2023, ascension

2023 is THE YEAR for Becoming More In your Spiritual Advancement: Here is What Many Lightworkers Don’t Know About True Ascension

Article by Rev. Michael Ara Hayden | 26 min read | To listen to this as audio click here

We all know that not everyone on the planet believes in Ascension. In fact, the vast majority think you are a little bit off the beaten path if you spout such crazy talk. Or maybe they think you are totally out of your mind.

They say, “Life is life and things can’t change that much.” They say you are not going to step into a Magical New Reality of an Ascended Earth where there really is Global Peace, and All People are able to live a life in Joy and Happiness. They say to you that is just a Delusion.

And when they say those things, you feel a little disrespected. And also, maybe a little depressed.

Depressed that they don’t feel as Hopeful as you. Depressed that they can’t find it in their own hearts to Believe like you do.

Yet, the biggest disappointment to your own heart, is that they seem to be choosing a reality that is, well, depressing.

That’s because you are a True Believer. You just KNOW it is Earth’s DESTINY.

You are 100% convinced in your bones that Ascension is REAL.

But is it?

The “they” who discount the potential of a higher evolved humanity are not all wrong: life is life and it really cannot magically SHIFT into a New Reality. But at the same time, you are not wrong either.

Ascension is real. It just is not what you think it is.

I am going to share with you some rare information on the actual vibrational truth of Ascension Mastery in life and living. Let’s call it doing some Myth-Busting and Reality-Checking regarding Ascension.


The Social Media feeds and channeled articles for Lightworkers, Wayshowers, and New Age believers is overflowing with Positivism for the Ascension Energies. Here are the headliner messages being shared (which have not changed very much in the last 30 years since I have been reading them):

“Love and Light has Won”, “The New Age is Here”, “You are Source”, “All Discord Will Work Out As You Are In The Higher Realms”, “You Are Here As An Embodiment of the Christ Consciousness to Help Earth”, “Our Karmic Debris Has Cleared”, “The Promised Land of True Salvation Has Arrived Due To Your Hard Work”, “You Are Now Multidimensional”, “The Dark Cannot Help But Fail As They Have Already Lost”, “Do Not Be In Fear, Be Patient, As You Have Already Won”, “We Have Never Been So Close to the Boundary of Tipping Into 5D”, “Ascension Is Yours and You Don’t Need To Do A Thing Other Than BE YOURSELF!”, “Abundant Life is your Birthright”.

So, permit me to ask you a personal question, and first I ask of you to cooperate on doing a tiny exercise. In a moment I will be asking you to reread that paragraph above, not yet though. First, before you read over that paragraph a second time, take a deep breath and tap into your feelings first. Get an idea for how words effect your emotional self. To do this your emotional part of you needs to be very present. Ask your emotional self to be present in your consciousness (literally, I mean say this to yourself): I ask and command my emotional self to be 100% present in my awareness right now so that I can feel it fully.

Now go ahead and slowly re-read the above text in that bolded paragraph again.

My question is this: How do you FEEL after reading it? Digest those feelings for a moment more so you know how you feel. Reread it if needed.

Now, one of two things is happening for you: you are feeling AMAZINGLY HOPEFUL because those statements are as POSITIVE as POSITIVE can be about the state of human life on earth…,

Or you are feeling indifferent toward them because you do not believe them very much.

If you are indifferent or disbelieving, you are somewhat of a realist and accept that life as you see it on earth is not without hardship and tragedy. (It does not mean you accept that it can’t be changed however, as that is a pessimist, and you are not at all one.)

If you are feeling hopeful, you are somewhat of an idealist and possibly could also be classified as a “lightworker”, which means you “are into” the hopeful positive messages of the New Age (of Aquarius) and desire to live by those ideals. You are wired that way, and it really is, a good thing you are.

This article is good to read for a realist, as it busts many Ascension myths. Primarily it is for those who resonate with being a “lightworker” because there are many things happening in that bolded paragraph about which they are unaware. And really need to know.

