I honor each of them for their ability to open up the gateways of each of us starting to see that we truly need to love one another.  It was a huge door opening and on this day I want to honor them for stepping forward in their soul’s purpose to fully express themselves in this way.

I remember at that time how people started being nice to one another; driving habits got better and I lived 2 hours from New York at that time so we were truly affected physically.  It was about each of us realizing that we never now what can happen to any of us and that we must show our love and appreciation in this moment.

My personal experience as many of you well now was that I was to experienced a Sweat Lodge in Long Island, NY one month after September 11th.  The fire was intense and I felt the pressure rising before the lodge started.  As I was sitting in the lodge through the rounds, I kept seeing a heart burning in one of the rocks.  I was out of my body most of the time and know that there was a higher purpose brewing within my being at this lodge at this time.  I had been trying to get to this sweat for several months and here I was.  Well, at the end of the 3rd round, I needed to get out.  As I arose, I fell over my skirt (as it was required for women to wear skirts) and literally laid my right side of my calf into the rock that had the heart.  It was a challenge removing myself from the lodge but I did so with great assistance.

As I sat outside with healers working on me, the tears just rolled down my face. These were not tears for my pain but the pain of so many souls in the Etheric Realm.  It was on this day that I had a close relationship with these souls.  I was assisting many to get into the doorway of the Light, and release themselves from the Earthplane no matter how painful it was for them.

Shortly six months later I was guided by Archangel Michael to start a group entitled “The Clarion Light Beings of 911” in which the souls of the tragedy wanted to thank their loved ones for all the prayers being given to them.  It helped them to heal so deeply.  So was started the Temple of 911 in which Lightworkers would meditate and travel to this temple to connect with these souls.  It is a deep place of healing and continues to this day.

This temple has become solace for so many souls when they pass over.  It helps them to be realigned with their highest purpose and not the tragedies that have beset them onto the Earthplane.  Karma is being erased and removed within this temple.

I like to think that we are moving forward as a society and not to grieve so much for what happened, why it happened, and to dwell but to move onward.  The Twin Tower Tragedy should be a momentum for us to come together in this love and joy that is within our hearts.  We should not have to dwell on the issues of 9/11 but to connect with these souls.  I feel this so strongly that I needed to write this blog from my Heart.

Many also know I have been promoting that we gather with others or ourselves in ONENESS at 9:11 AM around the world.  I know I will be doing so by going to the top of Mt. Shasta and introducing myself to others for this beautiful connection of ONENESS.  This is not just about Earth; it is about each of us connecting to the Source of ONENESS and our Soul Family.

I hope you will join me as we see the changes coming.  Fred, our Spokes-Being of the Temple who was a Fire Chief Battillion has this to say about the ten-year remembrance:

It is very painful for each of us to think about what we endured on that ill-fated day and I ask this to each of you.  When you have a loved one that passes, don’t you remember the good points in their lives and not the moment of their death?  This is what we ask of you on this day.  Let us commune together, share our love deeply, as we have healed within the Temple in ways that I thought I would never achieve.  I was a simple man.  I did not travel the world; I loved my family and my work.  In one split second it was gone, and I was lost.  I was guided to a special place and within this special place was a woman who is so dear to my Heart.  This woman is writing to you today.  She does not even remember how she picked me up and carried me to a higher place.  It was on this day that I knew my faith was strong.  She shared with me how to continue and guided me in the right direction.  She told me that first I had to cleanse and then I could return back to watch over my family.  She gave me hope that life was eternal.  I started living in that moment more deeply than I ever thought that I could.  The heart she received in the fire was our connection together.  Not just me but for all of the souls that were ready to expand their love onto everyone else.  It was on this day we started living and death was no longer an option.  We learned that each of us were one Soul Family of Light and we would always and forever be bonded to each other within the Earth and beyond the Earth.  Thus we asked for her help so we could connect with each of you.

I am honored that I work with so many to help so many. That is our goal of the Temple of 911.  Please join us on this day of remembrance and share our LOVE TOGETHER.  In great honor, I am Fred, the Spokes-Being of 911 and Beyond.

