Ascend Earth, ascension ceremony




at 9:00 AM (Pacific time) on
SEPTEMBER 16th 2023 to collaborate in a Blessing Activation for Humanity and Mother Earth!


Participation will assist in ACTIVATING the highest creative level from the Cosmic Source of Oneness to become enhanced and grounded into the Heart of Gaia through each listener’s own consciousness. Certain human’s have held the role of GUARDIAN OF GAIA ever since the origins of humanity. Indigenous peoples across the planet knew of this SACRED PACT within all their daily activities. It is time for EACH OF US to return once again into this SPIRITUAL role!

We recently had the opportunity to travel to a small town on the Oregon Coast of North America. Being farther up north along the United States pacific edge of the continent than Northern California, and combined with the Oregon leaders commitment to keeping their portion of the coastline as original as possible, it is considered to be more natural and less disturbed by human development. As a result, it is amazingly beautiful and pristine. Many visitors are enthralled by the vistas of the pacific northwest seaside coast with the many majestic rock formations that seem as if a giant was throwing chunks of a mountain into the surf. It leaves one in awe feeling the blessings of the Goddess of the Sea and the renewal of energies she brings forth.

Our visit was intended to reconnect with her inherent elements of rejuvenation and recuperation as we had not been to the ocean in three years.

But that was not our only purpose. Everywhere we go, any place in nature, any town, we are always first and foremost “walking” there as representatives of the spiritual hierarchy upon earth. Our lives are dedicated full-time to create the Divine Light of God upon Earth. Just as an artist who paints cannot look at a beautiful place in nature and not see it laid out upon the canvas, we are inseparable from our spiritual mission to bring higher consciousness to the planet.

We could not do this spiritual work if we also did not have the ability to “see beyond” the painting so to speak. While not many of those rare souls who are able to perceive into the darkness that lies on the other side of the veil ever really desire to speak about such things, it does not mean “it” is not there. It very much is.

On this “vacation trip” of a week to the shore, that darkness made itself very well known to us in a manner that we would not wish any human to have to go through. In many ways, our experience would rival any of the most intense  supernatural and otherworldly scary movies that humanity loves to experience “at a safe distance”. Only for us, it was many days of experiencing it, not just two hours.

While I am certain you are curious, the details of that story are not the reason for sharing about it. The reason for sharing is twofold:

First, the “beautiful nature” areas of Mother Earth are very pristine. As such, those ares can still hold layers upon layers of energy that is very raw and untamed. “Nature” areas can very much hold all the lower elements/emotions/entities of all the energies of everything that has been experienced in those areas. It does not matter if there are people living there.

What matters is what happened to the people who lived there historically, and how far back in time that can extend. In the case of the Oregon coast, in the recent past, maybe only 100 years ago or so, that pristine wilderness was also the place where native north American indigenous tribes were practically exterminated by settlers in an especially violent and puritanical manner.

The accumulation of all those tragic events does actually seep into the soil, not just physically, but etherically. The Earth has an “etheric body” just as you do. It is a record of her akashic experiences and as such, in addition to her joyful past, it also holds all her denser energetic disturbances.

Darkness attracts darkness, just as light attracts light. There are many dark forces that are drawn to take up an energetic residence in areas where they feel welcomed.

All those lower energies must be healed, which often involves shamanic removal. Most people would not think of this Project in those terms, yet it is very much part of the process. It is partially why we created the Ascend Earth Project back in 2017. We knew of what we dare not speak.

And we knew the only way to heal such places in a much more profound manner was by using the Higher Frequencies of Light within this project. A Project needed even more so today than ever, as Earth’s etheric body is in a stage of releasing these stuck energies.

Five years ago when we started this project, we thought that you each could just learn to set up Ascension Column Pillars of Light and that you would recharge them weekly yourselves using our audio recording.

We did not fully anticipate, nor realize how important it was, that in order to be successful in setting them up and recharging them, one needed to be able to pierce the veil of the 3d reality, to not only be able to perceive the columns of light themselves, but also be very capable of feeling the truth concerning exactly what it was that they were healing upon the earth.