ASCENSION FACT: In terms of Ascension, most everything in that paragraph is FALSE. FAKE NEWS. NOT REALLY TRUE.

What! How can that be????

Well, first, I can tell you this: If you examine the entire population of Earth, and see the facts of wealth disparity across the globe, and see the truth of poverty, which means unbelievable material extravagance for a very, very, small few and, varying levels of incredible pain, suffering and hardship, for a very large majority, you have to face the truth: clearly Love has not won and the Dark has not lost.

Which, in terms of “lightworker think”, is an obvious reality check that “The Fifth Dimension” is nowhere near becoming a Reality on Earth.

There is no getting around this. And for many Lightworkers who read that above paragraph, and LOVED it, it IS DEPRESSING to see and, more importantly, FEEL that sadness of the REALITY OF EARTH.

That’s why that above paragraph, chock full of Positivism, is so inviting.

As catnip is so alluring to a kitten, Positivism is the Drug of Choice for the New Age. It is what I call the “Lightworker Trap”.

Here is what is really going on with most Lightworkers: You feel deep inside that if you do not embrace that Positivism you are giving up on HOPE.

I want to share with you that TRUE ASCENSION does exist. I want to share that there is very much a TRUE HOPE.

But, and this is hard for many lightworkers to hear: It is about facing the TRUTH of that HOPE for what it is, and for what it is not.

Part of that truth is realizing that embracing notions and ideals of FALSE POSITIVISM is not simply a mistake, it actually PREVENTS you from realizing the TRUTH OF ASCENSION. In other words, it really is a drug that places you into a delusional mental state, or more accurately, into a level of consciousness that is asleep all the while thinking it is very much “awake”.


Because you are right. You DO feel it in your bones. You know that YOU are THAT Hope.

But I don’t want you to think that the idea of you holding onto that HOPE is what is important.

No. You, personally, are THE HOPE for Earth.

However, in terms of Ascension, it is all about how you understand what it means to be the hope that makes ALL the difference when it comes to Ascension as BE-ING a Myth, or a Reality.

A cold hard truth to face: there is a tremendous effort by the DARK to take over your UNDERSTANDING of what you must do with that HOPE.

Which in turn means: taking control over what you will do for Ascension to manifest on Earth…

“Hope” can be a feeling, or it can be an ACTION.

And sadly, for most Lightworkers upon Earth currently, it remains a feeling, a belief. That above paragraph, and the feelings it creates are fueled through endless channeled messages and articles, but at the end of it all, that is all they are, “Positivism” without “True Ascension”.

Positivism is the one drug that creates a delusional reality where true Ascension will never happen, and it won’t happen by exactly the souls that are here to make it happen. You.


I can tell you “Ascension is Very Real”. It is just not the version of Ascension you have been lead to believe in.

You have been lied to and misled. And in a very sophisticated way. There are thousands of channeled materials that circulate among the “alternative news” that Lightworkers seek out.

Trust me, I know.

Within those articles, those “sources of information”, there might be 90% to 95% of intellectual truth to them. (Note the use of the word “intellectual”). They are just so full of ideas that are exciting.

But then, there is also hidden within that truth a lie. A deep fake as it were, a lie that even the channel does not know is there. It is a hidden message that directs you in such a way as to totally derail real Ascension.

It, the lie, is maybe just 5% of the full text of the message. Yet that 5% is hidden and lost, covered over by the power of the emotional impact of how that channeling MAKES YOU FEEL.

100% of the time, how it makes you feel is GOOD. And with that good feeling you then accept the overall information, including the lie, as it gets right past your ability to have true discernment.

MYTH: YOU don’t need to do anything other than be your God Created Self, as YOU ARE SOURCE, and by using all your Gifts for Good, lo and behold, Ascension happens.

We know. That Myth sounds GOOD, right? How else could Ascension happen?

Well, not so fast. Yes, you ARE GOD CREATED, YOU ARE SOURCE but you are ALSO a soul living in a third dimensional reality.