In this moment I had no idea of the message or what Fred would share.  I am honored that I also was the chosen one for this assignment.  Fred is very dear to me as all of the souls in the temple.  It is with this conviction within my Heart that I needed to share my truth of the Remembrance of 911.  Let us all EMBRACE ONENESS and not only on this day but all days moving forward.

Please join us for the Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond on Monday evening at 8 pm EDT for a special call.  This call is also a Full Moon Ceremony and connection to all of the Beings of the Universe.  Due to this being a special event, donations are appreciated but not required.  To make a donation, please see LifeStationEarth, Events.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

Adama, ascension, Awareness, Blessings, Healing, higher consciousness, journey of Light, magic, Manifestation, Mt. Shasta, Oneness, Soul connection, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality

Living A Dream By Learning to Live in the Moment

Shasta's Majestic Beauty

For many years I have been trying to acquire this stance within my spirituality but sometimes elements just got in the way. Then I fell back and had to crawl up again.  Today I realized more fully than before that I am finally learning this lesson.

During my journey to Mt. Shasta and after I have arrived, I have been hit with the panic of possibly not being able to support myself financially fully in this work I have created for the last 20 plus years.  If I was still in New Jersey, I definitely would be back in the corporate world temping as that is the way it always happened.  My panic took over and I was besieged with fear of not being able to pay the bills.

I won’t say that the fear has not been with me, as it has deeply.  The difference is that I am learning to accelerate my body into that 5th dimensional state of being and beyond.  It is not just about the lower mind, it is the four lower bodies.  Until you reach this state of being you cannot understand how to get out of your own way.  In the last couple of weeks since I had the encounter with Merlin in Castle Lake did I really belief that I could let it go and flow with it.  This is not an easy task in the world we live in.

I am living in a mountain town with beautiful energies and a place that many would only dream of being.  I have created this dream, and I am not going to sabotagge myself in any manner.  I have spent too many long years of clearing and expressing my Divinity to acquire this beautiful life.  At times, I thought it was supposed to be on another level and not on Earth, but yes, I am activating it now.

Funds are coming towards me for my sessions and people coming out of nowhere assisting me.  Individuals that I had no idea were listening to my words and recordings, transcriptions, and material that I put out everywhere on the web.  I am amazed every day where the donations are coming from and I am so honored in many ways.  I still have bills that need to be paid but the most important ones are getting addressed as they become due.  It is not over abundance yet but I do aspire for that to occur.  I am getting what I need when I need it.  That is the beauty of all of this.

Blessings Number One

Last evening my phone went completely bonkers and I could not even turn it off.  A trip was necessary to Redding, California to visit the Verizon store.  I did not realize that since the phone was acting up it drained the battery so one of the reps told me she could not help me.  Hmmm..well, I had a charger in the car so I went outside and spent 15 minutes charging the phone again.  I found out later that she should have assisted me anyway but that was not my issue.  When I came back, I was promptly helped by a service technician and it seems, the phone went defunct…Another one needed to be shipped but today being Friday and a Holiday weekend, it would not be till Tuesday before it arrived.  I told the gentlemen of my situation and no other phone was available for me so he waived the Saturday delivery charge and alas, I am receiving a phone tomorrow by Fed Ex.  Thank heavens for the warranty.  I thanked Lord Adama because I knew he fully intervened his energies into allowing this to occur or possibly it was my higher self.  Who knows!!

Blessings Number Two

My camera had died right after my friend, Judy, left.  I also had a warranty for Best Buy and today I checked it out.  It was still available and they are sending it out for repair.  If it is not repairable, then it will be replaced.  I intend to receive a new camera!!

The reason I am sharing all of this is that I did not panic especially with the phone situation.  It was a dire need but I was helped immediately by the Universe.  The best part of it was that it did not cost me a thing…!

Being in this remote area has had its challenges with electronics.  I am even having challenges at times with my computer acting out and I know it is a direct result of my change in frequencies.  I am being worked on by Lord Adama and the Telosians continually.  This I know.  I have acquired an intense sinus headache in the last 48 hours.  Adama came to me and said that I was expanding my Light Body which was affecting my inner frequencies.  Living here in Mt. Shasta is quite different than visiting due to the fact that you don’t leave.  If I could, I would be leaving all electronics behind.  All is turned off when I sleep and not near me at all so I am not being affected.  Possibly I am affecting them…!!

