ascension, Cosmic Energies, Golden Era, Healing, higher consciousness, I AM Presence, joy, lost souls, Self Love, Soul connection

The Universe Shows Me the Way Every Day

Today Is October 24, 2010 and I was feeling very out of sorts.  My life is constantly changing and my gifts are piling up almost to the point that I am unsure I can handle the load.  Yesterday I went to see the movie “HereAfter” and was quite disappointed but some very important points were made to me personally.

Mat Damon plays a psychic that has let go of his gift because it took his personal life away from him completely.  He is struggling in the world he lives in because the gift is not being realized.  The movie was a poignant moment for me.  I did not realize this until today, in this moment, how very important my gift is to the world and to my complete satisfaction within my life.

I have been on this path for many years starting with psychic dreams, visions, communicating with loved ones lost in the afterlife, then moving onto healing techniques of light frequencies through my body, my voice, and higher vibrations.  I am a Teacher and Coach of Ascension energies to help others realize their full potential.  I also have helped with shamanic ways to assist the earth and places of unrest to be cleared.  I created the “Clarion Light Beings of 911 & Beyond” eight years ago after the Twin Tower Tragedies so that the souls that had perished could meet for healing from the higher masters and the God Force of Oneness.  It is a place where we as humans can meet with the souls of the afterlife to assist the Earth Energies of the Golden Age.  I am now a spokesperson for the Teton Retreat during the full month guided by Saint Germain, Master Confucius, and Lanto.  I also am voicing the energies of the Cosmic Great Central Sun in a weekly call, “Cosmic Oneness” which is very empowering and challenging for me to bring forward.  I have been chosen in this role to be a multi-dimensional healer and voice to others to assist the planetary changes.

Today a Face Book friend needed assistance as her mother had passed away in October and she was feeling very upset by the releasement of her mother’s life.  I offered my assistance and immediately felt the need to lay down.  I did not really sleep but went into the altered states.  When I awoke, I went on the computer and she directly asked me for assistance.  As soon as I read the email, I knew that I needed to step up to the plate and transmit a message from this dear woman to her beautiful daughter.

There was something else that occurred for me.  Many months ago I was told by Spirit and the Masters that “my life would never be my own” from that point forward.  Today is one of those day’s that is a reminder of this pathway.  My soul chose this career path and it is my physical being that tries to deter it from time-to-time due to the loneliness, the immediate need of people, and feeling other worlds simultaneously.  It does affect one’s personal life and well, I am no exception to this rule.  What did happen to me today is the acceptance of my world.  I am a messenger and if someone needs to receive a comforting message, then why do I try and stop it from happening?  Why do I want to move up to the mountaintop and let humanity do its own thing?  When I am thinking those thoughts, it is because I am not doing the work I needed to be doing and in the moment of sharing this woman’s heart onto her daughter, my heart was healed so deeply.

I am honored that I was able to help both of these beautiful people and in turn, allow my Lotus Heart to be fully expanded into a beautiful existence of Light, Peace, and Love.

May your day be blessed with a similar occurrence.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Ascension Teacher & Coach ~ Cosmic Messenger of Light


911, ascension, Earth Healing, higher consciousness, joy, light worker, lost souls, meditation, New Earth, Soul connection, spirituality

A Special Tribute to the Souls of 911 – Sept 11, 2010

Honoring All Beings Assisting in the Healing of 911

September 11, 2010

8:46 AM EST

In this moment nine years ago we experienced the most horrible tragedy in the United States of America.  Many, many lives were lost on this day and continued to be lost through the help of many individuals, fire fighters, medical personnel, police, and just individuals that chose to help others.

What is it that happened on this day?  I am not in a place of trying to figure out whys and wherefores but assist in healing the psychological and spiritual reasons of this event.  We came together in Oneness.  Individuals around the world prayed and connected like they never did before.  I live only 2 hours from New York and the energies were unbelievably still.  Of course, the airspace activity ceased for several days and the sky was just still as each of us grieved for the loss of over 3,000 souls that had perished.

As the Earth is in a third to fourth dimensional frequency, it did not matter who we were in our religious backgrounds, our race or creed, we came together as One Being sharing our loss but also sharing our Light and Love.  We fully need to get back to this moment in time.  The Earth is in a place of continuance but in order for us to do so, we must acknowledge each other, our love of one another, and sharing it completely within our heart.