A Higher Being of Light does not LIVE in a 3D reality. So there is literally something “weighing you down”, otherwise you would not be here in the third dimensional construct reading these words.

It is very (I think I should say VERY) important that you really digest what I just wrote. If you were all LOVE and LIGHT, you would not ever need to incarnate as a 3d human being.

Being human is all about having an opportunity to heal the soul from the “weight” that “holds it down”, which is something that in Ascension Mastery is called KARMA.


Here are the true facts of Ascension, and be aware, emotionally you may not want to agree with these based on the “facts” as you have been given them by all those other “sources” you have been reading and digesting as a lightworker, so try and keep an open heart, even if it hurts your ego a little based on the “ideas of Ascension” that you already liked very much:

    • Ascension is not about the mental mind. That is the masculine dominance that this earth has been under for eons of time. Instead it is about the Divine mind, and that part of you has never been accepted into your physical existence. (If it had, you would not be in human form upon Earth.) Most all channeled New Age material feeds your intellect and fills it up with mental curiosities like space/time insights, it answers questions and gives advice, and most importantly it tells you how you are doing as a Soul, or how a specific collection of Souls (that is, the Lightworkers) are doing. It does this because you are, for want of a better word, mental. You are what you eat, and on this planet using your mental mind is what we do and have done for thousands of years. Everyone knows the DARK suppressed the Feminine Divine. SO, it is a Myth to think that “mental” materials will help you to stop being mental. No, instead they keep you being mental. And, therefore, keep you from accessing your higher feminine intuition because you become locked into “intuition as mentally derived”. (Which many think is their feminine side.) To help see an example of allowing the higher feminine intuition, I share my own experience as a “lightworker”: I was addicted to reading these messages of “hope” for well over a decade and a half. I read everything there was to find from any and all channels. They really had me believing that life on earth was improving and the Light was winning. Not only that I went to many healers. I traveled, sometimes multiple times, to sit in front of famous New Age gurus, individuals like Barbara Brennan, Kryon, Adyashanti, The Group, Mooji, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, and many others, not to mention listening and reading online, sometimes actual book volumes, from the likes of Art Bell, Dr. Steven Greer and David Wilcock, not to mention before all that, reading Michael Murphy’s The Future of the Human Body, and a great deal of Sturt Wilde, seeing movies like The Secret and What the Bleep, the Matrix, Inception. I mean, I was in it. Then one day I read a new message channeled just the day before, and I realized it was pretty much the same exact message I had read over 14 years ago. I realized in that moment something did not feel right. I realized there was actually no new news after all those years. Nothing had really changed. I had thought I was awake and aware, but that moment was my true awakening. I finally FELT the VIBRATIONAL TRUTH, not the truth I WANTED, but the real truth of what was going on. It had been covered over by the desire and excitement of what I had been reading and experiencing in a mass “group think” or “mass feeling hypnosis”.

That happened for me in 2010. Imagine how many more messages of the same type as that bolded paragraph above that are out there now over a decade later, endlessly just repeating the same thing, having people think real Ascension change is happening.

What I have seen firsthand in teaching real Ascension practices is that most of humanity does not actually know what their higher feminine intuition feels like and instead simply relies on how things FEEL in the physical self, (i.e., if it feels right and resonates, it’s all good, which is so accurate in a 3d sense, yet so inaccurate in a 5d sense).