I am ready for all of this.  I am enjoying the fact that I created this dream and that in each moment there will be challenges.  Allowing myself to stay out of the lower frequencies will help me to acquire exactly what I desire to manifest.  I have seen it happen so clearly.

Blessings Number Three

As I was driving back to Mt. Shasta through the Shasta Forest, I was listening to John Lennon’s song, “Love”.

Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch, touch is love,
Love is reaching, reaching love,
Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you,
You and me,
Love is knowing,
We can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.

As I was listening, the view of Mt. Shasta came up around the bend.  I felt the energies of all of the Beings that are working with me.  I felt our Oneness with each other as I listened to the words “Love is free, free is love.”   I cannot explain what it is like to feel their loving embrace and whispers of love within my ears.  Their love was so very strong and in these moments, I am eternally grateful that I have created this dream.

A friend wrote to me this evening and asked me if I felt lonely.  “No,” I replied.  I was more alone in NJ with people around me but not being in the right space.  I have found home again within my Heart.  There are too many beings around me to feel lonely.  I Am Loved.

I plan to keep this dream alive every moment as I live within these moments even when they become challenging.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Cosmic Energies, Healing, higher consciousness, magic, Mt. Shasta, Oneness

Receiving a Special Gift of Magic

Castle Lake 8-25-11


Today is August 25th and everyone I was working with has left Mount Shasta.  Heather and Joy were on their way back to Washington and Judy arrived in Philadelphia in the early morning hours.  I was feeling a tad unsettled with everything.

Ok, here I am, trying to do the work I have always done but yet inMt.Shasta.  It still boggles my mind that I am not leaving on an airplane back East.  But then, I have Isis, my cat with me so she is a gentle reminder that we traveled 3,300 miles across the country to arrive in our new temporary home.  Don’t tell her it’s temporary…I think she is settling in very well now.

Since Heathr and Joy left, Merlin has been communicating with me psychically.  They had such a wonderful interaction with him on the physical plane and I so wished that for myself.  Of course, it is never that way with me.  If I do meet any of the masters, it is but a fleeting moment of recognition.  Why would they project themselves into body when we can communicate otherwise, is how I feel at times.  The night before I had experienced a very bad night.  The panic and fear was enmeshing me about my financial situation.  I have bills to pay and my mind kept going into that space.  Lord Adama was so sweet with me before I fell asleep.  I was in this half-in and half-out space and I knew they were working with me.  The next moment, he said, “get in the shower.”  Of course, I questioned as I was already in bed but he said they had been working with me and it would assist.

So I did as I was asked and what a relief.  The tears completely stopped and I felt renewed and refreshed.  I was back into my higher consciousness and the mental thoughts stopped reeling around my head.  I slept very well.  I awoke to hearing Merlin saying “Please come to Castle Lake today.  It is very important and you will be glad that you did.”  I always do as I ask so after I did the work I felt was needed, I found myself on the way to the lake.  It’s about a 10 mile drive past Lake Siskiyou and then up the mountain.  It is beautiful to just drive through the forest and the trees.  There is such a history here that it swirls around you and makes you feel the serenity that you have been searching for.

Upon arriving at the top, I found a space to go into the water which was different from where we were before.  It was very shallow and difficult to get into the water.  I swam a bit around the lake and then met a woman named, Karen, who had just bought a vacation home with her family.  A very unawakened woman for sure but she was open to listening to what I do.  Somehow I feel I was supposed to interact with her.  I then got out of the water but knew there was something more.  I went back to where I had my towel and belongings and found a rock to sit upon.