Today on this anniversary I want to dedicate this transmission to the people that are on the earth and have been hurt in so many ways.  Many families are still grieving losses and physical conditions have resulted out of this event.

As many of you know, I started a meditation group eight years ago by the advice of Archangel Michael and Spirit in which we all meet the Souls of 911 in a Temple called “911” which is located in the heavens called the “Innerplane”.  Many souls have joined this temple since I started it in March of 2002 due to the war efforts, the changes on the earth, and now any soul who has left their earthly existence is allowed to join us in the Temple of 911.  One prerequisite is to leave your lower issues from Earth at the door and they must be transmuted.  This temple is a place where anyone can visit day or night and be with your comrades of Light.

As I sit here in this moment, the Temple of 911 would like to pay tribute to each of you; the souls that are struggling, existing, and trying to be in balance upon the Earth Plane.  Let us all come together in Oneness even for a short few moments and experience the beautiful place of our hearts as we join together in the Creation of All That Is.

We travel to the Temple which is located in the Multi-Universal Level via our Light Vehicle called a Merkabah.  As we move off the Planetary level of Earth, we see the stars in the sky and float into the Solar Level, feeling a lightness within our hearts.  We then move higher into the Galactic Level where our brothers and sisters are interacting with one another as we rise above into the Universal Level.  This is the home of our Universe and Lord Buddha is our leader of the planet.  It is at this time we see the Multi-Universal Level of energies where many universes come together in unison.  In the distance we see the Temple of 911.  It is a shining bright blue temple emanating beautiful light energies.  Our Merkabah lands into a beautiful space filled with orbs dancing around us.  We are now walking through a beautiful field and see a Rainbow Bridge.  This Rainbow Bridge is the connection to all the souls of 911 and beyond.  We follow a windy path through an amazing garden and see the Temple in front of us.  Many are here today as it is a special occasion of the anniversary of this moment.

We walk up into the steps, see many different types of beings, and some you may recognize as a loved one or a special teacher you work with.  The Temple is an amphitheater and we walk down to find our seats in the front row.  There is a well lit stage with many teachers, masters, and light beings awaiting our arrival.

Let’s take a deep breath and feel all of our brothers and sisters joining us in this moment.  This is an example of Oneness within this Temple.  Feel the exhilaration of this moment.

Oneness for All on Earth

Fred, who was a Fire Chief Battalion, is the spokesperson for the group of 911 & Beyond.

Good Morning,

Welcome to this special anniversary and I don’t want to call it a celebration but in essence it truly is.  We come here every week to share our hopes, desires, and Light with each other as we are given a teaching from a highly attuned Ascended Master, Light Being, or the Essence of God.  Thank you for coming and being with us.  Again, Meleriessee, thank you for sharing this energy with others.

Today we need to help our families, our loved, ones, the individuals who have suffered greatly since this tragedy.  We are not suffering here.  In fact it is just the opposite.  The Spiritual Hierarchy opened up this temple for us to come and heal; Meleriessee was the messenger for it to occur and I want to thank her.  She takes the time out every week to bring people to the temple and shares it with others.  Since she has been doing the live transmission on Monday evenings, it has opened up the doorways in various ways.  {Note: it is now 9:11 AM EST}

We ask each of you not to grieve for us as we are all with you in one way or another. We ask that you take this moment during this day to connect with the ones that need it the most.  Maybe it is you…let us experience the love of this God Force in each of your hearts…Let us take all thoughts of lower energies of yourself or anyone and put them aside.  Then we will be experiencing Oneness…

Thank you for listening.  I would like to introduce the energies of the God Force in this moment.  Blessings to you and thank you for being here with us.

Dearest Ones,

We come to you from the Consciousness of the Oneness.  We are Mother and Father God in the state of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.  It is our divine hope and pleasure that this moment in time is not about the tragedy or the hurt that is involved, but the pleasure of Oneness.  Sometimes events have to occur in order for one to fully accept their own Divinity of Light.  This is one such occurrence.