    • Ascension is deeply personal. All the great Masters (think of Lao Tzu, Confucius, Lord Buddha, Master Yeshua, or the many India saints such as Babaji, Paramhansa Yogananda), including the information found in the Upanishads, Bible, the Koran and many other spiritual sources, encourage the “inner journey” as the path to Enlightenment. It has always been “known” to us that the “inner road” is the only real road of Spirituality. But such a path is actually never pretty. It never makes you “FEEL GOOD” as it is about removing all the delusions held in the personality that separate YOU as a SOUL from the true essence of GOD realization. And having your delusions ripped away is one of the most traumatic events that anyone can experience. It is not at all something that can be covered over by “Positivism”. One of those BIG delusions is that you are here to SAVE EARTH. You are here to save earth, but not by changing others, or, getting them to “awaken”. You must change yourself first. As Master Mahatma Gandhi said, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him… We need not wait to see what others do.” Yet, concerning how to change yourself into a person who holds an actual higher vibrational truth within the full physicality of who you are, that change he speaks about is a profound and tremendous act. It takes literally years and years of serious dedicated effort. It does not just happen by getting an attunement to upgrade your DNA strands. Instead, you need to clear out the dark parts of your earthly soul that had you incarnate here to begin with. And that HAS to be done PERSONALLY using your little used DIVINE SELF. And just as it has always been, only you can walk that walk. Yes, the teachers can guide you, but such a walk has to be your own doing as they cannot do it for you.
    • Ascension is actual real work and not created by intentions. There is an old saying, “The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions”, or “Hell is full of Good Meanings and Wishes.” Humans have always striven to hold good thoughts, it’s what we do. Very rare is the evil villain of the comic books or movies, the “Dr. Evil” who sets out to do evil. Instead the personality self does what it thinks is right. And ends up doing evil as a result. The now infamous “Corporate Villains” actually feel that humanity needs guidance and leaders who will “help them help themselves” such that any byproducts (i.e., pollution, chemicals) of “giving consumers what they want” are simply what is necessary to accomplish that goal. Otherwise “the people” would not buy what they are selling. In other words, most employees of such corporations hold a “high intention of service” for what they do. And yes, by performing that service they get to earn a living, some of them will even make lots of money. But the money is not what helps them sleep soundly at night (that just makes them more comfortable). No, it is the belief system that they are just doing what they are being asked to do by the customer. More importantly, they get to see what they do and believe, in terms of intention and belief, that what they do is Good (and responsible), and that “doing good” in turn helps the personality self to FEEL GOOD about itself. And yes, some corporation leaders are now striving to look at a bigger picture, and are seeking to serve humanity as a whole, not just their customers. In this example what I am doing is just pointing out the mindset of intentions VERSUS actions. Actions are what they are. In my example, “serving the consumer” is the Intent, but as a “act” (end result of actions), it is actually not always historically creating the best results in terms of preventing harmful side effects to humanity or the planet. Concerning Ascension, YOU as a person can’t just “Intend” that a New Earth will happen as long as you are GOOD and BELIEVE. The “fact” is, you need to get down and dirty into the inner work of removing almost everything inside you that has you feeling all those dark things you pretend are not there. Because as an Ascension Teacher, I know they are. I see it all the time in Lightworkers. You do have ANGER. You do have FEAR. And those feelings are the REAL ENEMY of your achieving any progress within true ASCENSION.
    • Ascension can only be taught by those who have Ascended. Taking driving lessons from a guy who has never sat behind the wheel of an automobile is not only silly, it’s very dangerous. People will get hurt. Humanity as a whole has not Ascended. We exist in a lower frequency in a collective dimensional reality of our own Group Soul’s Collective Karma. It is just a fact. Individuals, and in the quantity of a very few, have Ascended. They are known as the Ascended Masters. They walked the Earth as a human for 100’s of lifetimes, just as you. They made all the same mistakes you do. They felt all the lower emotions you do. They wanted to change the world — even make it change — just as you have tried (or you are still trying). They know exactly what it takes to transform themselves, as they did it. They speak from experience. Here is something most lightworkers do not know: what they have to say is not going to make you FEEL GOOD. That is not the goal. As Yogananda wrote, the job of a saint [the Indian Guru or Ascended Master] is to tell you what others will not, as it is the saint who can see the truths that you do not. Yet. Please don’t fall into the ego trap of believing that if you read about such things, or hear the words of the Ascended Ones, that means you are “doing it”. That is not so, for if knowledge were the path to Enlightenment, every person in every town that has a library would be Enlightened.
    • Ascension is actually a Frequency. It really is Vibratory. Imagine that there was something like those airport scanners you walk through that could perceive specific vibrating frequencies within you. What would it see? Would it clearly show a black spot where you held the anger you had for a wrong done to you? Imagine that it does. Then imagine that only people who don’t have such spots on the screening are allowed through. The truth is, concerning Ascension, very few, maybe less than 100 people upon earth would get through. That’s because the black spots of darkness are so pervasive within human beings, it is WHY you are here on earth, in a 3d reality. Lord Melchizedek has shared in our teachings that each person on earth has had many many lifetimes, maybe well over 200. Old souls can have many more, many hundreds. In those lives, humans have what are called “moments in time” in each lifetime. Those moments are choice points that occur in any lifetime that resulted in creating positive karma or in creating negative karma. To be more specific, every such moment is termed “a timeline”, which means that specific positive or negative moment that has an impact emotionally and mentally on that individual. Suppose in one lifetime you were in great fear and failed to defend a friend who was being bullied. As a Soul, you are not judged, but that would still be a lost opportunity to be have done better, and so it would carry some negative timeline energy for you as a Soul. It would go into the very fabric of who you are in that time/space as a soul. He also shared that being human gives one the opportunity to rectify those timelines better than any other form of incarnation. And that is because Earth is so toxic energetically that it is the one place where you can “prove” your light under great duress. Concerning “Timelines”, the Ascension Fact is this: the average human being holds a range of 95%-98% “dark timelines”. As a Soul who accumulated them over hundreds of lifetimes, that could represent many thousands of moments where choices were made from the perspective of physical existence, out of fear, hate, anger, etc. The flip side? Very few humans have “light timelines that exceed 5%”. Those are truths of vibration that can’t be escaped. As a soul, what “FEELS GOOD” to you is based on what that soul experienced in prior lifetimes and LIKED. When you stole the rich mans grain and gave it to your village, it FELT GOOD. But that does not mean it was the most productive spiritual solution to what you wanted to do. It may have seemed you were correcting unfairness at that moment, but you still handled it in a manner that caused you a dark timeline. I am sharing this truth because as a person, you have to delve deep into that… If you have 95% Dark Timelines, of course certain things resonate with you today based on who you are as a soul. That does not mean they are the right things for Ascension. Which means what FEELS GOOD today for you, may not be spiritually Good for you. Ascension means rectifying those timelines to become almost the complete opposite of what they are now, flipping it to 5% dark and 95% light. THAT is a GREAT CHALLENGE.