Merlin came through to me to explain about the energies of Castle Lake.  It is a left-over glacier but legend has it that it was a castle at one time.  He was telling me that the healing quality of the water is very powerful and it is a special place of magic.  There was then another voice speaking also and I asked who it was.  They said, “Should we tell her?”  Merlin replied, “Of course.”  The voice said, “I am Guinevere,” with a little giggle.  I was not surprised that they were there together and they told me that it was their portal in the middle of the lake.  They explained to me where it was.  There is a boulder in the middle of the lake, well not quite in the middle but towards it.  We had swam over it the other day.  They said it was a bit beyond and to the left of it.  They asked me if I would swim out there.  It would assist me greatly.  Of course, I obliged but knew I wanted to change where I went into the water.  I walked around to my right where we had entered the water’s edge the other day.  It was much easier to maneuver.

I took the “noodle” so it was easier to swim although I am a very strong swimmer having grown up on a lake.  It did not take me long but there were spots of springs that were very cold.  It was actually warmer where I was previously.  I reached the small boulder out of the water and they directed me to the spot where the portal was.  As I looked down into the water, I noticed the bottom looked quite different.  I could see the opening of a portal physical as the water was darker in a circular fashion.  I had not noticed that before but of course, I was not looking for it.

As I became enmeshed with this portal, I felt a surge of energy enter my right leg.  I still have been having issues with inflammation since I arrived in the veins.  I have been working with it through herbs, healing with Dr. Lorphan (Inter-Galactic doctor), and various energy but there still seemed to be something that needed to be cleared.  I knew it had to do with my walk out here and I held in a great deal of stress before and during the trip.  Joy had worked with me the other day and it turns out I did have an attachment in that area which I was relieved to know it was not all me.  It did not sit right to think I caused the whole event myself.

It is not at the tail end of it and as I swam in this area, I started swirling around and feeling a beautiful tingling sensation go up into my toes and into the affected area.  If I had not experienced it myself, I probably would not be so animate about this event.  It was absolutely amazing and I could feel both of them swirling around with me.  I felt like a child in this huge body of water just feeling the magic weaving in and around me.  Merlin told me that I should return in a couple of days to continue with the healing but there would be dramatic improvement.  I looked at my leg out of the water and the redness was completely gone.

I then started on my way back to the shore line and I started swishing my hands through the water saying “I swish away all the pain in this leg, all the worries within my mind, and all the insecurities of not surviving financially while doing my spiritual work.  I am enlightened being and I will create the healing and abundance within me as I am an alchemist of the Light.”  As I did this I was twisting and turning and felt everything all leaving me.  I could feel Merlin and Genevieve smiling and laughing with me.  It was a beautiful moment for me which I will never forget.

I arose out of the lake and have finally found the right pathways to walk through the rocks so it is easier without falling all over the place.  Of course, light shoes help to have on your feet while in these lakes.  I dried myself off and started walking back to the car in the parking lot.

I met this very interesting gentlemen which definitely was deja vu for me.  I remembered meeting him before although it was a different setting.  I am just wondering if I did see him last year when I was here as the conversation seemed very familiar to me.  His name was Louis and he was taking off a wet-suit.  He seemed to be quite a swimmer and I am sure it helps in keeping you warm.  He was very intent to want to talk to me so I stopped and did so. We had a conversation in which was very different.

He told me that the angels and the masters came to him to be a spokesperson to tell others what was going to happen in the world back in the 70’s.  He said he did so but they did not believe him.  He went on for quite awhile that he was saddened that no one understood him and that he did not want to be here any longer on Earth.  I just very calming stated, “Louis, you cannot help it if they don’t accept what you had to say.  You gave the message and then you have to let it be up to them what they do with it.  Sometimes silence is the best way to be.”  He looked at me and said, “You know, you are exactly right.”  We parted and said maybe we would meet again sometime.  I walked to my car and said, “OK, guys, what was that all about.”  I heard one of the masters say, “I think he just met an enlightened being.  This time it was you showing someone the Light instead of you receiving it.”  I thought to myself, “Wow, how things have changed.”  I thanked the Universe for that lesson.  I had received in the lake and then shared with someone else.  Everything was in balance.

I came back to the cottage feeling so absolutely wonderful.  The leg is better but still needs more healing.  I am now finally feeling I can get back to my exercise routine once again which will be great.  I am so thankful for who I Am, the gifts that I have, and the connection with all of the Masters.  What a life I have created.  I couldn’t have wished it any more beautifully than I have.