Gaia is going through many changes and within these changes each of you are hurting very deeply.  Each of you are having your own 911 moments at this time.  Some of you are still very asleep and do not want to wake up.  That is your choice.  Some are waking up and enjoying the new energies while showing their gifts upon the Earth.  Some are Leaders and putting forth the movements of Love within everyone’s hearts.  Some are wayshowers and are in the silent mode.  And then some refuse to believe that they are part of a Greater Whole.

All of these are choices in each moment.  In this moment we ask of you to fully be in your present state of consciousness and then slowly move it up a few notches.  We bring to you the Platinum Ray of the Cosmic energies to assist you in this process.  Feel beyond your present thoughts and move into your higher essence which for some of you may be easy and others a bit challenging.  See beyond your physicality and know that you are here to make a difference.  To share with others, your heart, your life, and your knowledge.  Each of you has something to give to one another and now is the time.  The Time of Awakening.

Stay within that for a moment and experience this bliss of contentment you are feeling.  Let us share this with the world of Planet Earth.  Take a deep breath and send it to all of the people from the tragedy of 911 who are still hurting deeply.  Let us center into New York City and beyond.  Let us go to the government, the leaders of this world.  Let us send it into each corner of the globe and let them feel Oneness even if for a small microsecond.  A flash of light will occur within their mind and they may just feel this bliss even if only a moment and thinking it is in their mind.

Let us know bring the energies back into the present state of awareness.  As we sit in this temple together we are One.  There is no division between us.  There is only this moment in time for us to change what has been happening.  You cannot change it by arguing with one another about what happened; we can only infuse the Light Within and then everything is different.

Breathe deeply and allow these elements to be within you on this day.

We are happy to be here in this moment.

We are the Cosmic Great Central Sun at your service,

Divine Mother and Divine Father in Oneness

I AM that I AM

You ARE that You ARE

We are ONE

In the Name of the Holy God of Hosts

In the Name of YHWH

Blessed Be to All.

Note:  Stay in the temple as long as you would like but when it is time to return:

Intend to return out of the Temple through the Garden, across the Rainbow Bridge and back to your Merkabah Vehicle.  See yourself back in your present awareness and ground your energies.

It has been a pleasure to connect in this way on this day to each of you and all of the Souls of 911 & Beyond.  Creating this meditation weekly has changed my life in so many ways.  It is a pleasure to connect with the individuals that come onto the call, to hear the comments from people around the world that are affected by the energies, but most of all, to have a personal relationship with these souls.

Thank you for being here with me.

Blessings in Oneness,

Rev Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

If you are interested in reading or listening to the weekly calls:

Join us Monday evenings at 8 PM EST, 218.862.7200, #572094

ascension, Earth Healing, Golden Era, Healing, lost souls, Soul connection, spirituality, white light

Healing Myself, Healing Others

On July 16th six years ago my sister, Cindy, left this earth plane with an extremely tired and diseased body from Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in her lungs.  Cindy was 14 years older than myself and had a tendency to be what she thought was a 2nd mother to me.  We definitely had our good and bad times.

Yesterday being her anniversary I had been getting the pull to visit her grave site which I barely do since I did not feel as close to her as my parents.  Her daughter, Jane, was away for the week so I felt it my duty to do so in her honor.  For two days I had been weepy about my own personal feelings with events happening in my life.  I did not attribute her passing as part of my emotional feelings.  Little did I know what Spirit had in store for me.

In the morning before I left for the cemetery, Cindy came to me and said these words, “I need your help.  I am not doing well.”  I looked at her energy and it seemed gray, like she had dropped her frequency several notches.  I immediately called on assistance of Lord Michael and his legion of light to clear any debris that she had endured.  She told me that she had been assisting someone close to the family and had fallen prey to lower energies.  I immediately started to see a change within her as Michael assisted with the clearing and rejuvenation energies.

I stopped and bought Gerber Daisies for her as daisies were her favorite.  They were a light pink color and six blooms in the bunch which to me represented family connection (the number 6).  It was a very hot day and I arrived right at 12 Noon.  I was unsure about finding her site as the cemetery is very large and winds around the property with lakes in the middle of it.  Usually it can be flooded and very unkept but on this day, it was amazing.  The fountain in the middle of the lake was even running which I have not seen for many years.  My grandparents are also laid to rest in the same spot.