I have shared this before: 2012 was actually an EVENT. Every year since is another huge increase in the Spiritual Energies that are being projected for Humanity to step into. Each year is truly another BIG Ascension GATE. But it really only benefits the person who is living the Ascension Mastery way of life, that is, the one who is actively practicing and studying how to “do Ascension” for real. For the rest of humanity, including “awakened” Lightworkers, yes, these Big energetic Gates (like the year 2012, and the year 2000 before that, and the 1987 Harmonic Convergence prior to that), do help you. But in terms of actually changing your VIBRATION, it turns out these energies might at best give you a passive .01% to .02% boost -per year- to help heal those dark timelines.

Now, think on that… if you were lucky enough to already be “awake and aware” as a soul back in 1987, and if, as we now know, you do now need 75% of your Dark Timelines of Karma rectified to Ascend as a soul from 3d to 5d, (that is, taking that 2% to 5% of Light -Christed- Timelines and increasing it up to 75%, while at the same time, HEALING YOUR KARMA, that 95%–98% of Dark -non-Christed- Timelines to become reduced/healed down to 25% only), then it means you may have passively gained maybe a total karmic boost over those 35 years (1987 to 2022) of 4%, 5% at best. You can’t Ascend on that.

That is how TRUE ASCENSION works.

Ascension is therefore a BIG deal. Yet, exactly why and how is not at all what is being shared in most places, most of the time, within the New Age community.

I can share with you that hardly any Lightworker, (or similar type person who believes in the New Age), whom I have ever met has ever wanted to accept the fact that TRUE ASCENSION is a huge undertaking and great deal of work.