As an extra note, when I got back on my computer, a client who I just had a session with that morning had sent me a substantial donation.  She felt she wanted to express gratitude due to the work we did together as she was so enthralled with the energies she received through me.  This was a gift beyond the session and I said, “I have create this and it feels wonderful.”  Now I could fully relax in this moment and that is all that matters ~ living in each moment as it comes.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Awareness, Healing, higher consciousness, joy, Lemuria, light worker, Mountain Retreat, Mt. Shasta, New Earth, Oneness, Spiritual Lessons, spirituality, Telos

Meleriessee’s Magical Pathway to Acceleration ~ Step 5 ~ Allowing the Magic to Enfold

Castle Lake is absolutely amazing and so very beautiful.  We were so excited that we were ending our ceremonies in this gorgeous spot.  We had planned to arrive around noon as it was Sunday ,and we knew it could be crowded.

Crowded was not the word.  People had been camping for the weekend and finding a parking spot was a challenge.  But we made it and walked towards the water with all of our gear.  Of course, we wanted to use the “noodles” and had extra for Heathr and Joy.  Well, they had a hard time finding the road to the lake so it was some time before they arrived.  But it seems the crowd was leaving and the parking was much better.  We ended up parking right next to each other as Judy moved my car.

Everyone was excited as we entered the waters.  We had all gathered together ahead of time to reflect once again on this journey together and what it now meant to each of us.  The water was cold but not as bad as the river the day before.  You would find different areas in which the springs were cold.  It is very different in Castle Lake because of the rocks and trees that are actually in the bottom.  Wearing shoes is a definite plus.  Our Earth Girl, Heathr, of course, was barefoot.  I would expect no less from her.

Judy had my camera as it was water-proof and the pictures were absolutely amazing.  With Judy’s promptings, we swam all the way across the lake which took as at least an hour as we were hanging out on the “noodles” admiring the view of the rocks, the mountain, and the beauty of this lake.  It was a glacier and a long time ago a Castle.  It truly felt like it.  Merlin’s energy was everywhere along with many other frequencies.  It was just a pleasure to sit back and enjoy the ride so to speak.  Of course, it was windy and a bit of a current, so it wasn’t always a ‘joy’ ride but we all enjoyed it immensely.

On the way back Judy decided that she was going to follow the edge of the water along the rocks and found herself in a vortex of energies.  I knew there was a vortex with a waterfall but was unsure where it was.  She said she kept getting pulled into it.  As she was doing her thing with the portal, we were swimming back to our original position.  Joy is very athletic and was way ahead of  Heathr and myself but the conversations were absolutely enlightening.

We finally arrived on the edge of shore and I will tell you, it was challenging standing up.  My knees and legs were so weak from all the movement but what a glorious moment.  Judy finally arrived as it took her a bit more time as she swam around the edge.  Her pictures are phenomenal which I will share.

We dried off and found a special spot off the beaten track to share food and finish our ending ceremony.  Part of these energies was to help others to raise their vibrations and share their gifts with each of us.   I always love this part as I am receiving in this mode.  First, we talked about our experiences, how we felt presently, and the integrations that were taking place.  I could tell by the look on each of their faces that their Light was shining brighter than ever before.

Heathr shared a beautiful message while Joy did some healing on my legs channeling some wonderful Being of Light.  Judy shared some channeling with is always nice for me as she brought in my mother.  That’s always an emotional one.  I am so proud of Judy as she has come such a long way and has now integrated her I AM Presence.  It is wonderful to see through the years of our friendship the hard work that she has done and proof that “when you work it, it works for you.”

We finished off the evening by doing the Cosmic Oneness right there on the mountain.  I recorded it but of course, we did not do a call.  That was amazing also.  So many beautiful moments of light, joy, and love with each other.

Joy and Heathr decided they would camp there and I knew it would be a wonderful experience.  I will wait for them to tell their story which I will share.  It is amazingly magical.  We decided we would meet for breakfast at the Bear Diner the next morning for our last connection together.