In other words, hardly any of the individuals who joined us in the Ascend Earth Project knew the energetic truth concerning pristine areas of nature (or close to nature) settings. The 3d veil hid all that.

Yet, ultimately, we learned it did not matter. The Columns were working because of the Ascend Earth live connections with us and Lord Ashtar’s Fleet. The active participation of everyone made a huge boost to how well they were able to intervene. Setting them up as best one could proved to be what is needed.

Second, in our story of what happened to us, it is important to share that we were greatly assisted by Lord Ashtar and the Christed Galactic’s of the Federation of Light. While they live in a reality that is of the 5th dimension and higher, they are very much real physical beings, ones who are just not perceivable within normal human abilities.

We are absolutely certain that without such assistance and intervention, things would have turned out much worse for us, and by extension, all of you who are holding forth these connections within these events to assist earth in her Ascension process through these group gatherings with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda. These beings, along with the Spiritual Hierarchy beings, assisted us to to dig deep in the face of great adversity when all hope seemed lost, to hold onto our faith and trust in our Divine Light, despite everything in our physical world appearing devastatingly insurmountable. They were our lifeline.

And they want to be yours.

Normal 3d people think that having a belief in Extraterrestrial life is crazy, let alone life in other dimensions. That is not our view, in fact, everything we teach is that higher planes of existence are very real. And that All those higher spiritual beings are ready and willing to help us.

If we meet them halfway. Or even just a little way. They can.

The reason is, they know that the Earth is a planet that is very dense. Nothing happens here unless we physically “move”, “act”, “create”. That “creation” can’t be left to others, nor to one’s imagination. The “dense-ness” of the 3d reality cannot shift until individual human souls shift first within, even if just a small group. But it must be real. It can’t be faked. It is Universal Law. This Ascend Earth Project was always intended to be that “true action”. Because, despite their strong desire to assist, the Christed Galactic’s are not allowed to intercede in human life until humans spiritually first connect to them through real human actions.

And now, five years later, we know that the Project certainly works. As individuals who are able to perceive a larger scope within human reality, we know that many of the destructive energies upon earth are much less devastating, or even non-existent, due to this Project.

Over the years we now also know that it is by your attending, through your timely re-listening, and through your active support of this Project, that is what is making the difference. We have a long way to go in the number of individual reading this article and desiring to participate, as we know not everyone is a true believer in their inherent role as a Spiritual Guardian of Earth and what that requires of them. For those that are, please join us live if you can! Details are at the link for connecting on your devices and finding your local timezone equivalent. (We will make the event audio recording available in the Meeting Resources section).


SEPTEMBER 16, 2023 9:00 AM PT

The Divine Language Network Encodingsm by Lady Mahlariessee to activate the spiritual action of Vibrational Ascension frequencies within the Rays of God.

Lord Sananda holds the Christed Spiritual Guidance within the Intergalactic Fleet of the Ashtar Command. Lord Ashtar is the Commander of the many starships within our area of the Milky Way Galaxy that are assisting Humanity to be guided and protected in order for Earth to become a Christed Fifth Dimensional Planetary System within the God Essence of Light through each Soul’s spiritual transformation. The Whales/Dolphins are the Planetary Guardians within the Oceans and Seas. These gatherings over the past five years have been awakening them to the concept that Humanity can also assist in that role and are no longer to be feared. Continually supporting and sharing this Project with others is of immense assistance. (https://Ascend.Earth)

We also wish to gratefully thank those who take action to share monthly donations. We know many individual’s think that since they are reading articles from us on the internet that we are a well funded global organization. We do have individuals who help repost our articles, but everything you experience is created by just the two of us, who live a very modest existence that requires great faith that we can continue holding these very unique special events and teachings for you.

In Blessings of Oneness,
– Rev. Christine Mahlariessee and Rev. Ara.

Original Material © Copyright 2003-2023 Divine Language Network and by Rev. Christine Mahlariessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!