I can assure you, true Ascension cannot be a passive action or one based only on the thoughts and feelings of “lightwork”. I did that for 15 years before finding “real Ascension”.

For my soul’s pathway, I may have needed those 15 years to help me to “awaken” to what I did not know. But then again, maybe it took me that long because I was just not willing to let go of the ego identification boosting I got from holding onto the belief system ideals I felt were so important to my identity as a person. Or maybe, what was so important was my desire to so deeply hold onto FEELING HOPE where nothing else did. I was certainly into all that POSITIVISM. The alternative was very depressing.


True Ascension Mastery, that is the actual action of doing Ascension practice daily, is extremely rare. It requires that an individual take a real direct personal investment in themselves as a Spiritual Being, first and foremost above their 3d self desires and beliefs.

So let’s look at 3d life. How does life, as most of you reading this live it, allow for real Spiritual Advancement?

I am not speaking about religious advancement. Religions have been around for thousands of years. All souls have lived many lifetimes, and that means they have participated in one or many of them in their various lives (remember, 100’s of lifetimes). Religions are 3d creations and serve a great purpose for many souls. But, consider that even the religions that do speak about Ascension (for the certain special souls that they cite as having achieved it), they still do not teach their followers how those special individuals specifically achieved Ascension. Religions are not about the teachings of Ascension, they are about the teachings of Religion.

So, when I speak of real Spiritual Advancement, I mean in terms of the actual vibratory frequency of your soul in literal terms of “karmic weight”, which is the ratio of Light and Dark energies you hold. And as you inhabit a physical vehicle (the body), that means “physically hold” within that vehicle.

If we consider all the many aspects of the standard 3d life that act to build up or reinforce our “dark” timelines, versus the aspects that build up or reinforce the “5d” “light” timelines, it is very clear that the 3d dominates.

Digital media, television, movies, music, entertainment. Food, drink, restaurants, exercise. Even books and articles are created from the 3d mindset (like just what I am writing here). Consider how much of your day requires you to interact or be part of those energies. Earlier I referred to being an employee. That counts too. As do the interactions you have with other people (family, friends, acquaintances, strangers) and the energies that are exchanged between you when you are with them. Lets not forget Social Media and what gets “fed” into “you” by the “feed”. All of these activities, which are really all energies, meaning a collection of frequencies, have only a tiny minuscule portion that is about the deeper truths of healing your Karma as a soul to such an extent that you could achieve Ascension. Karmic healing does happen but only to the same degree that it has always happened for souls. At best, the higher cosmic energies that I shared earlier will give a person only a slight boost in their soul’s progress or advancement. Most all that is left is 3d energies. And lots of it.

As many other so called “awake and aware” individuals have shared, the 3d is literally a form of mass programming that keeps a person lulled into staying in it. Yet the irony is most all “awake and aware” individuals are only pretending to themselves that they are “above” it. Objectively, how are the “awake and aware” any different than those they say are “asleep” when you look at it all in terms of 3d interaction?

Everyone of us is living the same energetics. We all live in the 3d.

Now there is such a thing as “asleep” souls. All it means is they have no interest in Ascension. They are “unaware” that as a soul there is so much more for them.

For unaware souls, the 3d life is just too distracting for them even to consider that there is more to their existence.

Yet, for most all “awakened” souls, the untruths and falsehoods within the Lightworker/New Age propaganda materials are just as powerful emotionally and mentally to allow for anything else to be considered. It is a form of “group-think”, tribal (tribe) exclusivity that reinforces positivism feelings over the truth of quite uncomfortable self-revelation. Very few lightworkers see past it.

Why? The answer is very deep and very existential. If we look at it from the perspective of a human who reincarnates 100’s of times, as a soul within a physical vehicle they each develop some pretty entrenched habits.

It is a huge amount of 3d energies that one gets VERY USED TO LIVING IN.