As I got out of my car, I saw that my grandfather’s site had a flag and emblem in the ground.  The county had honored my grandfather, Albert Burling, with a memorial flag from the Veteran’s Society.  I do not remember if he was in the service but Pete was very prominent in the county of Camden as a lawyer, senator, and in the supreme court in NJ.  That started the energy of feeling there was something special occurring.  He passed away 50 years ago.  I was feeling all of my family in Spirit and then more.  I went over to Cindy’s site and laid the flowers around her grave marking.  Her first husband, Jim is also there next to her so I mentioned his name also.

Usually I am very leery of cemeteries as being one who is very open to many dimensions, many times these souls like to hang around me.  It can take quite a bit of work to make sure the souls are going into the Doorway of Light.  I had fully protected myself before entering this space and felt different somehow.  I said some prayers to Cindy and asked that she move through the consciousness of the Innerplane or dimensional levels to higher space.  I immediately saw that her energies had changed drastically in the last couple of hours and felt pleased.

As I was standing there, I was crying and feeling the loss of the eldest sister who was the Matriarch of the family.  Since her passing along with my parents shortly thereafter, the family unit has split apart.  I attribute this to my own healing and the separation that has needed to happen.  But on this day I felt more united to family members than I have in several years.  I looked up and around and saw all these souls just looking.  I always carry many energies with me of the Brotherhood of White Light and many were there, but this was different.  These were the lost souls living in this cemetery and they were not bothering me, just standing, waiting.  I knew something was transpiring so I tuned inwards and asked that a Doorway of Light be opened up onto the property for the next 48 hours.  With this statement I saw this massive amount of energy be fully activated upon the land and it went far and wide.  I started singing the voices of the angels:

“We are the angels of the Light, we are here to assist, please come with us to your home and we will help you.  Holy God of Hosts that we are.  We are one, come now.”  It continued for some time and my voice became very high-pitched so I knew that the highest beings were assisting.  It only lasted for but a minute or so.  I stood there and saw all of these souls fully going through the doorway.  Streams of them, ready to be where they were intended to be in the beginning of their journey out of the body.  I looked around and there is not a human being except me, the Light, the souls, my family and the land.  I took a sigh of relief as I felt a huge cloud had been lifted off of me.

I walked back towards my car which was only a few steps.  As I did so, a huge earth mover truck came by and the gentlemen inside smiled and gave me a nod of acceptance.  When interactions like this occur, I always take notice as I felt he was sent to me either via an angel, a Light Being, or ascended master acknowledging my Life.  There definitely was something very different with him and we somewhat smiled as he passed.  I walked down towards the pond with the fountain and felt such peace everywhere.  I returned to my car and realized that I needed to do more.

I had just received a book on Decrees in which I picked this specific one to read aloud:

“Resurrection Flame”

Beloved might victorious I AM Presence, beloved Ascended Masters Mary and Jesus, thy Resurrection Flame in and through us surge and sweep in, sweep in,

They full resurrection

All of thy perfection

Thy perfect health maintain

And in us ever reign.

Thy perfect comfort give

And make us fully live.

Give us they perfect ease,

And hold eternal peace.

I AM the resurrecting  this body into perfection

I added:

You are the resurrection onto perfection into the Heavens.

As I looked up, I saw three geese flying overhead.  Geese represents teamwork, communication, and fellowship  and three birds flying together always mean “In Spirit”.  I also felt it could have been Cindy and both of my parents, Mollie and Art acknowledging me.

I said, “thank you, thank you,” with tears flowing down my face.

All of a sudden I felt my overhanging deep energies fully gone.  I drove out of the cemetery with peace within my heart.  I looked everywhere and say the white light filtering through all of the grave sites and felt pleased.  I realized that I had been preparing for two days to go on this journey of Light.  I felt I had been working on the Innerplane in other dimensional frequencies so this work could be performed.

Cindy said to me, “I was not allowed to convey to you the real purpose of your visit.  Thank you.”  You just never know how Spirit is going to put you in a place where you are most needed.  On this day I was reminded of a comment in one of my Ascension group channelings:

“Christine, from this point forward, your life is no longer your own, in a physical sense.  Be prepared to move when necessary and do the work for the Greater Good.”

I am honored that I am able to do this work and share with each of you, my journeys of helping to Create Heaven on Earth.


Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Ordained Teacher of Ascension

Divine Language Network