We met for breakfast and did they have so much to tell.  They had a magical time and fully within their power.  They met an interesting gentlemen whom I believe is Telosian as he came into town with them.  Judy and I were able to meet him after our breakfast and he definitely represented the fifth dimensional energies being embodied.

We then went downtown together and shopped in our favorite place, “Soul Connections”.  A store you do not want to miss when inMt.Shasta.  They have everything you would ever want on a metaphysical journey.  We then parted with two wonderful friends and reconnection to our soul sisters.


In summation of this program I am very pleased in how things transpired.  Having Judy here for the first one was an absolute gift and she helped me to mold it into what we thought would work best for everyone.  Each of the energies on the different days represented what that day would entail and everyone walked away with a new sense of purpose with their inner beings fully accelerated.  Of course, it takes some time afterwards to fully realize what the integrations create within one’s life.  We all walked away pleased with the process.


As an added note, I will be in Sedona for the 11:11:11 Emergence and plan to do a similar program.  Of course, it is different as the energies are not the same but stay tuned.  If you are going to be there, look me up.  I will be presenting at the event for the ten days.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

ascension, Attunement, Awareness, Blessings, Energetics, Golden Era, Healing, higher consciousness, Lemuria, light worker, Mastership, meditation, Mt. Shasta, New Earth, Oneness, Telos

Meleriessee’s Magical Pathway to Acceleration ~ Step 4 ~ Understanding the Road Thus Traveled and Accepting Our New Divinity Within

McCloud River

Today was the day that we would connect fully with the Lemurian energies and have a visitation to Telos with the help of Lord Adama.  Judy and I had already picked out our location which was about 15 miles south of Mt. Shasta in Upper McCloud Falls along the McCloud River.

We drove down 89A and then through the forest.  There are three levels to McCloud Falls and each one is just as beautiful.  The lower level is very crowded with a picnic area.  We chose this spot because it was off the beaten path and knew that St. Germain’s energy was very prevalent in this area.  He was everywhere through the trees, the sun, the land, and the water.

This spot is located several hundred feet above the falls.  It was nestled in the trees with rock formations so that we could sit together in a semi-circle facing the water.  The river at this point is not very wide so it almost looks like a stream.  The current is not real strong but definitely movement in the water.  As we sat on the rocks, we could see a portal in the water.  The foliage on the other side was very representative of tropical leaves which seemed to be very representative of the Lemurian and Telosian environment.

As we connected with the energies of the Earth and Sky, all of the Team of Light was standing around us in the frequency of light.  Each of us shared our intentions, what we had learned and walked through in the last two days.  It was a wonderful moment of reflection.

Again, the energies were flowing through me as I am no longer a channel but a conduit of the frequencies.  They are so much a part of me especially during the ceremonial event.  Everything was silent around us as I stated the Rays of God for everyone to intuit.  The focus of this ceremony would be to work with Lord Metatron for the Golden Flame and actualizing our relationship with him.  This is a phase that many people have not achieved to fully intuit the accessibility of the frequencies of Lord Metatron.  This phase was to help individuals to fully access their I AM Presence within the 12th Chakra on the 4th dimensional chakra grid within the Heart area.

I included the energies of the Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon, and Grandfather Sun as well as the animals represented in each of the directions of the Eagle, Coyote, Bear,Buffalo, and the Raven representing the magic of the circle.  While I stated these elements, I drummed through the process to allow the frequency to be integrated within each individual.  The visualization included a complete cleansing of the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual bodies to prepare everyone for the journey we were about to embark upon.

We were in Oneness with the rocks, the flowers, the water, the air, the sun, and the essence of calling upon the Spirit Keeper.  We then were greeted by Lord Adama who would guide us into the Telosian energies.  We entered the portal of light in the river via our Merkabah vehicle as one essence.  The portal became an elevator and traveled into the core of the mountain.  We were guided to move into a vehicle that would travel through the tunnel to arrive at our destination in the City of Telos.