Which brings me to another True Fact of Ascension: If you are “doing” real Ascension, many of the 3d activities that you now enjoy and desire to pursue and engage in doing (as the many ways in which you identify what makes you “you”) will begin to seem as not being so important anymore.

And that 3d part of you that fears it will lose itself is 100% correct. 

If you start to achieve Ascension, your third dimensional ego self personality will become significantly diminished. Many of those 3d activities and pursuits will seem like something you used to do. You remember them as enjoyable but you are now also aware of the true energetics of the full scope of them in terms of the quantum energy dynamics they encompassed. That is, you no longer just remember or are attracted to the “idea” of them as being fun, you instead also see how they actually interact with your full energy system, the truth of the energetics of the broader reality.

Which also means, quite honestly, from the perspective of the higher self looking “down” on the lower self (of the 3d), it is obvious that the 3d part of you is terrified that it will cease to exist. Because “it” will lose what makes “it” who “it” is as a physical personality.

Now tap into that truth.

So again, I ask you to take a deep breath. Settle the impression. How does hearing that FEEL?

No way you are going to “leave” 3d, right?

Look I have been there and I know.

“Doing” Ascension is going to be terrifying to those 3d parts of you (which naturally, as a human, is what makes up most of the psyche of your identity as a person presently). And that is scary.

The 5d reality is that you actually still are you. You just are less of the ego driven you, and more of the spiritually balanced you. It is very profound on the one hand, and not very profound on the other, as, just like you no longer think of yourself as a child, you will still feel “like you” only as someone with more wisdom and growth in life. Yet, it makes all the difference in the world in terms of your level of consciousness and Who You Are as a person.

Never forget that fear is because your 3d-ness knows nothing of the truth of your Divinity that lies on the other side of the Veil, which is the reality of 5d. You really do have a Higher Self, a Monad of 11 other Higher Selves, and a Group Higher Soul Essence of 12 Monadic Souls (which means you are 1 of 144 collective Higher Self Souls), who are ALL IN YOUR CORNER to assist you in doing this.

And then, lets not forget there is the entire community of Ascended Souls and Masters.

Your 3d physical personality self just can’t see them or relate to them.

Since your present level of consciousness (3d self) wants that “material verification” in order to trust and have faith, it finds it very hard to believe in them. (Which is what it will always struggle with, as that is all it knows.)

Ascension is the practice of learning (and it takes real actual practice) that you need to start putting Faith and Trust in your Higher Truth. A Truth you will not ever get “verification” from by the mental mind of the physical self.


I can share with you, that even if you are one of the few who does see the truth about the “Lightworker Trap” and are diligent within your self-discovery, I can assure you that the energies to come as part of Ascension (increasing your vibration of your Light body), will indeed more than ever, test your dedication and courage to stand strong in what you are learning as that initiate and who you are in your soul’s truth.

Because: Ascension Energies are real.

That tiny 1% (at best) of new energy hitting the planet, in relation to the history of human existence as we have known it over millenniums of time, is, by comparison, very STRONG. It has to be to in order to help you raise your consciousness from one dimensional level to another. (And don’t forget, there is the 4th dimension to get through too). So once you step into Ascension, you open your soul’s pathway to become more aware of the higher frequencies. As that happens, you will need to strive greatly to hold onto them.

Because, conversely, there is also so much going on in the world that will pull you away from the higher pathway of your Soul’s Truth, such that if you are not extremely diligent in your Ascension practices, will cause you to slowly slip and slide back into the same 3d consciousness that most every human is experiencing now. The political situation in the USA, the climate changes, other disasters, hate and shootings, the renewed conflict or war between countries… each post and news story you read does absolutely chip away at the higher consciousness energies you may have attempted to create within yourself. It is just how energy vibration and consciousness energy.

As I have often shared, holding onto the progress you have achieved as an initiate in true Ascension Mastery work is not a given, and it is not easy to do even if everything was calm on our planet which is most certainly not the case.

Remember “Ascension” is the act of creating a “dimensional shift” of consciousness. As stated, that requires a HUGE FORCE in itself.

In this case YOU are that FORCE.

So for those who are “into” Ascension but are not finding it quite daunting, know that you are not really “doing” it.

For those that are, know that the very challenge, if accepted at the soul level, is yet another reason to never allow your lower self-ego to buy into those fears and retreat back into the 3d saying, “Ascension’s not really for me.” I see that happen quite a lot. And it is not uncommon to have such a reaction when pursuing a higher spiritual reality, as even the movie The Matrix has that one character who says, “put me back into the Matrix and have me forget all this”.

Rather it is, and it requires, the most adamant certainty that “Ascension is my Birthright” to become your clarion call of spirit. Unequivocally so.

The truth of Ascension is that this challenge will not become any easier in our future. In fact, there is a “building effect” of these energies, as the Cosmic Frequencies are putting great pressure on Humanity to awaken Spiritually into Oneness.

If you are just awakening right now, that energetic weight of the previous infusions of Cosmic Frequency are real. You do tap into it and feel it positively. Yet at the same time, it pushes on you. Such that you are feeling the full weight of a potentially 3 or 4% of Cosmic Force of Light pushing against your dense vibration of the dark timelines you hold. Even though you may just have awakened as a soul in 2012, (or even 2022), and might not have had the opportunity to rectify much of your karma yet, you can still feel the pressure, and it actually feels exponentially strong this lifetime.

Quantumly speaking, it is a huge pressure on your Soul’s Psychology (which is what Ascension Mastery is really about balancing and healing). That pressure is something the 3d self wants to run from and is why many Lightworkers are retreating into the fantasy world of magical thinking and positivism. It just feels better.

But as Soul’s incarnate and awaken to True Ascension, eventually the pressure (or the awareness that they have been lied to about Ascension) does get to be too much. When that happens, it results in either going into a huge depression, (like writing articles about how they Quit Being a Lightworker) and chucking the whole idea out the window to embrace 3d life fully; or, one feels a renewed sense of commitment to start on the actual path of doing the real work they became human to do: ascend in their consciousness to a higher level of existence.

Which brings me to this: I am a co-founder and leader of Walking Terra Christa and the Academy of New Earth Mastery in Vibratory Ascension. I helped create it in 2012 because I had great experience in being delusional myself about how to really co-create a New Earth within New Age thought. I got over those delusions finally. It is why I am sharing what I know and why I (along with Lady Mahlariessee, who is the one who taught me how to really awaken) write these words here for those that are also ready to do the same. We are pretty sure that what we know and teach you will not find elsewhere.

What I can say to humanity at large is this, especially those of you who are willing to concede there might be some real truth in what I am sharing about Ascension Mastery:

We are 100% invested that 2023 is going to be the year to make real gains in Ascension Spiritual advancement, which is directly for your own Soul’s Higher existence to become more of “you”! If you did awaken before, or around 2012, (or even in 2022), where do you feel you are now as a soul in your own evolution? Are you closer to becoming an Ascended Master walking the earth in your Higher Self essence in balance and a healed state of being? Or do you still struggle with all those 3d energies that drag you down? Or, are you just pretending you are “doing” Ascension, just as I was?

Because… heads up… this year is a huge spiritual opportunity to do so… as a “7” year in numerology, it matters in terms fo the supportive energy of the universe. That same “7 Frequency of Spirituality” vibration of the next grand opportunity is not until 2032.

We invite you to look over our 2023 Open House program including the class from last week (which is a great example of what we mean when we say real Ascension Training has to be a vibration that you feel).

As one person put it:
“I thank you very much for this recording of this class!! I have already enjoyed 2 times the exquisite and refined energies being channeled, which have left me in a heightened state of gratitude and inner contemplation, for so much love, for so much light and for the ineffable blessings received. From my heart, a thousand thanks for such a beautiful divine gift!
Blessings!!” (Click here to listen to the Cosmic Oneness Recording)

Updated from an article published at https://walkingterrachrista.com on January 24, 2020.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved.

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