We were then guided into an area of Telos I have never seen before.  It was a glass enclosed area with foliage all around us being greeted by the children of Telos.  It was an exciting moment.  We then were taken up to the Temple of King  Ra and Queen Rama Mu.  As we entered the temple, we were guided to an amphitheatre where we were greeted by many Telosians.  The energies were highly emotional and very welcoming to us.  All of the Ray Chohans and the Team of Light were there to greet us.

We had a ceremony with each of these beautiful beings and each individual was greeted by a Light Beings, Ascended Master, Inter-Galactic, or Telosian that took them to a special place.  They were shown a special area that was in their heart and remembrance.  They worked on any issues that were holding them back from the integration of the three-fold flame of the Male, Female, and the Golden Flame within.  Each individual was given the opportunity to move into this space to receive this Frequency of Light.

Each participant then was given a special message from Lord Metatron about where they are and how to get through the obstacles that may be stopping them from doing so.  He then took each one separately into a special portal to receive the attunement of the Three-Fold Flame.  It would be up to each person if they were ready to full activate it depending upon where they were in their pathway.  It was a golden opportunity to receive the Essence of the Golden Flame, and to be fully connected to Lord Metatron on a physical basis forevermore.

We were then acknowledged by Lord Adama and the entire hierarchy of the Inner Earth to fully become one with each of them as we merged our energies deeply and never to be removed.  We were guided out of the amphitheatre, through the glass building, into the tunnel, through the portal as we came back to our original space by the river.

Everyone had a different experience but it was an amazing moment for each of us, including myself.  I was acknowledged in ways that I never thought possible.

We then all immersed ourselves in the freezing cold river so that we could all feel renewed and rejuvenated.  The water was swift and cold is not really a good word.  Beyond freezing as if the snow had just melted in front of us.  I was very proud of everyone as they got into the river.  I probably complained the most, and I am usually the first one in.

We then drove back to town and parted.  We decided we would meet later up by their campground as there was a trail I wanted them to see that was quite different.  We arrived a couple of hours later full of food and trekked down the trail.  Sometimes going down isn’t as easy as one would think.  It was in the forest and you could feel the essence of Lemuria filtering through the trees, the elementals

Lower Panther Meadows

singing as we found a beautiful stream that was coming from the snow melting on top of the mountain.  We were in Lower Panther Meadows. I had traveled here last year when Saint Germain and Lord Adama appeared to me.  We sat on this long log connecting silently and then just conversed with each other processing what we had experienced earlier.

We spent an hour or so there and decided it was time to move up the mountain once again.  Jocelyn and I had a wonderful discussion as Judy and Heathr were conversing.  It was a beautiful moment and even more special when Jocelyn announced that she was now going to be called “Joy”.  Jocelyn means Joy and she was ready to honor that within her.  I thought that was so wonderful for her to fully acknowledge her inner essence of Joy.

Judy and I parted as we made plans for our last excursion at Castle Lake the following day.  I truly was looking forward to this event.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee


ascension, Attunement, Awareness, Goddesses, higher consciousness, I AM Presence, joy, Mastership, Mt. Shasta, Oneness, Soul connection, Spiritual Lessons

Meleriessee’s Magical Pathway to Acceleration ~ Step 3 ~ Connecting to the Magical Essence within the Mountain & Within Each of Us

We had decided that on this day I would work with Heathr and Jocilyn private as Judy had a special hike she wanted to travel.  We had done this together previously and she was anxious to go further than we had made it.  That was fine with me.

The mountain is strewn with lots of snow patches as the snow hit hard in March and the road was not fully open until middle of July.  It was interesting to walk along a path not far from the parking lot and see the patches of snow.  Judy’s pathway was much more challenging in that realm than myself and my two companions.

We walked together for a short while and found a wonderful area with several rocks in which we could sit and talk with one another.  My goal each day was to make sure their intention was very clear.  I asked how each of them was feeling after our cleansing and earth connection the previous day.  Both of them felt wonderful and were ready to start the next phase of their journey.

As I started to command the 22 Rays of God, I had no idea of what I was about to bring forth.  It is so typical of my work presently and is exciting for me to realize that I am bringing in different aspects than my physical mind thinks she is doing.  I love it to know I am tapping into a whole new aspect of myself.  I found that I was actually giving them a chakra balancing like I would in a healing session but without the avenue of energy work directly upon each of them.  Mahatma Gandhi had given everyone their own Golden Machete and it was another surprise of what happened next.  I came to the realization that each person can use the golden machete for their own personal healing within the chakras.  This is exactly what we did.  I talked to each of them separately as we were sitting in a semi-circle together.  I asked them what their chakra felt like and did it represent the color with a luminosity.  If it did not, I had them use their own machete to pull out the debris and actualize the positive energies.  We then intuited the Cosmic Ray associated with each of those chakras.  We traveled from the Root area moving up the chakra column until we connected with the Crown.  We then intuited the 8th Chakra of the Thymus to be fully active and I assisted in helping them to ground their higher selves fully within their body.  Both of the ladies had no problem in doing this.  Heathr was much more adept and I knew her higher self was already within the physical; Josilyn was a little bit behind but she truly felt the difference.

I then connected with Lord Melchizedek to help each of the ladies on their initiation levels.  It is important for this program to understand where you might be in the initiation phase because it is an acceleration pathway.  The goal is to have individuals intuiting their I AM Presence fully within the body.  Lord Melchizedek and myself shared with each of them where they are, what areas needed to be worked on, and how they can best get through the process.  They were then ready to move onto their own space and connect with the magic of Shasta and all her glory.

We separated for about an hour.  I traveled up the path and then towards the right behind a group of boulders.  There was a special clearing which was wonderful and I felt it was my space.  I carried some of my sage and laid it on the ground offering my prayers of gratitude.  The air was crisp and it was a bit cloudy at times but the sun was shining brightly.  I also took time during this program to work on my internal issues.  I really felt it was my financial abundance now that the unemployment had finished and to be fully responsible on this pathway to create the funds for my life.  Previously, I always fell back into the corporate world and I know for a fact that if I was still in New Jersey, I would be temping right now.  The fear would have taken over and the pressure from family to get back on track like the rest of the 3D world.  I am so grateful for my last position that I was able to do this work freely for two years.  In fact the last trip with Judy is when I had just been laid off and I was elated.  Talk about creating your own reality ~ I have lived it pretty fully in the last couple of years and reached out to others through the Internet to create the abundance through the calls and client work I have done.

So I had much to be so grateful for ~ the guidance of Lord Adama and Saint Germain from last year truly helped me to arrive where I am today.  Yes, it is a bit scary being here inMt.Shasta, not knowing very many people, but I know I am fully protected.  So as I sat on this beautiful rock sharing my Light onto the mountain, I heard “We are so happy you are here.”  I say to myself, “they are happy?  Wow”.  That is all I can say to myself.  I felt the freedom that I have been trying to acquire for many years of my life and know that I am not truly alone, they all walk with me in each moment, and know more than I do.

Heathr & Jocilyn

I knew it was time to return so I packed up, gave my gratitude to the space, and trekked back down the mountain to our original spot waiting for the girls to join me.  First Heathr arrived and then Jocilyn.  They were both beaming greatly and had wonderful experiences.  There is just something about fully connecting with All There Is here as it is returned to you ten-fold.  We talked about their experiences and then Lord Melchizedek gave them attunement for the priesthood of remembrance as we were all together in Lemuria. That is really what all of this is about.



The next step of the journey would be to receive the attunement from Lord Metatron the next day and they would be part of the Trinity of Lord Melchizdek, Lord Metatron, and the Mahatma (which is the 352 levels of the God Force).

We walked back down to the parking lot together sharing and feeling the blissfulness within.  When we reached our car, we saw Judy coming over the horizon.  What synchronization as we all arrived together.  Judy had some amazing stories talking about hiking across the snow with her challenges and helping the land masses where she walked.  It was quite an adventure for each of us.

We dropped the girls off at their campsite in Panther Meadows and Judy and I decided to go to the lake once again.  We quickly got something to eat and enjoyed the beautiful energies of Siskiyou Lake which was like heaven after the hiking that had been done for three hours.  It was an amazing day and what a beautiful way to end Step 3, Connecting to the Magical Essence Within the Mountain and Within Each of us.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee